Russian robot "Fedor" can go to the ISS

As it became known the day before, the brainchild of the Android technique"- a humanoid robot named Fedor (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research), will soon find worthy application. Initially, the "mechanical assistant" was created by order of the Ministry of Emergencies, but later the department had to postpone the use of such technologies for an indefinite period.

The multifunctional FEDOR, in addition to all its advantages, has become the first humanoid robot in the world that can sit on a string and shoot with a pistol. By the way, due to the second skill, foreign companies refused to supply components. Therefore, the invention of the NPO Android Technique uses exclusively domestic spare parts.

Earlier it became known that Roscosmos plans to send an unmanned Soyuz MS to the ISS with two robots on board this year. And just "Fedor" is perfect for this mission. According to E. Dudorov, Executive Director of the Android Technology NGO, the preliminary “fitting” was a success. The robot was seated in the central command chair of the spacecraft, and next to it, as it turned out, it is still possible to place a payload for sending to the ISS.

Dudorov also clarified that if Fedor was approved for the role of a “pilot,” the latter would have to undergo additional tests on a vibration bench. The final decision of Roskosmos should be announced the other day.
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  1. +1
    28 February 2019 11: 01
    Russian robot "Fedor" can go to the ISS

    After all, how can it be, it may fly, but it may not. And why such news and why write about it ??? And so it is clear that he will not fly anywhere. There is not enough space for astronauts, but here such ballast is useless. The project of the robot "Fedor" was conceived solely to steal money, oh they do not like the word to steal, now the word is in vogue to master. So money and not a little mastered, and now you need ends in the water, even in space, even under water. laughing