West is preparing an unprecedented attack on Putin

Among the many commentators on the speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin before the Federal Assembly, virtually no one linked the extremely harsh rhetoric of our leader with regard to the United States with the recently announced new anti-Russian sanctions that are already under consideration by the US Congress. However, a connection exists, and the most direct. Vladimir Vladimirovich’s words about striving for “friendly relations” with Washington are nothing more than a ritual bow of the tatami master before the start of the fight. Well, it’s supposed to be so ... In fact, the battle will not be for life, but for death - and, it seems, without rules.

What does the DASKAA (Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act) - “Law on the Protection of America’s Security from Kremlin Aggression” contain? Leave it aside now economic aspects bearing quite real and rather unpleasant threats to Russia. Let us pay attention to that paragraph of the bill in which the director of the US National Intelligence is tasked with presenting a "detailed" report on the "assets and personal condition of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin." This should certainly indicate the “business interests and sources of income” of the president and his family members, including bank accounts, real estate and investments. A list of all the “oligarchs and politically influential persons of Russia”, ranked “by the degree of their closeness to Putin,” should also be added to this report. The most interesting thing is that the document will be "unclassified." Remember! It is important...

Based on the foregoing, we have two extremely important points. Firstly, there is no doubt at all that the Russian leader will be “found” and hidden God knows where billions are, and luxurious castles and villas around the world, and offshore companies, and the devil knows what else. Well, I can’t predict the breadth of the fantasy flight of the future compilers of this “revealing” libel, as well as the degree of their arrogance and unscrupulousness. According to orders from the White House or the State Department, the US structures can “find” anything - at least “genocide” in Yugoslavia, at least “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. The fact that all this later turns out to be pure nonsense, subsequently no one cares anymore - the Moor has done his job ... After all that heap of wild, completely absurd and absolutely unproven accusations that have been put forward against Russia recently, there can be no doubt that they don’t stint on the “chernukha” in the address of its leader in Washington.

Now the second point - why all this is needed? In order to “take away the unjustly acquired wealth” in favor of the United Nations, and to arrange boarding houses for some refugees in the discovered mansions and palaces? Yeah, of course ... Yes, and it’s difficult to confiscate and use what, in fact, does not exist. The goal here, of course, is completely different. Yulia Latynina, the leading speaker of the universally recognized mouthpiece of the “domestic opposition”, told us about it, with the same silly simplicity that is known to be worse than theft, recently told us. Talking enthusiastically about the petty American fiction mentioned above, she clarified that if “it turns out” that Vladimir Vladimirovich “has some things that can be felt if it turns out that the king is offshore”, then this, well, of course, "will make the most unpleasant impression" ...

So here it is! The fiery leader in one fell swoop gave out practically the whole plan, "merged" the whole chain. In Washington, of course, they will "dig up" some kind of things so expected by our liberal democratic pack. And, since, as you remember, the report is “unclassified”, of course, these information slops will immediately be thrown out to consumers already bouncing at the trough - in the person of the Russian “opposition”. And she’ll get away! Well, Latynina is not in vain as an example of a “great investigator” leads Navalny with his “anti-corruption” libels - these will be investigated, especially with the appropriate funding. If the spilled mud is not enough to “raise the people” (and there isn’t enough of it!), Then one of the “Pravoruby” can be strangled quietly or blown up to immediately receive the sacred sacrifice of the “bloody regime”, ready for “Canonization” among demshiza. No wonder the same paragraph in DASKAA, which deals with the collection of incriminating evidence against Putin, also refers to the preparation of yet another report - "On the Nemtsov murder." And right away - “with the names of performers and customers”. You can not even doubt which names will be entered there!

The United States has finally learned - while Putin is at the helm of Russia, all their attempts to crush with sanctions and scare them with new ones are doomed to failure. There can be no question of any surrender! Washington, realizing that hoping for 2024 is somehow silly, is embarking on another attempt to organize a “color revolution” in our country. Remove Putin, remove, at any cost! Having unveiled the draft sanctions that will start an open campaign aimed at eliminating it, Washington threw the glove to Vladimir Vladimirovich. Judging by a recent speech, Putin understood and accepted the challenge. That is why, incidentally, so unexpectedly little was said about the external policy - Talking is no use ... Like every good fighter, Putin does not get hung up on the enemy - he just does what he has to. And, as an honest fighter, he warns - this time he will not do with a funny brawl “until the first blood”.
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  1. +8
    22 February 2019 08: 23
    then you can strangle someone from the "Pravorub" quietly, or blow them up - to immediately receive the sacred sacrifice of the "bloody regime", ready for "canonization" among the demshiza.

