Putin's departure: how the “2024 problem” will be solved

In the West, they spoke very significant about the so-called "problem 2024." The point is that just then the next term of office of President Vladimir Putin expires. Moody's, an American rating agency, described Putin’s “unorganized regime change” as a “remote but tangible domestic political risk.” Previously, such judgments were not allowed there. What is it, a veiled threat or something completely different?

To be honest, 24 years in power with a small symbolic “castling” is a lot, and this has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of the factual irremovability of the top leader of the state include the notorious “stability” and predictability. As the comedians joke, we will all die with the same person.

The flip side of two decades of Vladimir Putin’s power is the emasculation of political system, and its "cleaning" from potential competitors, with its simultaneous conservation. A power vertical is built for one particular person. At all key posts in the country, people from the inner circle of the president were appointed not by the principle of competence, but by acquaintance and personal loyalty to him. The same people change from one power seat to another, but the overall result of their activity is not impressive, which is quite natural. If we turn to the Moody's report, then its analysts quite rightly pointed out the problems of domestic economics: the dominance of the state (corporations), the outflow of capital from the country, the reduction in the number of able-bodied people and Western sanctions. At a minimum, the first three are a direct consequence of the activities of their own government, and not some external forces, since they began long before the conflict with the West.

The results are disappointing: the head of the executive branch of Dmitry Medvedev is supported by 7,6% of Russians surveyed, despite the fact that he leads the pro-presidential United Russia party. The ratings of Vladimir Putin fell to a record low 33%. The pension reform, which was extremely unpopular among the people, “dropped”, but you must clearly understand that the need for its implementation is directly determined by the results of the previous “economic activity”.

Is it any wonder that amid the extremely difficult internal situation and the conflict with the West for all those involved in the “vertical”, the issue of “transit of power” is extremely important. The options are called different:


Again. The only question is with whom to “castle”, since the ratings of Dmitry Anatolyevich do not leave him any chances. The famous public figure Maxim Kalashnikov answers as follows:

The whole pyramid of power is suspended on one person. Anti-selection was carried out, as a result, only grayish, rather faceless figures around Putin were around.

Council of State

There is a version that “under Putin” the powers of this structure can be radically expanded, in fact, all the threads of government are transferred. The presidency will then become decorative. However, this scheme contains the danger of the emergence of dual power in the country, which is fraught if you look at the situation in Venezuela.

Union State

It’s a working scenario in which the real outlines of this supranational entity appear, where Vladimir Putin could go on increasing, leaving Russia to a person entrusted to him.

Constitutional changes

Mr. Volodin spoke of something like this, clearly hinting at rewriting the Basic Law “under Putin” to enable him to be reelected again and again. If earlier the “spirit of the law” was violated about the need for a shift of supreme power in the country with formal observance of the “letter of the law”, now the letter itself can be radically rewritten.

One can understand the desire of officials and all those who are well settled under the “vertical of power” to maintain the status quo. It is just right to ask a sacramental question: if not Putin, then who? Mentioned Maxim Kalashnikov answers like this:

It was necessary to do earlier. To begin with, it was necessary to take a course towards a new industrialization, plus protectionism. This would allow, in principle, to change the situation in the country. This would put forward new people not by the principle of proximity to superiors and the ability to please him, but by the principle of the ability to create and manage modern production.

According to Kalashnikov, while maintaining the economic model as an “export pipe” no positive transformations are possible, only cosmetic, decorative changes. The famous historian and social activist Nikolai Starikov speaks about the need to transform the political system for the time remaining until 2024:

The emergence of new political forces. Because today, the existing ones clearly do not cope with their duties.

Starikov wants to see new faces in domestic politics who will serve the Motherland. It remains only to join this wish.
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  1. 0
    28 February 2019 09: 29
    What is it, a veiled threat or something completely different?

    This is a statement of fact. A vertical line of power is built up on that and a vertical line, so as to be locked on one person.

    the need for it is directly determined

    There was no need for a retirement maneuver. According to Putin himself, it was possible to sit for exactly another 5-7 years. During this time, numerous children born by "representatives" of the baby boom of the first half of the 80s will enter the labor market. To those in doubt, the official website of Rosstat will help - the statistics have not yet been closed (which is surprising).

    leaving Russia to a person entrusted to him

    There is such a person (not publicly "anointed" with the pension maneuver) - Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko.

    said Mr. Volodin, clearly hinting at rewriting the Basic Law “under Putin”

    I have not heard. But Volodin suggested “to see how the Constitution and the norms laid down in it work today, how much they correspond to those provisions that have been adopted.” Bravo, Vyacheslav Viktorovich! And by the way, Vyacheslav Viktorovich - You are not my lord.

