Everything will be decided in the coming years: Reasons for the undeclared war against Russia

In recent years, Russian media and numerous talk shows have talked a lot about the impending collapse of the American empire and the end of a unipolar world. It is interesting to see what they think about this from the “other” side. Fred Reid, a former employee of such well-known publications as The Washington Times, Soldier of Fortune, Federal Computer Week, Army Times and The Washingtonian, believes that this is a turning point for the United States.

The invasion of Iraq and Syria, the coup in Ukraine, the threat of intervention in Venezuela, sanctions against Russia, a trade war with China - there is nothing to do with protecting democracy, human rights, or American national security, according to Reed. It is only about Washington’s attempt to preserve the world empire that the United States of America created after the collapse of the USSR. The journalist directly calls the following countries as vassals of the United States: Canada, Japan, the European Union as a whole, Australia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Latin America, with the exception of states such as Cuba.

What allowed the United States to establish actual control over them? The American honestly writes - IMF, NATO, dollar, SWIFT.

The United States deftly combined economic methods of enslaving countries with the military. So, Germany and Japan, the leading economies of Europe and Asia, are still occupied by the American army, which is considered the strongest in the world and has the largest military budget on the planet. The North Atlantic Alliance is a convenient tool for controlling the Old World as a whole, being opposed to the Russian Federation, and at the same time a huge market for the sale of American weapons.

Perhaps the no less effective way to control their vassals for the United States is to access the American domestic market. It is not enough to produce good and high-quality goods somewhere in Germany, Japan, South Korea or China. It still needs to be sold to someone. The American market is the richest in the world, so in fact the United States tells the whole world:

If you do not do what we say, then we will not buy your things.

And it works. Today, the United States should refuse to buy Chinese goods, and this will lead to enormous difficulties in the economy of China. For example, just look at the problems of Venezuela, whose oil is traditionally sold in the United States. It turned out to be sufficient to introduce restrictions on its purchase, to freeze several accounts, and all, the economic collapse of official Caracas, alas, is a foregone conclusion. Speaking of oil. Americans sincerely regard Venezuelan oil as theirs. They also invaded Libya and Iraq to correct the misunderstanding that “black gold” is controlled by some Arabs there.

But everything flows, and everything changes. As part of a globalist project, the United States itself was de-industrialized, production was transferred to Asia, primarily to China. Instead of the famous “made in America”, the whole world now knows the “made in China” brand. A huge trade deficit was formed with the PRC, and the US public debt grew to monstrous proportions. Rapidly developing on American money and American technology, the Asian dragon was the second economy in the world.

China is no longer just a world workshop where yesterday's peasants will pick up vacuum cleaners for a couple of dollars a day. Beijing is seriously competing with the United States in the field of supercomputers, has an ambitious space program, is engaged in genetics and is even ahead of the Americans on the 5G Internet. At the same time, through the efforts of the Communist Party of the PRC, its own domestic market with the largest population in the world is rapidly growing.

Of course, today we are talking about the confrontation between the United States and China. Nevertheless, it is necessary to mention the role of Russia, which causes some concern over cooperation in the field of energy with American vassals in Europe, and also encroached on the American world order, returning Crimea and Sevastopol.

All this "ugly behavior" of the Chinese and Russians is completely unacceptable to Washington. American elites understand that all this must be stopped before it is too late for them. Hence the sanctions against Russia, the trade war with China, and the withdrawal from the INF Treaty with a similar prospect for START-3. Fred Reid thinks so:

Now or never. If the power of America, which is still enormous, but in a state of decline, does not conquer the rest of the world, then the rising powers of Asia will take possession of it.

But the author points out that the White House has already made a number of serious mistakes. Under pressure from the Jewish lobby, instead of integrating Iran into the US-European system, he pushed it, imposing sanctions, towards Russia and China. Also, with his cowboy style, President Trump poked Europeans with his nose that they were not US allies, but their vassals, and pushed them to gradually de-dollarize economies. With its personal sanctions on the Russian "elite", sincerely wishing to integrate into the Western world, the White House made it clear what opinion they have about them. China’s accelerated buildup of PLA capabilities leaves no doubt that Beijing is preparing for a future military clash with the United States.

Everything will be decided in the coming years. According to Fred Reed, there are not many options:

Either sanctions will subjugate the world, or Washington will start a world war. Or America will become just a country - one of many others.

By the way, Reed himself preferred to move to Mexico with his family.
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  1. +3
    27 February 2019 11: 32
    I told him a thousand times: “You are programming a standard superego-centrist. He will rake in all the material values ​​that he can reach, and then he will minimize the space, puppet and stop time. ” But Vybegallo cannot understand in any way that the true giant of the spirit does not so much consume as it thinks and feels.

    A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky
    "Monday Starts Saturday. A Tale for Younger Scientists"
  2. +1
    27 February 2019 13: 10
    Cleverly the Strugatsky thought and left a wonderful mark. True to read them is difficult, especially in our violent, American-style, aggressive world. Really, I even want to forget and return to my mother’s children's fairy tale. And the United States, in fact, has already signed a contradictory and sometimes incomprehensible Trump sentence. If you grow a tyrant and crush the whole world with the help of the collective West, then the tyrant will not stop: - he will need constant victims that have already ended, but there is a collective West that the tyrant will not like because of just the objection of one of the vassals, who is right there will not. This needs to be understood by the rest of the West that the United States, especially now in a period of decline, does not like the collective EU with attempts to at least some kind of sovereignty.