    Our people, in my opinion, only clap their hands if someone from this party is sent to meet with the Lord. Immunity in the 90s, we got a good one.
  2. +2
    22 February 2019 10: 41
    That is all true. And this Latynina ...
    But the main thing is that it remains unattended - an endless elite traveling around a hill with children on endless property.
    IMHO, one Yakunin with his family, subordinates and fondiki, living behind a hill, is worth hundreds of Latynins ...
    1. +1
      22 February 2019 12: 35
      This is all right, it hurts people's eyes and so on. But every coin has two sides, and so does this one. Firstly, after all, it is, after all, some sideways all the same Russian property and assets (or, if you wish, they can be made as such), and often people are identified right at THEM "in the rear", figuratively speaking. Secondly, all this is not always open and so easy to see, and this also has advantages. And THEM also have this very "foreign property", and it is not always located in the most peaceful and controlled regions of the world, which we can also use. And having built into THEIR economic system initially, we are now not only dependent on it, but we can also influence it ourselves. Only from my point of view, there is no need to wait again for what THEY will do, and then answer. Here, as well as on the tatami, it is better to start the fight first and thus, possibly, take the initiative.
  3. +2
    22 February 2019 14: 54
    With the pension reform, Putin set himself up, the people will NOT FORGIVE him. He broke the sacred without clear excuses. And no explanations are needed, people understand that a very small generation of "breadwinners" is on the way, whom they decided to conceive in the 90s, but the flower of the nation, the descendants of the winners, potential pensioners who have profited the country ...
    1. +2
      22 February 2019 15: 14
      Kolya, who are you to speak for all the people? And what is "sacred"? Are not your 90s "saints"? Everything else is a set of liberoid stamps.
      1. +2
        22 February 2019 15: 41
        ... also agree with Alex. And besides, VARIETY excuses, that is, not even excuses, are not the word, but explanations, which are more correct here, in my opinion, have already been given more than enough. To the one who still did not understand them or did not want to understand, something further is already simply meaningless to provide.
        1. 0
          23 February 2019 10: 48
          Minischische, Alex. From whom did you get VISUAL explanations - from federal officials? Oh well. And remember - the struggle is not meaningless, at least it tempers the spirit. You can find other meanings in the videos of Andrei Malakhov (Friend) on YouTube. It’s difficult to blame these guys for liberalism. Regards and hello to the first channel.
      2. +1
        23 February 2019 10: 43
        A.Lex (Secret Information). Minuschische. Watch less federal TV. The holy is social guarantees won by the blood and sweat of our great-grandfathers who built and defended a social state in the war with a united Europe. The counter question - what did you do to criticize them - kept the name secret? Those who need it will find out, don’t worry.
        1. 0
          25 February 2019 14: 14
          Zhenya, who am I to criticize? Whom? Who to criticize? You already specify. And what have I done? I have worked CONSCIOUSLY for the state all my conscious life - first in the USSR, and now in the Russian Federation. Less federal channels to watch? laughing And what do you suggest - "rains" all sorts or listen to "jellyfish" different? Nu-nu ...
          The question you are facing is - and you, in turn, where were you when the Union was killed?
          And what have I classified there - what really matters to you? When we, AT THE STATE LEVEL, FORCE EVERYONE to speak under their own names and surnames, then yes, I will be under my own. Until then, you can. And yes - not everything here is classified, just abbreviated. Another little moment: "who needs it" - who is this? Is that to you? Curious you are our ...
    2. 0
      23 February 2019 10: 51
      They took it off the tongue, Nikolai (weddu). This is what the author forgot to mention in the article - the attempts of the "partners" will fall on fertile ground. Unfortunately (?) For the government and all of us. The question is because they stubbornly cut the branch on which they sit, and people seem to be smart - they rub glasses on citizens well. Are they not doing this deliberately, having alternate airfields? ...
    3. +2
      24 February 2019 20: 07
      Quote: weddu
      people will not forgive him

