Passion according to Vladimir and factor 2024: Putin is put forward as a monarch

A week ago there was a uniform fire on the Internet. Putin's assistant Vladislav Surkov heaped another masterpiece called “Putin’s Long State” and all paid and free agents of the Kremlin, Soros, the CIA and even Mossad, as if on command, abandoned all their affairs and sat down to scribble their reviews on this opus. For a long time I have not seen such a pinch. Each self-respecting borosopisator considered it his duty to speak out on this issue and write his essay on the topic: “How I Spent the Summer”. At the same time, it immediately became clear who was working here for money, and who simply raped the keyboard out of boredom, folding words into sentences.

Well, it’s clear to the hedgehog that Surkov is not among the top writers whose novelties are snapped up like hot cakes from the stove. He writes some kind of idea, which you sometimes can’t put on your head, you have to re-read it five times until you understand what he wanted to say. Not Tolstoy at all, and not even Dostoevsky, and not even Pelevin and Grishkovets, where did such an interest in his work come from suddenly? Don’t think about it, I have nothing against Putin or Surkov, it just strains the fact of a massive outburst of information. It recalled the times of late Brezhnev, when we were forced to take notes of the writings of the founders of Marxism-Leninism and quote “The Speech of Dear Leonid Ilyich at the 25th Congress of the CPSU”.

I still hadn’t even reached the source, as I was already swallowing meritorious and negative responses to it along the way. And when he finally got to the original, he really turned out to be shorter than all the comments on it, where the authors poured out their souls, how they liked this masterpiece or less often, how they didn’t like it to the extent that they, you know, “can’t eat, they feel such dislike” . It got to the point that even Yakov Kedmi on Solovyov’s broadcast spoke on this subject, giving a lengthy commentary, which, you know, the clever opus was made by Comrade Surkov that he now just falls asleep and wakes up with him, checking his life path through it, and is surprised how did he live without him before? Well, I think that even if Yakov Kedmi believes that this is a masterpiece of intellectual thought, then you should, of course, read it.

I read ... I see Comrade. Surkov is not allowed to sleep comrades laurels. Suslov. The GDP assistant really swung at the laurels of the country's main ideologist, the “gray cardinal” of late and early stagnation, deputy for the ideology of the CPSU Central Committee, a member of the Politburo and the second person in the party. Even their names are similar - Surkov-Suslov. Suslov introduced the concept of “scientific communism” and forced him to study along with the history of the CPSU and Marxist-Leninist philosophy, while Surkov introduced the concept of “Putinism”, putting Putin on a par with Ivan the Terrible, Peter I and Lenin. No less! Actually, I have nothing against it; I myself respect Putin with the greatest respect and believe that he, of course, has already gone down in history. But I was confused by the absence of Comrade’s name on this list. Stalin. Those. even comrade Stalin, according to Comrade Surkov, does not reach the scale of the personality of GDP. Wow! Serious bid. Although from the term “Putinism” I personally was influenced by some mothballs.

Surkov, of course, does not reach Suslov, does not have an ascetic at all, and does not wear galoshes, and travels, probably, faster than 60 km / h, and he changes his costumes more often than Mikhal Andreyevich, and he does not have one coat, but I see, for ideology took seriously. After all, in fact, we lived all this time after the collapse of the USSR without ideology, trying to try on bourgeois tracing paper. Now we see, it’s not ours — some kind of mutants went instead of children, free gadget applications, thoughtless consumers of mass culture and Western bourgeois values. No, that won’t work, comrade decided. Surkov went to look for "deep people". And imagine, found. There is one, it turns out. Our. Russian. You won’t get it, it’s not being conducted, you know, on gadgets and so on. excesses, distrusting those in power, and most importantly, there is a core in it that cannot be understood by all these vaunted overseas marketing political strategists - they can take off their last shirt and put their lives in hard time. For the Fatherland, understand! Here I don’t mock at all, I myself think so, because these are my words, from comrade Surkova is wiser about this. Putin said the same thing, summing up the results of the Syrian campaign, that the Americans would never understand us, a Russian soldier, unlike an American soldier, could easily die if he knew that he was defending a just cause. “You cannot understand Russia with your mind, you cannot measure common arshin, it’s special to become one - you can only trust in Russia.” (F. Tyutchev). But you still can’t say better than Tyutchev.

