You can’t give it away! Japan revealed its true plans for the Kuril Islands

In the issue of the Kuril Islands, Japan decided to approach from the other end. The popular edition of Japan Business Press decided to put pressure on the pity of the irresponsible Russians, who are opposed to the transfer of the so-called “northern territories”. With drama, the Japanese media said that the Kuril Islands are vital to Tokyo in order to defend itself against aggression from North Korea using American missiles. But the author of the publication is obviously not familiar with the Russian mentality, if he planned to evoke understanding of Japanese problems and sympathy in this way.

What did Japan Business Press say, and what did it keep silent about?

Japanese journalists expertly wrote that our Kuril Islands are simply the perfect place to deploy elements of the American missile defense system, which should, on the rights of allies, protect the island nation from DPRK ballistic missiles. At the same time, the authors clearly have a peculiar idea of ​​geography, since they believe that in this way Europe (!) Will be further protected from Iran (!).

Well, Tokyo really should beware of Pyongyang. Japan and Korea have a long and very difficult history of relations. The island state has always considered the peninsula as an object for expansion and has achieved considerable success in this. From 1910 to 1945, Korea was a Japanese colony, the end of which was put by the USSR and the USA, dividing Korea into two states. To this day, there are no diplomatic relations between Japan and the DPRK, and Tokyo supports Seoul and Washington in their hostile actions against Pyongyang. On the other hand, before the collapse of the USSR, North Korea was a generally friendly state.

The leadership of the DPRK was clearly not without the help of its new great friends from the PRC able to implement its own nuclear program. The first successful explosion of a nuclear bomb was carried out in 2006, in 2016 - already a hydrogen bomb. In 2017, Pyongyang successfully tested ballistic missiles, capable of reaching not only Japan, but also, probably, the territory of the United States. Thus, the fears of Tokyo and Washington can be understood, but why should it suddenly be a problem for Russia?

Especially “touched” by further revelations of Japanese journalists. They are quite unsophisticated that after deploying the American military infrastructure on the Kuril Islands, Tokyo and Washington will be able to block our Vladivostok, as well as our Pacific fleet base. In addition, the Pentagon will be able to quickly track launches from our strategic nuclear submarines cruising in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Surprisingly, with such arguments, the Japanese expected to change the position of the Russians regarding the transfer of the Kuril Islands.

In addition, the Japan Business Press modestly kept silent about the fact that instead of anti-missiles in the Kuril Islands, medium-range American missiles with nuclear warheads could be installed, targeting both the DPRK, China and Russia itself. The relevance of this issue increased sharply after the start of the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty. Therefore, if the Kuriles are nevertheless given to Japan under some specious pretext, this will be the highest manifestation of the anti-Russian policy.
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  1. -1
    7 February 2019 10: 30
    villains !!! But our simpleton didn’t guess ... I wanted to cut down a dough with technology for the country.
  2. 0
    7 February 2019 10: 31
    Unfortunately, I really wanted to, but did not familiarize myself with this article (in the Japan Business Press) It was really very interesting, really, and the Japanese I respect, have reached such a stage of insanity and lack of education. I found this publication, by the way it is small and specializes in domestic economic topics, but the English version on the site is closed for an indefinite period, I don’t speak Japanese. I would like to ask the author, where did he get such information?
    1. 0
      11 February 2019 19: 58
      Lesha, I basically agree with you, but I also can’t but agree with Sergey. Maybe in order to resolve your dispute you should read this - I wrote this without reading either Sight or this article. The text is today.
  3. 0
    7 February 2019 10: 54
    Quote: A. Pishenkoff
    I would like to ask the author, where did he get such information?

    You can see the comments on the article of the Japanese edition on the respected Russian edition of the newspaper
    1. 0
      7 February 2019 11: 59
      Looked at your link, but this is again comments on something. That is, here - already a commentary on the commentary ... And I'm talking about the original source, because somehow I hardly believe in such nonsense. Somehow I got used to checking such information by documents or primary sources, if it really comes up. And that is very similar to your favorite fake news, and besides, this same Japan Business Press is a supernumerary economic publication, and not popular or political analytic. Something like "Uryupinsky entrepreneur" ...
  4. 0
    7 February 2019 12: 41
    Quote: A. Pishenkoff
    That is, here is already a comment on the commentary

    Do not you think that this is in some way the norm for all modern media?
  5. +1
    7 February 2019 12: 52
    Quote: A. Pishenkoff
    And I'm talking about the source, because somehow I hardly believe in such nonsense.

