For the sake of the coup in Venezuela in the United States called on to repeat the "Caribbean crisis"

The fact that the coup in Venezuela stalled does not suit Washington very much. And, as always, Russia is among the guilty. Things got to the point that there are proposals to go into a serious aggravation of the situation and even repeat the “Caribbean crisis” (which at one time almost led to the development of the Cold War into a “hot” one).

This idea came up with an American expert on the economy, TrendMacro Investment Director Donald Laskin. And he voiced it on Fox News.

Laskin was glad that Venezuela as a result of sanctions against the state-owned company PDVSA lost about $ 20 billion (and this is despite the fact that in the USA they continue to shout about their pity for the "starving people"). Then Russia "got" him for her position on upholding the rule of law in Venezuela. According to the expert, Moscow is trying to "save Nicholas Maduro", and in order to deprive her of this opportunity, it is necessary to arrange a complete sea blockade of Venezuela.

If we are serious, there is only one place where we can clash with Russia - these are international waters. We must consider repeating the 1962 Caribbean Crisis.

- he declared.

This, according to Laskin, is no longer just about sanctions, but also about physical blockade. In accordance with this scenario, the United States places its ships off the Venezuelan coast and does not let anyone into this country.

With cynicism peculiar to the developers of such plans, the expert compared the situation with the chess game. He noted that the United States is depriving Venezuela of financial resources, and Russia is interfering, plugging holes with money and refusing to follow the sanctions policy USA in relation to Caracas. It is useless to threaten Russian banks with new sanctions in these conditions, so, according to Laskin, only the blockade will help. Of course, about things like international law, in the US they prefer not to hear.
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  1. +2
    14 February 2019 13: 32
    Quite a lot of cranes, chaos ....
    Cast out to the cat, mouse tears !!!
  2. +1
    15 February 2019 19: 54
    When will they burst with their greed?
  3. DPN
    15 February 2019 22: 13
    If only the ARMY did not betray, the rest is a trifle. So good luck Maduro.