Reading Surkov, I honestly did not understand, but why, in fact, such a stir around his opus? Well, he says there are obvious and, seemingly, even right things, only in a very abstruse language that you can’t understand from the start, you have to re-read it five times. So what? With what fright did they all rush to quote him? Moreover, each reviewer learned something special, saw some sacred hidden meaning, quotes in pieces, chews on the reader, they say, look, what uncle said, truncated?

I personally got hooked on just a couple of points. First, comrade Surkov writes:

“It just seems that we have a choice.” Amazing in depth and audacity words. Said one and a half decades ago, today they are forgotten and not cited. But according to the laws of psychology, what we have forgotten affects us much more strongly than what we remember.

About the lack of choice, with its apparent availability, everything is clear, we are not alone here, in all countries of pseudo-democracy the same gimmick. There is essentially no choice. The crowd is manipulated by those in power, offering several varieties of the same that for the crowd creates the appearance of change, when there is no change. From the change of places of the terms, the amount, as you know, does not change. The bipartisan American system is a vivid confirmation of this. Whoever comes to power there, he will not undermine the foundations of capitalism. And even Trump does not encroach on them, completely fitting into the system, otherwise he would not have been chosen. As for Surkov’s second statement, I personally didn’t understand anything. How can this forgotten influence me more than what I remember? Some kind of metaphysics. And no one to ask. Skipping.

Moving on.

The illusion of choice is the most important of illusions, the crown trick of the Western way of life in general and Western democracy in particular. The rejection of this illusion in favor of the realism of predestination led our society at first to reflect on its own, special, sovereign version of democratic development, and then to the complete loss of interest in discussions on what democracy should be and whether it should in principle be.

As I understand it, comrade Surkov proposes to completely abandon the election and democracy in general, as a vicious mechanism, offering in return ...

And what he offers in return, it became clear only at the end of the article:

Multilevel adopted from the West political our institutions are sometimes considered partly ritual, instituted more so that it is “like everyone else”, so that the differences in our political culture do not so much strike our neighbors’ eyes, do not irritate or frighten them. They are like weekend clothes, in which they go to strangers, and at home we are at home, everyone knows for himself what. In essence, society trusts only the first person.

If I understand Comrade correctly Surkov, he proposes to return to the forgotten, but well-tested with us centuries of autocracy. And I even know who he sees at the head of this pyramid. We have such a person! And you know him too. Correctly thought. He, just in 2024, expires. Well, I, in fact, do not mind. As soon as the people react to this?

But comrade Surkov gives an answer to this question:

It would be a simplification to reduce the topic to the notorious "faith in a good king." The deep people are not at all naive and hardly consider good nature to be royal dignity. Rather, he could think of the right ruler as Einstein said about God: "Sophisticated, but not malicious." The modern model of the Russian state begins with trust and is based on trust. This is its fundamental difference from the Western model, which cultivates distrust and criticism. And this is her strength.

Well, everything fell into place. No wonder Comrade Surkov introduced the term "deep people", which is different from others and for this reason is incomprehensible to others. And it was not in vain that at the beginning of the article he screwed up words that I did not understand at first, about "what we have forgotten affects us much more strongly than what we remember." Now everything falls into place, the autocracy forgotten by the people, the monarchy, the notorious power of a strong hand subconsciously force him to look for it in the reality surrounding him. And to find. Bravo, comrade Marmots. Comrade Is Putin already in the know? It is only a pity that he is not immortal with us and that it is impossible to clone him.

But here too comrade Surkov finds a solution, he offers to clone Putinists:

Putin’s big political machine is only gaining momentum and tune in for a long, difficult and interesting job. Its full capacity is far ahead, so in many years Russia will still be Putin’s state. It is necessary to realize, comprehend and describe Putin's system of rule and, in general, the whole complex of ideas and dimensions of Putinism as the ideology of the future. It is the future, since the real Putin is hardly a Putinist, just as, for example, Marx is not a Marxist and not the fact that he would agree to be if he knew what it was. But this must be done for all who are not Putin, but would like to be like him. For the possibility of broadcasting his methods and approaches in the coming times.

So, no less! And Putinists comrade Surkov offers to replicate on an international scale, since Russia serves as an example for others, and others are already looking at it with interest and are ready to learn from it.

