Who is preparing to fight the largest army in the world?

Economy China is slowing down, but its military spending is only growing. This year, the budget of the largest army in the PLA world will increase by 7,5%, amounting to 177,61 billion dollars. Only the United States of America is ahead, with their unreachable $ 750 billion in military spending. Is China getting ready for war? If so, with whom?

If you “announce the entire list”, then it will be quite long. In the first place, of course, will be the United States. China and Russia are indicated by Washington's main rivals in its doctrine of national security. And the Americans clearly see the Chinese as a bigger problem than the Russians. The second world economy, if you do not have time to stop it, may become the first by the mid-twenties. Where is Russia with its “pipelines” and “nanotechnologies” ...

The priorities of the new White House administration are evidenced by the fact that immediately after the inauguration, Donald Trump went on a multi-day tour of Asian countries, putting together an anti-Chinese coalition. The American president traveled to Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and the Philippines. These are states that have certain territorial problems with the PRC. State Department head Mike Pompeo defiantly stated that the United States would side with the Philippines in the event of a conflict with China. Jointly with the Filipinos and South Koreans naval exercises in the region are just as demonstratively conducted.

How can the United States stop the Chinese dragon?

The fact is that the east coast of China is its most important trade gateway to the world. Here are located Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and the main production centers. The main flow of goods from China and imported natural resources goes through seaports. The continental blockade could be a real disaster for its economy.

For example, 80% of the oil produced by China by sea goes through the Strait of Malacca. In 2017, the U.S. Navy, together with the Japanese and Indian, conducted exercises near this strait. That the USA can use India against Beijing, we told earlier. China supports Pakistan in its conflict with India, and New Delhi, which Washington stands behind, responds with “reciprocity”, indicating in its military doctrine Pakistan and China as the main opponents. The Indian army is strong, the capabilities of its fleet are growing, and do not forget that this country is a nuclear power.

But one cannot say that China is such an “innocent sheep”. Despite the communist sign, this country is exactly the same capitalist predator as the United States itself. Beijing considers the states of Southeast Asia as its “backyard”, looks at Mongolia, buys everything that is possible in Africa and Latin America. In 2017, the Chinese nearly clashed with the Indians in the Himalayas because of disputed territories. The thought of the territorial claims of the PRC makes us nervously startle many of its neighbors, who are watching intensively on the growth of the PLA’s military capabilities, which we also told earlier.

In this context, the prospects for relations between China and the Russian Federation are interesting. It is believed that there are no territorial disputes between our countries, since President Putin settled this issue by giving up some lands. But do not forget that the Chinese once owned much larger territories in the Far East, which are now part of Russia, but are poorly developed and sparsely populated. It should be borne in mind that the PLA possesses not only a multiple numerical superiority, but also an arsenal of two thousand intermediate and shorter-range missiles, which quietly shoot through most of our country. It is hoped that in Beijing they will not decide, in the event of a continental blockade, to expand the area of ​​their living space and move the state border to Ukraine and Belarus, and even Poland. "Shoulder to shoulder" against a common enemy - it's about equal.
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  1. +1
    7 March 2019 08: 30
    China's main target is Taiwan. Every child in China knows this. The second main task of China is to preserve sea communications. At any cost. As they said at the Higher Party School of China, "we are not interested in the price of oil, we are interested in guaranteed supplies." The third challenge is dominance in Southeast Asia. Russia is at the end of the list.
    To set the goal of starting a war in order to provide oneself with resources is the very stupidity that Hitler went to at one time.
  2. +1
    9 March 2019 08: 18
    Quote: Bakht
    Russia is at the end of the list.
    To set the goal of starting a war in order to provide oneself with resources is the very stupidity that Hitler went to at one time.

    What will China do if it is cut off from resources and access to markets?