NATO unit offended by Putin

The message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, which he voiced on February 20, 2019, provoked a stormy reaction of the “peace-loving” NATO bloc. It was somewhat similar to the well-known effect of a pack of yeast.

Brussels clearly did not expect such "impudence" from Moscow. Putin openly expressed everything he thinks about the “grunting” US satellites. This, you know, is painful and morally humiliating, especially for inadequate Russophobes, who understand that they cannot do anything to Putin and Russia. They are absolutely powerless. Even having gone astray, they are not able to beat the “bear with earflaps and balalaika”.

It should be noted, Putin said beautifully, frankly and directly. He stressed that when the United States needed to withdraw from the ABM treaty, they simply withdrew. By acting honestly and openly. Now, when the question arose about the INF Treaty, Washington began to invent various accusations against Moscow. It is not beautiful, not good, and does not make relationships better.

I’ll say it straightforwardly and openly today so that no one later reproaches us with anything, so that everyone knows in advance what this is about: Russia will be forced to create and deploy types of weapons that can be used not only in relation to those territories which will pose a corresponding direct threat to us, but also in relation to the territories where decision centers for the use of missile systems threatening us are located

- Putin said.

After that, they reported from Brussels that they considered Moscow's threats unacceptable. At the same time, clarifying and emphasizing that NATO is a defensive bloc that does not want another arms race.

We took note of President Putin’s address on February 20. Statements by the Russian side with threats to take aim at the allies are unacceptable. We urge Russia to concentrate on returning to the implementation of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles

- noted in a statement to NATO, received in Interfax.

The statement said that NATO is not going to deploy new land-based nuclear weapons in Europe. In this case, nothing is specified about the "old" nuclear weapons, which are already there. After that, NATO “turned on the old song” that Russia was to blame for the termination of the INF Treaty, so Moscow’s pressure on “progressive” humanity is groundless. And the Aegis missile defense systems in Romania and Poland are “good” and do not violate anything.
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  3. 0
    20 February 2019 20: 08
    In which case the first thing - Brussels and Washington to clean bald, and after - Poles, Romanians and the Baltic states to bomb in the trash, to the radioactive desert!
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  5. 0
    20 February 2019 20: 48
    NATO expressed concern. The answer in Brussels might look something like this:

  6. +1
    20 February 2019 23: 38
    What difference does it make now, grunts. And if you bring missiles and other rubbish threatening the security of Russia to Europe, you get your share and you don’t need to hide behind the fact that supposedly NATO is a peaceful organization, but it bombed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Libya.
  7. 0
    21 February 2019 07: 31
    The Ukrainians have learned, "And what about us?"