Since the political system made in Russia is suitable not only for the home future, it clearly has significant export potential. A Westerner begins to turn his head in search of other patterns and ways of being. And he sees Russia. Demand for its political system or for its individual components already exists, its experience is studied and partially adopted, it is imitated by both ruling and opposition groups in many countries.

And finishes Comrade Surkov on an optimistic note, beautifully looping the text with the idiom with which he began:

Our new state in the new century will have a long and glorious history. It will not break. He will act in his own way, receive and hold prizes in the major league of geopolitical struggle. Sooner or later, all those who demand that Russia “change its behavior” will have to come to terms with this. After all, it only seems that they have a choice.

That's right, comrade Marmots, neither they nor we have a choice! To the whole will of the Lord, i.e. yours.


"But do not we sway at William, you see, our Shakespeare?" To summarize all of the above, I can only summarize that most commentators and reviewers of our great thinker of our time did not wave him at him from a good life. It is clear that they "plowed". Since comrade Surkov is not Cicero at all to quote him. And not even Akunin and Oksana Robsky, so there’s nothing to read from him. And the syllable, you see, you’ll break your brain. And reading is completely indecent - without a glass you can’t make out. But if the party said "it is necessary", the Komsomol replied there. It was funny that among these Komsomol members, in addition to our full-time propagandists, I also found enemy ones. They also enthusiastically quote Putin’s alter ego, apparently in kind believing that Putin called Surkov in the morning and said: “Come on, Slava, something epochal about me, but with an eye on the future.” And Slavik immediately dropped all things and let's sculpt. But having come on, not showing the chef, threw it on the Internet and now sits, waiting for promotion. But naive enemies naively believe that all this is no accident. Surely they think there was an order from above. One would like to say: “Well, you are all fools, comrade. our ideological spiteful critics! Yes, if there would be an order from above, so Surkov would write in such a language, understand horseradish ?! After all, someone should also read it and put it into practice? And how to implement, if from each sentence there are 10 questions - what did the author mean? ” It is clear that program documents are not written like that, it is clear that I wrote for myself. But, what cannot be denied exactly, is that this work has already been appreciated above, because the text was immediately sent for photocopying to the people. Here I caught its animated effect. I think soon in the textbooks on recent history we will all see word formation from comrade Surkova - Putinism, Putinism, Putinists. Obviously, not only comrade Laurels were not allowed to sleep for Vladislav Yurievich Suslov, and Cyril and Methodius. Following the faithful Leninists and Stalinists, the faithful Putinists and Putinists will now take the road to the future. Ah yes, Vladislav Yuryevich, oh yes son of a bitch, sorry, well done!

PS (for those who do not understand): Comrade. the spiteful critics are mainly from non-brothers and liberals (you yourself understand who has been reading Surkov since morning? From him there is indigestion!), and from our ideological opponents in enemy brain tanks, from those who are great and powerful (but these are a minority - piece goods, these reviews are not scribbled, these are just memoranda written to higher bosses). I myself took up this overwork from nothing to do, and already regretted ten times about, but not in my rules, to drop what was started halfway. I advise you not to listen to anyone, but if it’s very interesting, take it yourself and read, maybe you will see something else. I have far from revealed all hidden meanings, it has become Lenno. I do not expect to be promoted, although I am considering options (the latter is to Comrade Surkov, if he considers that he alone can no longer cope).
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  1. 0
    20 February 2019 10: 53
    Those. even comrade Stalin, according to Comrade Surkov, does not reach the scale of the personality of GDP. Wow! Serious bid.

    So you still haven’t seen everything. What happens in the world is just the beginning
  2. +2
    20 February 2019 12: 21
    .... for money, ale simply, - out of boredom, forcing a keyboard, folding words into sentences.

    wink Question to the author: Sam, for what reason did he write?
    1. +3
      20 February 2019 17: 03
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      Question to the author: Sam, for what reason did he write?

