Chinese "artificial Sun" will be ready this year

The search for alternative energy sources has become a priority for scientists from many countries of the world. And one of the most promising projects in this area belongs to researchers from China. So, since 2006, the city of Hefei has been developing the EAST apparatus, which should become nothing more than an “artificial Sun."

It is known that our star generates energy through nuclear fusion. Scientists from the Celestial Empire decided to recreate the process in terrestrial conditions by constructing a special chamber for this - a tokamak, in which the plasma is heated to record temperatures. Recall that in November last year, researchers managed to reach 100 million degrees Celsius.

However, as the representative of the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation Duan Xiuru reports, already this year the device will be able to “warm up” to the planned indicators, which will mean the end of its development. According to the information received, the plasma inside the EAST tokamak will be 7 times hotter than the solar core (about 15 million degrees Celsius).

If scientists succeed in achieving this goal, then humanity will receive a reliable template for creating thermonuclear reactors that will provide unlimited alternative energy to the entire planet. And, apparently, China is ready to finish the job, even despite the fact that one day of using the revolutionary apparatus costs $ 15.
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  1. 3vs
    11 March 2019 19: 39
    And what will the Chinese hold plasma in tens of millions of degrees Celsius?
    1. wax
      11 March 2019 21: 22
      In a magnetic field.
      But why the correspondent refers to the Celsius scale is a big question, since at millions of degrees, the Celsius scale practically coincides with the Kelvin scale (0 Kelvin is minus 273 Celsius), and in physics all temperatures "rise" from the Kelvin scale.
      1. 0
        12 March 2019 09: 31
        To make it easier for a simple layman
      2. +1
        April 5 2019 22: 52
        In a magnetic field? Is the magnetic field holding the plasma in the sun too? Almost 60 years they have been engaged in controlled fusion. And here is just a question of financing. They will finance, they will at least one hundred years deal with this myth!
  2. +1
    12 March 2019 09: 15
    15 thousand bucks is not much.
    And here China will soon overtake everyone?
  3. +1
    12 March 2019 13: 55
    In fact, Russia has long been supplying superconducting magnets, plasma heating devices, blankets and other high-tech equipment for the International Thermonuclear Reactor (ITER), due to which the share of financing of this project for Russia has been reduced very significantly. And China, which, incidentally, is also included in this project, is only experimenting with tokamaks? Well, the flag in his hands! laughing
  4. Ygm
    14 March 2019 11: 33
    From the point of view of energy production, this project is absolutely unpromising, and time has proved it.
    The mistake here is fundamental - the synthesis of matter WASTE energy, turning it into matter. And even if this very substance obtained immediately decomposes in an atomic explosion, then of course the energy released is always less than was expended.
    This is why scientists are doing all sorts of side things. But sooner or later they admit a mistake, because OBTAINING SUBSTANCE FROM ENERGY is also an extremely interesting process, "smelling like real witchcraft." You just need to RENAME the project.
    1. +1
      April 5 2019 22: 46
      Do they recognize? But what about budgets. )))))))) These noodles will be hung for more than one decade. No magnetic field can hold plasma in terrestrial conditions. Well, the Chinese also learn to "cast bullets." )))))) They will light the second sun. And hold the plasma by gravity. )))))))))))))))))
  5. +1
    18 March 2019 18: 43
    In 1981, I prepared a report on thermonuclear energy. Then it was believed that by 2000 the USSR would have its own tokamak. The problem is not the temperature, but how to keep this temperature. And the article does not say how many seconds the Chinese can hold this temperature.