    And what, in fact, is nonsense? The fact that the islands can be used in case of transfer against our country? Is this nonsense? Yes, a couple of stupid theses about Iran and Europe are added to this, but after all, the grains can be separated from the chaff, is not it?
    Or is it nonsense that something similar was written at all? But perhaps this is a "test of the pen"? Working with an internal audience? Publication in the Japanese media, for their own, where the English version is closed, and few speak Japanese, as you rightly noted.
    Here, too, we have all sorts of articles posted, For example, here they also broadcast to the internal audience that it would be nice to give the islands away. Is that fake news too?
    So what exactly are your doubts?
    1. +1
      7 February 2019 13: 48
      To both of your comments:
      1. This norm is precisely the main problem. Some wrote, another comment on it in their own way, the third comment on comment, too, in their own way, etc. And in the end it turns out very far from reality ...
      2. By the way, I do not initially criticize the article itself and its main idea about the Kuril Islands, I was really interested if the Japanese could write something like that. In this I think it is outright nonsense for the Japanese press and from the Japanese side. The fact that one can seriously react to frank delirium in our press is another matter. Regarding "pen tests" - it is then already possible to react like this to articles in their school wall newspapers ...
      This is not to mention the fact that apparently out of the overwhelming majority here who are hotly debating this topic, I have been personally in these very "Northern Territories", which we are talking about. I know what it looks like and what can and cannot be placed there. And even a glance at the globe is enough to understand that the deployment of missile defense there against North Korea is nonsense. From Japan itself to Korea and to the main base of the Russian Pacific Fleet is much closer and directly.
  6. 0
    7 February 2019 13: 28
    And if she had waited, and then opened? Then what is the article about?
  7. 0
    7 February 2019 15: 04
    Quote: A. Pishenkoff
    And even a glance at the globe is enough to understand that deploying a missile defense system against North Korea is nonsense.

    This, of course, is nonsense. wink
  8. +2
    7 February 2019 15: 05
    Quote: A. Pishenkoff
    1. This norm is precisely the main problem. Some wrote, another comment on it in their own way, the third comment on comment, too, in their own way, etc. And in the end it turns out very far from reality ..

    It’s called a damaged phone. But today is the norm. Moreover, it is very convenient for many.
  9. +1
    7 February 2019 18: 02
    Today, one bad person from the higher composition of the Sakhalin Region offered to heed the desire of the residents of the Kuril Islands to transfer them to the Japanese. So, if the inhabitants are FOR, then the Kuril Islands will become Japanese or what? What is this insanity? Are you stunned !?
    1. +1
      7 February 2019 20: 09
      Well ... a referendum is possible ... self-determination, etc., and ... back to their home harbor ... wassat
      But seriously, probably not all, of course, but there are likely to be plenty of people who want to go directly to Japan with their island, possibly the majority of the extremely small resident population there, although not many people directly admit this openly. Especially during the latest events. And our state, and specifically the administration of the Sakhalin Oblast, should think about why they want to go there. From all this whistling around the South Kuril Islands, perhaps these people will finally get something - maybe even now they will pay attention to them and see how they really live there. And they live terribly! That fact is terrible! Beautiful there, yes. But so, come see and back. The climate is terrible, there is no wind all the time, no storm, no asphalt roads. Yes, there is nothing there, by and large ... Right now, at least they have begun to do something ... Though they remembered that there are such territories and people live there ...
  10. 0
    8 February 2019 19: 26
    To the author of the publication:
    Dear Sergey,
    Please provide a direct link to the Japanese version of the article that you comment on in your publication. Let's try to resolve the dispute with readers directly. What was in the Japanese publication and what was not.
    Thank you.