      Greetings, colleague! So I don’t have such questions because the article, unlike Surkov’s, is sensible, and this is important, as for me! good Moreover, the author himself answered at the end:

      I myself, for this overwork, took up nothing to do, and already regretted ten times about, but not in my rules, to throw what had been started halfway.
      1. +1
        21 February 2019 17: 08
        Thank you, Vadim! Any author can only dream of such attentive and thoughtful readers. Prior to this, in this sense I could only hope for Comrade. Pishchak and my colleague Lesha Pishenkov. Now the shelf of readers of the Wolf has arrived.
  3. +3
    20 February 2019 13: 52
    Suslov was a decent man and a convinced communist, only his work style left much to be desired. Prohibit and not allow - the main principles. If you want to know more about the top party, read the novel "Return"
  4. +3
    20 February 2019 14: 01
    Thanks to the author for comparing Surkov with Suslov. The same mediocrity was in ideology like Surkov-Dudayev, a good guy is not a profession yet. As for the rest, I agree with the liberal Leonid Radzikhovsky. Surkov gathered all the red rags and threw them to the "intellectual get-together."
  5. +1
    20 February 2019 14: 06
    Read. In the case of implementation, the development of the country can be put an end to.
  6. +3
    20 February 2019 17: 01
    As always, great analytics, thanks Vladimir! Surkov’s work is indeed contradictory, to put it mildly! Well, what, to hell, a new state model? Moreover, it was not Putin who created it at all, but his predecessor - an alcoholic with an irrepressible thirst for EBN power, dictated by a mattress, because it is not for nothing that he is already building a second center! Particularly admires the highlighted paragraph about the Big Political Machine, which has been gaining momentum for 18 years, but nothing at all .... But this is not a problem, because its full power output is far ahead! Not very optimistic, but confusing! drinks
  7. +3
    20 February 2019 17: 21
    If the communists seized the country in October 1917 for the good of the country and the majority of the people, then the enemies of the communists seized the country in 1991 solely for themselves, for their wealthy parasitic-consumer life. They have nothing to do with everything else, starting with responsibility for the country and the people.
    Surkov only expressed the general desire of all the enemies of the Communists: that this freebie lasted another 100 years.
  8. +2
    21 February 2019 14: 26
    there is a clear concept that cannot be killed and a stainless argument — it is concrete and cruel, like a knife strike — its majesty the result. For over 20 years of the reign of Comrade Stalin 1941-1961-the country has become almost modern, with space, with the types of equipment that are still in service today. In the 5 years that the Donbass war has been waged, the USSR managed to beat the Japs in Hanhin Gol, albeit with heavy losses, but to solve the question posed by the leadership in 1 Finnish - (2 times in 1944, our seasoned trained troops rolled out in 2 weeks with minimal losses - but for some reason they don’t talk about it), to return the lands captured by Pilsuda Poland to revolutionary hard times, to win the Second World War unprecedented in world history, and to smear the Kwantung group in guano, returning Sakhalin, rejected in mediocre 1905, driving the brazen enemy head to head into the ground ku..Segodnya see podlovaty sluggish gonorrhea, dirty merrymaking and betrayal of his in a large scale and with great cynicism.
    Looked at the comments on YouTube under the message of GDP, unfortunately huge, the general label is "another beautiful torrent", and at best "let's see the result" ...... and the sacramental of course about "tossing bags".
    Indeed, let us look at the RESULT so far that Marmot causes in Donbass the most affected, from the infernal soul, blood-washed side of the conflict - fierce hatred, with its relaxed passages. But we will not make hasty conclusions -LOOK AT THE FINAL RESULT, ..... HOPE FOR THE RESULT - and with idle ..zdun the result will be asked tenfold.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      21 February 2019 17: 17
      Jam writes well, only his emotions overwhelm him, because of this are problems with administrators and sometimes confusing passages. Although his knowledge in the history of the issue is impressive. Abram fall for the little one.
  9. 0
    21 February 2019 17: 02
    Quote: Monster_Fat
    Question to the author: Sam, for what reason did he write?

    Answered directly in the text, read carefully:

    I myself took up this overwork from nothing to do, and already regretted ten times about, but not in my rules, to drop what was started halfway. I advise you not to listen to anyone, but if it’s very interesting, take it yourself and read, maybe you will see something else. I have far from revealed all hidden meanings, it has become Lenno. I do not expect to be promoted, although I am considering options (the latter is to Comrade Surkov, if he considers that he alone can no longer cope).
  10. +1
    22 February 2019 15: 12
    Putin needs to prepare for himself a WORTHY replacement, no later than the current term of the presidency, or leave as Yeltsin earlier, on a plausible pretext, leaving behind an even more intelligent and charismatic patriot. Otherwise kirdyk ..))