How many troubles and damage did the Japanese cause Russia?

The topic of the need to conclude a so-called “peace treaty” with Japan has become widespread over the past six months, since Tokyo links it to the solution of the “northern territories” problem, and Moscow’s position is slurred and extremely ambiguous, provoking rumors and rumors.

As in Soviet times, everything rested on the indisputable fact that Japan is still a state occupied by the United States of America, which is why its sovereignty raises serious doubts. The chance to make the Land of the Rising Sun neutral by expelling the US military from it, at this historical stage, is zero. Any territorial concessions made under a plausible pretext will not bring the Russian Federation any benefit, but will be extremely dangerous and harmful to it. Therefore, all that needs to be done now is to calm down the "righteous" anger of the Japanese, who are sincerely indignant at the "Russian invaders."

What can be done today for this?

Thanks to a number публикаций, everyone has already heard about tsarist gold, which fell after the Revolution of 1917 in Japanese banks due to the figures of the "white movement". There it, Russian gold, is safely located to this day, and there are real chances of returning it by restoring historical justice and rubbing the nose of Tokyo, which is used to building an “innocent victim” of itself, about which we told earlier.

But this is far from all the claims that Russia has the right to make to Japan.

At first, you can demand military reparations for the death of more than 12 thousand Soviet soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the liberation from the Japanese invaders of Manchuria, South Sakhalin, as well as the South Kuril Islands.

Secondly, it is worth recalling the special role that Japan played during the occupation of Russia during the Civil War, and what damage it brought to our country.

Everyone knows that the weakened Russia was divided among themselves by the British, French and Americans, but our today's “friends and partners” from the islands then began to do it especially zealously. It was the Japanese on April 5, 1918, who were the first to land in our Far East, taking advantage of provocation when two employees of a Japanese company were killed by “someone”. The British and Americans were only the second and third invaders in a row.

For comparison, the number of the American military was about 10 thousand people, the Japanese in 1918 was 72 thousand, and in some periods reached 100 thousand. Moreover, the Japanese demanded a status independent of the Entente and a separate command. They captured Vladivostok, Harbin, Primorye, Amur and Transbaikalia. The invaders left for their islands only in 1922, and from Northern Sakhalin in 1925. It turns out that the Japanese ruled by force of arms in our country for 4 years, and taking into account Sakhalin - all 7 years.

What did the Japanese interventionists do in Russia?

By analogy with their current plans for the South Kuril Islands, we can say that they conducted highly intensive "economic activities", strictly exploiting our forest, mineral and marine resources. Here are some numbers.


During the period of occupation from 1918 to 1922, the Japanese cut down and exported 650 cubic meters of wood from the mainland of Russia. On Sakhalin, felling continued through 1925.

Fish resources

The damage caused to our country in this industry is estimated at 4,5 million gold. The caught fish was exported to Japan.

Water transport

The Japanese hijacked 549 out of 248 Russian civilian ships, and did not disdain the river, leaving 96 out of 227.

Rail transport

The interventionists stole from the Far East more than 2 thousand railway cars.

During the years of occupation of Northern Sakhalin, 22 thousand tons of oil were exported from it, 239 thousand tons of coal, 30 thousand cubic meters of forests. The total losses of the Russian part of the island are estimated at 10 million “those” rubles, and that of the Primorsky Territory - at 100 million.

In addition, the Japanese mercilessly shot fur-bearing animals, barbarously scattered poison baits through the forests. “Somewhere” from the Sakhalin Museum of Local Lore Museum rare collections disappeared. In 1921, when the occupation was still ongoing, the damage caused by the Soviet side from it at the Genoa International Conference was estimated at 39 billion rubles.

The Japanese and the Russian population did not spare. Cruel cases of executions and burning of entire villages are known. There is evidence that in 1920 in Primorye, the invaders massacred, killing at least 5 thousand Russians.

All these and other glaring facts of the lawlessness created by the Japanese on our land must be carefully worked out, made public and “poke the nose” at them with “partners”, who are now letting out crocodile tears because of the “Russian invaders” in their “northern territories”.
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  1. +1
    4 March 2019 09: 47
    Few US atomic kids planted them !!!
  2. +3
    4 March 2019 10: 31
    And ours all clatter with them ...
  3. +4
    4 March 2019 10: 46
    Moscow’s position looks slurred and extremely ambiguous, provoking rumors and rumors.

    Moscow's position is not so difficult to understand. They wanted to sell the quiet island to the Japanese, under the guise of a peace treaty, as if if we did not sign it, we would be lost. From the beginning, they began to talk about this in all the media, but when they met popular discontent, they got scared and calmed down. Therefore, from the outside it seems that the policy is vague and ambiguous. I think if the Japanese raise the price, our "government" will not resist and sell, they do not care about the people. The main thing for them is that they are covered in oil, and the people let the fallen branches gather in the forests, they allowed ...
    1. +2
      4 March 2019 15: 57
      Well done Marzhetsky! I heard a lot from this article for the first time.

      It is also necessary to remember about "detachment 731", with its biological experiments on the same Russians, on the creation of biological weapons by Japan, with which Japan planned to seize Russia, right up to the Ural Mountains.
      If I am not mistaken, 731 thousand ethnically Russian people - civilians and prisoners of war - died as martyrs in the dungeons of Detachment 21.
  4. +3
    4 March 2019 11: 03
    -Great topic ... but not for "timid and politically correct" ... Russia ...
    -Just takes evil ... -Why is it all the time Russia is scolding with its courtesy ...
    -Well .., really ...- it just takes evil ... Whoever Russia starts "any kind of relationship" ... something ... then ... then .., first Russian obsequious courtesy squeezes forward .., and already following her ..., on her heels .., Russia itself follows .., always obeying all the rules of "international etiquette" to the point of obsequiousness and anxiously fulfilling any whims ... of any .., even the most notorious and rooted in the most grievous sins and deeds ... defeated by her the militaristic state ...
    -And with Russia itself, how many stood on ceremony and "treated good neighborly" ... ?????
    - Yes, it has always been exactly the opposite ... -So why is Russia constantly fawning at the insignificants ...
    -You involuntarily become grateful to the Americans for the fact that they did not hesitate to test their atomic bombs on these short-footed and short-legged islanders ...
    -And in order to find out more specifically what these club-footed islanders were up to ... you should just watch the documentary "Unit 731" ...
  5. +3
    4 March 2019 11: 12
    Correctly writes the author. This is what the Russian Foreign Ministry, headed by Lavrov, and the President of the Russian Federation, Putin, should talk about with Tokyo: on the return of gold, on reparations and compensation for damage Japan has inflicted on Russia. At the same time, Japan, as a member of the UN, is obliged to recognize the existing borders following the results of the Second World War, and the Kuril Islands as an integral part of the Russian Federation.
  6. -2
    4 March 2019 21: 11
    You can still recall how much misfortune the French brought in 1812, the sub-Poltava Swedes, the Poles in Moscow, the Belgian tyrannosaurs, etc. etc.
    (Irony and sarcasm about the article)
  7. +2
    5 March 2019 06: 54
    Quote: Oleg RB
    how many troubles the French brought in 1812, the sub-Poltava Swedes, the Poles in Moscow, the Belgian tyrannosaurs

    Well, those do not require, with an air of offended innocence, "occupied territories" back.
  8. 0
    7 March 2019 21: 24
    So you need to calculate everything carefully and accurately, and present them.