In the United States published a plan for the dismemberment of Russia

Continuing to diligently torment Russia and shower it with new accusations, reproaches and claims, the “collective West” from time to time tries to do something like conciliatory curtsies towards our country: “We are not enemies! Listen to our advice, become more flexible, give up ambition - and welcome to the family of civilized nations! We will be friends again - as wonderful as before, in the 90s! Well, what should you do ?! ” At such moments, it is especially useful to get acquainted with the real, true plans of these very “sincere friends” in relation to Russia and the people living in it. To have a complete picture of how they actually see our future ...

In the Washington newspaper The Hill, which, in fact, is a publication of the US Congress, published a lengthy article by a senior fellow at the Washington-based Center for European Analysis policy Janusz Bugayski. Its name is as follows: "Managing the collapse of Russia" (Managing Russian dissolution). How do you like the title ?! No euphemisms and omissions - everything is clear, concrete and clear. In principle, pretending to be masters from Capitol Hill really does not make sense for a long time. However, before proceeding to a detailed analysis of the poisonous opus itself, it is worthwhile to say a few words about the publication that published it, as well as the identity of the author of the plan to destroy our homeland.

The Hill is not just an American newspaper with a small, seemingly, circulation of 25 thousand copies. In its status, it corresponds, approximately, to the Soviet Izvestia, which, as you know, was the organ of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. And the main question is not how many people read it daily, but who exactly. As stated in the relevant reference materials, the audience of the publication is “opinion leaders”, all parliamentarians, as well as employees of not only Congress, but also the White House. In a word, those who actually shape the real state policy of the United States of America. It was precisely these people who had the idea that Russia should be torn to pieces under their "sensitive guidance" should find support and approval. And I found, do not hesitate - otherwise such articles in this newspaper would not have been printed.

As for Janusz Bugayski, he is a person in Washington, especially in certain political circles, very famous and very popular. In any case, in the role of a consultant to fairly serious political and governmental structures, this gentleman is engaged in regular activities. Bugayski is especially cited as an “expert on Russia,” periodically issuing literary works “on the mountain” in this direction. Names - Read! “Towards an understanding of Russia's actions in Europe”, “New Imperialism of Russia”, “Cold World”. Well, and so on. To say about this type that he is inveterate, terry and absolutely finished Russophobe is to say absolutely nothing. A particularly sore subject for him is the Great Patriotic War, or rather, the "Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe and the Baltic states." Judging by some of his appearances in the media, every May 9 Bugayski probably has a seizure, similar to an epileptic one. Having finished fighting, this "publicist" invariably demands that Russia "repent for the crimes of the Soviet regime." And she claims that until she does this, “in a decent society,” that is, in the Western world, it’s impossible to let our country categorically - with its “imperial traditions” and “strategic ambitions”.

As a matter of fact, it is with this kind of nonsense that Bugayski begins to set forth a plan to destroy Russia and deprive her of statehood. No Western sanctions “curbed the imperial aspirations of Moscow” failed! Therefore, we need to move on to more serious measures. And in order not to reinvent the wheel, it is worth remembering and applying the methods that the West used when working for the collapse of the Soviet Union. And while the author calls among those “support for democratization, pluralism and the right to self-determination of Russian regions and ethnic groups,” this should not mislead us. What exactly dirty methods destroyed the USSR, we remember perfectly.

The most remarkable thing is that Bugaysky truly believes that Russia is “in decline” and “is approaching fragmentation.” Economy ours, is "in deep stagnation", the standard of living is "steadily declining", and in the regions of the country "unrest and conflict are growing." Pisaka was not too lazy to calculate that “22 non-Russian peoples” live in 85 of the XNUMX “subjects of the Federation”. According to Bugaysky, they are just sleeping and seeing how it would “become successful states” as soon as “Moscow ceases to exploit them”! Now they are simply “moving away from the capital”, but just a little more - and the collapse of Russia is simply inevitable.

However, the fate of the "successful states" Bugaysky did not prepare for everyone. Like anyone who dreams of destroying the Russian state, this click clicker is not averse to savoring the idea of ​​a “mining” section. Many of our regions, according to his crazy ideas, will certainly appeal to Japan, China, Finland, and even ... Ukraine! And happily "reunited" with all of the listed "civilized countries." The North Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East and the Volga region, so be it, will be able to settle themselves. Well, that is - it’s not so completely in its own way ... Cunning Bugayski strongly recommends that the West "establish contact" with various regions in order to subsequently "manage the collapse" and strongly support their "transition to their own statehood." Well, what does this actually mean, I think there is no need to explain? By “statehood” we mean the status of colonies - with puppet regimes planted because of the cordon and completely dependent on the West.

What reality will inevitably lead to the implementation of the scenario so fervently propagated by him, Bugayski understands perfectly. That's why NATO advises to "disintegrate Russia" to prepare in advance. But not only to “contingencies and unforeseen circumstances” that arise from the inevitable civil war, which will cover half of Russia, at least. The bastard does not forget about the "favorable opportunities arising from the fragmentation of Russia into parts," for which the Alliance should be even more prepared! What is this, if not a completely unambiguous appeal for military intervention and occupation? He himself is.

There is no limit to arrogance and hypocrisy of Bugayski. He openly calls on the West to have a “pushy approach” on the issue of destroying Russia, seeing the United States of America as the “locomotive” of this process. It’s Washington’s Bugaysky who first advises “to actively promote ethnic and regional self-determination within Russia,” and subsequently “to control and encourage a split,” establishing contacts that are beneficial for the United States with “new entities emerging on the wreck of Russia”.