      Are you the people? Personally, I did not give you a power of attorney to represent my interests. Are you an impostor? For those who really work hard in hazardous production, losing their health, the reform does not change anything. These are banking, office and other, no doubt needed by the economy, but not sweating at work, will extend their career, if they have not thought of making themselves a pension with their own hands. As a matter of fact, I think the West will outsmart itself again. The elections have already taken place, Putin will not run for a third term. Our "liberal" public is so impotent that no matter what tool it gives it to, it will either lose it or break it. Relations with some countries will worsen once again. For the first time, or what? The awkwardness of these measures is already visible today. What will it make it difficult for us in addition to the already existing difficulties? Will they force to push the liberals away from power and bring radical Marxists to it? After all, it is clear that in such a situation, the elections in 2024 can develop with the victory of the communist forces. Do they (USA + the rest of the West) need it?
  4. 0
    22 February 2019 19: 18
    If not Putin, then the cat ...? )))
    1. 0
      25 February 2019 14: 18
      What "cat"? laughing
  5. +1
    23 February 2019 07: 15
    It seems the United States is in the clinch - wants to hit, but it turns out badly. The arrogance with which they act is amazing. I understand only one thing, if there was something personally on Putin, then they would have been used for a long time. So they will increase pressure on the environment, and there people are different with their interests and their vices. But this is life.
  6. 0
    24 February 2019 23: 45
    Why does Russia even need all these squabbles with the West ?! There is nothing to do in our country? The money was spent not on the economy, but on weapons and theft. More than 20 years wasted ... What does the West mean nothing can be done while Putin is at the helm? Disconnect from swift and restrict participation in international trade in resources? That they can. Sooner or later, they’ll figure out how to push their pipeline through Syria.
    1. 0
      25 February 2019 14: 18
      You are naive. If everything were so simple - why have your deities still not done so?
  7. 0
    25 February 2019 16: 46
    Whatever the agreement, but they invest the loot in American government bonds.
  8. 0
    25 February 2019 17: 40
    Quote: A.Lex
    Curious you are our ...

    Ours is Crimea, somehow I myself ... I agree, the rain is garbage, but the truth is somewhere in the middle between it and channel No. 1. So to speak, with a confidence probability of 0,95. When the Union was killed, my mother knitted a pioneer tie for me. You say that you worked under the USSR — the more incomprehensible to me is your comment about the people. However, you can not explain - as you rightly noted, our country (so far) is free.
    1. +1
      26 February 2019 17: 00
      Eugene, our people are NOW different, and then he BELIEVED everything that was said in the media, believed the printed word. And they stupidly deceived him, deceived his credulity and took advantage of this. Therefore, there is no faith in all these media (for the most part of their liberal orientation). Separate programs - yes interesting. For example - Solovyov (there are some that you can listen to - Mikheev, Satanovsky, Kedmi (even though he is an Israeli), Kodratyev, Kurginyan ... a lot of them). But all sorts of jellyfish rains - it is Russophobic cesspool. And therefore, in principle, I do not watch this abomination. It’s just that you yourself need to see a little life ... and not within the Garden.
      1. +1
        26 February 2019 22: 28
        A.Lex, the people still believe (and will believe even more - thanks to the increased influence of the ROC, which would have been impossible without the direct support of the government - it is interested in faith, it does not need doubts in the people). Here the point is in the competition of different ideas, in the dispute between which something similar to the truth is born. But for this something to be born, you need to at least familiarize yourself with alternative points of view (including in the "rain") and stir a little inter-ear ganglion ...
  9. +2
    25 February 2019 22: 33
    Quote: Dan
    Those who really work hard in hazardous work, losing their health

    Well, that's why they have benefits, including early retirement. And how else - they themselves chose such work, and many followed this ("northern" experience, for example). But they made me (excuse me, they say, they gave me the right) to work 5 years longer, but with what fright? In civilized countries (no need to send me there, here I intend to influence the future as much as possible) they warn about such reforms 20 years in advance - so that they "figured out" to make themselves a pension with their own hands. I, too, did not give you a power of attorney, I voted for the capitalist (at least he has his own money - he will not have to borrow and then work out) Grudinin. And by the way - why is Grudinin still a collective farmer and not a minister ?? Every fourth of those who came to the polls voted for him (claims are not against Grudinin, as you know). And yet, yes — I’m a people — the same as you and with the same civil rights, whether you like it or not. See you at the elections!
  10. 0
    26 February 2019 22: 24
    May God give strength to Putin to overcome this whole Anglo-Saxon abomination !!!
  11. +3
    27 February 2019 17: 38
    Remember, Putin’s question about fish is the director of the fish factory? And where is this fish and what is its price? Here is the result of Putin’s reign! The faster Putin leaves, the faster for the better something will change! Just do not say that there is nobody.
  12. +1
    27 February 2019 22: 46
    Quote: steel maker
    And where is this fish and what is its price?

    The red fish was rotting on the shore (there is a lot of video evidence on YouTube, summer 2018) and went to neighboring countries, so as not to reduce prices in the domestic market. Naturally, the people in Primorye voted for the "communist" Ishchenko - they also remember that under the Soviet Union there were so many fish and it was so cheap that it was fed to pigs (!) In the central (!) Part of the country. With the conclusion on the Darkest I agree.