“The American Dream is a thing of the past”: Russian immigrant about the USA

The United States has always been one of the most attractive countries for emigration, including for our compatriots. This is clearly confirmed not only by the number of diasporas of immigrants from Russia and other republics of the former USSR, but also by the stories of many Russians and Russians who left for the USA in our time.

Russian Victoria went to the States five years ago, as soon as she studied at the university and received a master's degree. True, before leaving, the girl got married and collected an impressive amount of money by selling the land inherited from her relatives.

What attracted me to America? Opportunities, life dynamics, good incomes. What to hide, most people travel to the USA to earn money, but the image of a “country of unlimited possibilities” also plays a role,

- says Victoria.

Having lived for several years in the USA, Vika understood quite well what the average American is. Contrary to popular belief, the famous American smile is not fake. Americans are really very open people, ready to help.

Victoria has been helped many times in situations in which our fellow citizens usually remain indifferent. This applies to problems on the road, and lost things.

Perhaps this behavior is associated with the religiosity of many Americans. In the USA, many people take their faith very seriously and it consists not only and not so much in visiting religious institutions as in attempts to adjust their life and behavior to the values ​​declared by a particular religion.

But the Americans have obvious problems. First of all, it is health. In the USA there are really a lot of fat people. This is a direct result of the nutritional characteristics of most representatives of the "base layer" of American society.

Eternal and endless fast food does its job. Even young Americans are overweight. Vika, who never had a tendency to overeat and a love of fast food, also recovered ten pounds in the United States.

Another serious problem is crime. True, rampant crime is not observed everywhere, but mainly in disadvantaged areas inhabited by African Americans and Hispanics.

WASP representative is better not to meddle there. Otherwise, you can lose the contents of the wallet, or even be beaten. But the police behave with street criminals very harshly, not like our order guards who like to stand on ceremony with all kinds of “gopniks”.

Although the general standard of living of the population in the USA is rather high, there are a lot of homeless people in the country. Homeless people are not only deserted people, chronic alcoholics or drug addicts, but also quite decent citizens, simply for some reason unable to rent housing.

In addition, among the homeless people there are many young people who hitchhike around America, are interrupted by casual earnings, and in the future they still plan to “walk up” to start a new, decent life. This is probably a tradition. A generation of fathers or even grandfathers of modern youth went into hippies and not everyone then returned from the free life of wanderers to the ordinary world.

In the USA, it is not so easy for an emigrant to find a job, especially if you are counting on something more than a janitor, waiter or loader. There are many companies founded by immigrants from Russia, but in order to get there, you must either be a good specialist or establish contacts with owners or other employees.

By the way, in the “Russian Diaspora” a lot is built on personal connections. Everyone knows each other, everyone owes something to each other, and therefore it is considered bad form, for example, to criticize in the Russian language press any Russian company or businessman - a native of Russia.

Victoria, like many of our other compatriots, after a while, yearned for Russia. The United States is not Turkey or Germany; getting to Russia is long, expensive and problematic. You can live, but with illusions about the incredible career opportunities and fabulous incomes, Vika has long said goodbye. The "American Dream" was left somewhere behind, in the distant past, and now the girl is increasingly recalling her native
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  1. +3
    6 February 2019 17: 53
    ... with illusions about the incredible career opportunities and fabulous incomes in the USA, Vika long said goodbye ...

    Be strong, Vika (and arrogant), the US flag is with you fellow , you think, some kind of Russia ... I don’t understand request .
  2. +2
    6 February 2019 23: 17
    Alas, Vika is late, but she realized that the Motherland is not where there are a lot of grub and fake smiles!
  3. +2
    7 February 2019 11: 11
    What is religiosity if the main criteria for freedom are indulgence in vices?
    To sin and repent is not only the Russian tradition?
  4. +2
    7 February 2019 23: 31
    USA is the world champion in the number of homeless people. Some expats believe this will not be their fate. This is until they intersect with the "successful" American entrepreneur.
  5. +1
    8 February 2019 12: 24
    And what is the article about? Without education, dreamed of money? With a flag in the photo "recalls his native Russia" ???
    It looks like an order.

    Often I meet that people with education often get there, almost ride there and there (for example, a professor of mathematics)
    1. 0
      10 February 2019 12: 18
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      And what is the article about? ..... It looks like an order .......)

      Well, not that zakazuhi, but just one of the options for fiction ..... Such a story from the author. And whether it was, was not, is unknown. request