    Union State

    Nonsense. Show me a person willing to share power.
  2. +1
    28 February 2019 10: 39
    Quote: DigitalError
    Nonsense. Show me a person willing to share power

    You are so categorical. Watching what is at stake. Watching what is offered in return.
    1. 0
      28 February 2019 21: 02
      Well, Sergey, who do you think can change the GDP?
      1. +3
        1 March 2019 06: 41
        Almost anyone can carry out these duties at least no worse. A change of power, regular and legal, is necessary.
      2. +3
        1 March 2019 06: 56
        Tell me, what is the indispensability of Putin? What exactly is he doing? Here was a good show 1 day with the president

        [media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = c-0Y6FAxZ1E]

        Not to say that it directly plows on the galley. He gets up too early, does exercises, plays in the pool with a dog, listens to reports, flies somewhere ... Many can do this.
        But the real work in the country is done by the Government, the Central Bank, Sberbank, law enforcement and other structures. And here Kudrin, Medvedev, Chubais, Nabiullina, Gref, etc. set by Putin sit. Are you satisfied with the results of their work?
        1. +1
          4 March 2019 12: 37
          In principle, the main job of a leader, of any level, is decision making.
          It would seem very simple, but in fact it is not.
          We need deep knowledge, professionalism, experience, creativity, responsibility, ability to work with people, organizational skills, sociability, etc., etc.
          In addition, the President of the Russian Federation is still the Commander-in-Chief, bears direct responsibility for foreign policy, for the national security of the country, the state of the Armed Forces, for the work of all power structures, the military-industrial complex, and so on.
          And the country's population, despite internal problems, trusts Putin.
          On the other hand: Lukashenko and Nazarbayev can, Merkel began when Kohl was still chancellor, there are other old-timers.
          Therefore, so that in the West they do not tryndychany, the last word will be for the FS and for the common people of Russia, if it comes to referenda and votes.
    2. +1
      1 March 2019 16: 55
      You are so categorical

      Sergey, categoricalness usually speaks of youth, less often - of anger (the causes of anger are the tenth question). In the second part of your statement — here is a current example for you — Lukashenko jokingly suggested including Russia in Belarus. And in every joke, as you know, there is a fraction of a joke.
  3. 0
    28 February 2019 11: 13
    Putin’s policy of unlimited enrichment of billionaires at the expense of the people, for some reason, the people did not support ...
  4. +2
    28 February 2019 12: 19
    As my first commander said: "You live first, until this time."
    But in fact, most likely they will rewrite the Constitution for GDP, first, through the media, preparing the population for this.
  5. +1
    28 February 2019 21: 05
    As I always said, in Russia there is an eternal personnel problem of continuity of state power. At least for what period - at least RI, at least the USSR, at least the Russian Federation ...
  6. +2
    1 March 2019 09: 46
    For the West, Putin’s departure is indeed a danger. If in its place, suddenly, a decent honest man gets in, how fantastic and pathos it would not sound, which will be engaged in the restoration of Russia, can you imagine what kind of smut will start for them?
  7. 0
    1 March 2019 17: 02
    Quote: A.Lex
    eternal personnel succession problem

    The absence of this problem in other countries, with a much smaller population, only indicates that the problem is man-made. Our mentality is such that the Tsar sits in each of us, which means the destruction of competitors (knowingly or not - the tenth question).
  8. +3
    4 March 2019 10: 41
    The same people transfer from one power seat to another, but the overall result of their activities is not impressive, which is quite natural.

    ... dear author, I largely agree with the conclusions and described in the article, but personally, despite all this, the result of the activity is just impressive. If you are not, write what should be to impress you? This is how quickly the entire legacy of the USSR and the state itself collapsed, those who were before Putin really impressed me ... And as for the team - yes, I agree, they plant them only on the basis of personal trust, and not ability. But let's look at Trump - is that better? When those who should support you betray you at every turn and interfere with your work. The GDP staffing option is not the most successful, but in the current situation, apparently, there is no other. There are already loyal professionals in the army, that's why things are going like that, the rest are being trained. And it’s impossible to do it quickly.
  9. +2
    6 March 2019 16: 51
    The ratings of Vladimir Putin fell to a record low 33%. “They dropped” their extremely unpopular pension reform in the people

    Over the past 25 years, Lukashenko’s rating in Belarus has never fallen below 98%. What is the matter. Everything is completely there, namely, completely satisfied with life and, in general, with everything that Lukashenko personally offers. And the pension system, and the fight against the so-called parasites, with the road tax, with a doubling of the price of fuel. Last year, fuel increased by 10%, the people of GDP wrote to the antimonopoly committee, and every day their fuel rises in price and everything is fine.