Germany proposed "peaceful coexistence" of Russian and American gas

German oil and gas company Wintershall, which supplies gas from Russia, Norway and the Netherlands, proposed the idea of ​​how to "reconcile" pipeline gas from Russia with American liquefied natural gas (LNG). It should be noted that this company takes part in the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 project.

According to Wintershall experts, if the concept of "peaceful coexistence" of American and Russian gas is realized, it will be beneficial both for Germany and other countries that are members of the European Union.

The company’s website has published a document called “Gas Supply to Europe through LNG”. It says that Wintershall has a positive attitude to any possibility of importing gas, whether it be new pipelines or LNG terminals. It is noted that in Europe, the production of "blue fuel" is reduced. The drafters of the document believe that competition in the gas market can guarantee favorable prices for it. Now in the EU countries there are 24 terminals for liquefied natural gas, but they are less than thirty percent loaded. Therefore, there is no need to invest in new LNG projects. The share of LNG in the total amount of gas supplied to Europe is 16 percent.

The German company believes that "discrimination" of any kind of infrastructure is unacceptable. Equal requirements must be put forward for both LNG terminals and gas pipelines. And competition between the two types of gas should be based on market principles. The drafters of the documents criticized the fact that Washington threatens sanctions to those involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2.

It is proposed to use liquefied natural gas as fuel for heavy trucks and for sea transport. Thus, it can replace fuel oil and diesel fuel. This will have a positive effect on the environment. And the gas that comes through the pipes can be used for heating, to generate electricity, as well as raw materials for industry.
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  1. 0
    14 March 2019 17: 41
    -I already wrote in one of the topics .. that Germany wins and ... and all remains in chocolate ...
    - Cool ... - a layer of Russian chocolate and ... and a layer of American chocolate ...
    -And whose layer will be thicker ... -that America and Russia themselves are trying ... -A Germany ...- and Germany ...- just really loves chocolate ... -Hahah ...