Why does the whole world not like the USA?

The United States is objectively a superpower. This fact is dizzying to its political elites, who make very pathosic statements. Former President Barack Obama, without false modesty, called the Americans "the most powerful nation on Earth." About the "exclusivity" of the United States as a nation, "the last and best on Earth," said Trump rival Hillary Clinton. The late John McCain, who was shot down when bombing the Vietnamese, sincerely considered the United States "the source of good in the world." The current head of the White House, who declared the slogan "America First" as a guide to action, is not far behind them.

Is it any wonder that such arrogance and demonstrative neglect of all the other countries and peoples inhabiting them “make fun” of the rest of the world that has remained outside the United States? The well-known sociological service Gallup conducted a study in 113 states, which yielded very remarkable results.

It turned out that the actions of the American authorities on average approve of no more than 31% of respondents. For comparison, for Russia this figure was 31%, while in China - all 34%. On the other hand, 40% of the survey participants clearly do not approve of the United States, 31% for Russia, and 28% for China. And this despite the most powerful media resource that the American elites possess!

The biggest fans of the outside policy The United States is in the Kosovo Albanians seized from Serbia - 80%, in Russia only 11%. It is also worth noting that the Europeans clearly feel not so much allies of the Americans as their bonded vassals, since only 24% approve of the USA against 59% of those who do not approve. For some reason, the Norwegians and Swedes are especially disliked by the States, who gave only 12% and 13%, respectively, in support of the United States.

Surveyor Gallup tried to “smooth the corners”, explaining everything with Trump's “cowboy style”. But it’s not at all about the energetic President Donald Trump. It is necessary to make a reservation that it is necessary to distinguish between “Americans” as a people and “American elites”, which influence decision-making and are their beneficiaries. All subsequent claims will be addressed to these same "elites", and not ordinary US citizens.

At firstThe “source of goodness in the world” is built on the bones of the indigenous inhabitants of North America, the few surviving descendants of which are still driven into a reservation where they are allowed to continue to drink “fire water” while local leaders open casinos with the permission of the authorities. Economy half of the United States of America was built on the brutal exploitation of slave labor by black slaves, forcibly abducted and taken out in monstrous conditions from Africa. And to this day, US citizens with black skin for the most part live in difficult conditions, not having access to quality education, medicine, or jobs with decent pay. Separate exceptions only confirm the general rule.

Secondly, the current power of the "source of good in the world" is based on a series of wars of conquest, when vast territories were taken from neighboring Mexico and a number of colonies from weakened Spain. Monroe’s impudent doctrine declared the entire Western Hemisphere “backyard” of the United States. It was not adopted by Trump, but in the distant 1823. At present, Washington is embarking on Venezuelan events precisely according to this concept, and Nicaragua, where the interests of the PRC and Cuba are strong, are named next in line.

Thirdly, The United States repeatedly intervened in events in Latin America and around the world, staging coups and establishing puppet regimes. The US military burned Vietnam with napalm, bombed Serbia, torn off Kosovo, invaded Iraq, destroyed Libya, intervened in Syria, staged a coup in Ukraine. And this is not a complete list.

FourthlyIt is believed that the American elites could be behind the preparations for both World Wars. It is no secret that it was the United States that became the main beneficiary of the Second World War, concentrating on its territory 60% of all world production and became rich on the lend-lease program.

FifthlyAfter the war, the United States occupied the leading powers of Europe and Asia - Germany and Japan - and to this day retain control over them. The whole Old World is driven by the Americans into NATO and is not only a threat to Russia, but also a market for US-made weapons. In addition to military control, the entire world economy after the collapse of the USSR is controlled in fact from the US Federal Reserve through “gaskets” in the form of national Central Banks and the IMF, and the dollar is the main currency secured only by the Pentagon.

So why would the rest of the world love the United States? In countries destroyed and ruined by the US military and their financiers, the United States is simply hated. Someone seeks to get into this country, but only in order to try to become part of the "exclusive nation" and get hold of their share of the benefits it receives from the rest of the world. But do not confuse the calculation with love.
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  1. 0
    3 March 2019 13: 34
    Well, Sergey - bravo! Everything to the point!
    "... Or maybe we bang? .." the whole Amerovsky world is in dust ...
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 19: 50
      Quote: A.Lex
      "... Or maybe we bang? .." the whole Amerovsky world is in dust ...

      Or maybe we will sit on the beach and wait when their corpse swims? Prophesying a civil war for them, sort of? Maybe they will plague themselves?
  2. +2
    4 March 2019 09: 09
    Quote: A.Lex
    "... Or maybe we bang? .." the whole Amerovsky world is in dust ...

    It is believed that today our nuclear arsenals will not be enough even in the United States. But in return they will erase the Russian world from the face of the Earth.
    The right decision will deal with his own country, the largest in the world, its development and strengthening, to the envy of everyone else. So that Russians live comfortably and can fulfill themselves in their native country, rather than dreaming of the American dream.
    1. +2
      6 March 2019 19: 44
      Quote: Marzhetsky
      ..... There is an opinion that our nuclear arsenals today will not be enough even in the United States. But in response .......

      I also read about this opinion, but "irreparable damage" is possible. Both material and moral. After all, the States have never fought on their territory and no one dropped bombs on them. They always only got rich from wars in other countries. But how to deal with your country if ideology is prohibited, everything is done to destroy production? Interesting data about 11%. In my opinion, this is a lot. If we could also find out the property status of these 11%, as well as how much money they keep in US banks, it might turn out that these funds are comparable to the income of the remaining 89%.
      I read the article with interest, I liked it, thanks.