"The wreckage of Russia" ... These are the words that caress Washington’s hearing today! Does anyone still have illusions regarding “disarmament”, our destruction of missiles, lifting of sanctions and other forms of “peace and friendship” with the USA ?! To Bugayski, gentlemen, to Bugayski! So he will explain everything to you ...
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  1. +7
    6 February 2019 09: 39
    The Pole is not a nationality, it is a profession.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      7 February 2019 22: 43
      It’s true, but the most ancient profession - r about with t and t at t to and!
  2. +6
    6 February 2019 10: 04
    The fact that the West has contributed to the collapse of the USSR, no one doubts. But the main reason was not in this, but in the internal and foreign policy of the CPSU, led by traitors such as Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other functionaries. In addition, a power struggle developed between Gorbachev and Yeltsin, their personalities. The Politburo did not timely engage in economic reforms, as in China according to the scenario of Deng Xiaoping. The state itself was essentially falling apart from within, and political power was actually divorced from the interests of the common people, engaging in verbiage and idle talk.
    And currently in Russia there is a fifth column, collaborators, corrupt officials and traitors, including in the highest authorities. Therefore, it is not surprising that the United States relies primarily on them and the liberals to repeat, to undermine Russia from within, using all means, and not just propaganda.
    1. +3
      6 February 2019 10: 29
      Will not work. Our liberals are loyal to Putin. He allowed them to steal, but in return - tough loyalty, otherwise landing. This is a hybrid contract.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. -1
        7 February 2019 09: 27
        My friend, you are a Nazi, however!
  3. 0
    6 February 2019 10: 28
    Fashington will fall apart faster
    1. +1
      6 February 2019 11: 39
      In the meantime, the fascists of Fashington are looking after the Gauleiters.
  4. 0
    6 February 2019 11: 08
    So you have to reassure, ask for money.
    And about the collapse of something that just does not write. England without Scotland, Americans without the south, Russia near China, etc., etc.
    No sense. all with their own.
  5. +7
    6 February 2019 12: 00
    Friends like in the 90s? Listen, amerikos, what did I have with this friendship? How could you strike my imagination, such that I did not know and did not see? Jeans, chewing gum, TVs, tape recorders? We had all this and many things were of a much better quality than yours. And any of 90% of Russians will ask you the same question. During those ten years, we realized that you have neither sufficient culture nor a decent education to be at least equal to the Russian people. We did not want to offend you with this and therefore politely stepped aside, in the hope that you yourself will understand. But wherever there, you, as an abandoned wife, are trying to re-impose their "charms", stubbornly putting forward claims to leadership. Calm down, you can't buy culture and morality for money, in this you are at least 200 years behind Russia. And when your Lunar scam is revealed, you will firmly occupy one of the last places in the world that is assigned to you in the state. Therefore, look for friends among your peers in intelligence, and without your "friendship" we somehow live more calmly.
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +5
    6 February 2019 17: 45
    That’s the propaganda of liberalism, there too. The more crayfish, geese and pikes, the more profitable the sharks of imperialism.
    Privatization, too, the destruction of the state, the creation of the impossibility of a planned economy. Parties spawned like frogs in a swamp.
  8. Alf
    6 February 2019 17: 53
    Our economy is "in deep stagnation", the standard of living is "steadily declining",

    Did he write a lie? Or is our economy swiftly jacking up? Or did the people have nowhere to put money? He is stirring up water, starting from real facts.
    1. +4
      7 February 2019 06: 09
      Alf! Try, like a true alien, to look at Russia from the side of objective reality. Despite the sanctions and attempts to isolate, the lack of real allies, and even direct betrayal, the presence of the fifth column, the country is developing in spite of everything. Need to be faster? But everything has its time. Too much has been destroyed and plundered under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. And their supporters still applaud them and, to the best of their ability, go their way. For us, the main task is to strengthen defense capabilities. The outback lives poorly? It is what it is. Nevertheless, Russia is being built, developed and prettier.
    2. +2
      7 February 2019 22: 11
      Forgot how you lived under Yeltsin? In the 90s? What was the inflation?
      And now the main, "democratic part" of the world is playing against Russia. Why? And they do not like that they are not the main ones, that we spit on them, on their “gender inconsistency”, on their denial of “mom and dad” (and the presence of a “third parent”).
      After all, even the Catholic Church recognized marriage between homosexuals and lesbians. Where to go ?
  9. 0
    7 February 2019 07: 25
    And Putin's "pitcher snouts", which 3D (at home, children, money) have taken abroad, will help them in this. I would not be surprised that the Americans will succeed.
    1. +3
      7 February 2019 22: 16
      And it is time to evict these at the place of their "residence". I cannot receive the pension I earned under the USSR, but they steal billions and transfer them abroad.
  10. +1
    7 February 2019 11: 57
    It is necessary to divide the pin-dos tan by the strait into 2 parts.
  11. 0
    7 February 2019 13: 23
    There are no questions to "questions". There are questions to answers.
  12. +1
    7 February 2019 18: 05
    This gentleman is already living too much time. It’s time for him to rest.
  13. +1
    10 February 2019 23: 55
    And what - there are chances! I remember how in the 90s the Chuvash and other Circassians self-determined - they screamed so that the Russians would get out.
    I propose legislatively enshrining the ban on ANY suggestions or just reasoning about the expediency, usefulness or benefit of changing the territorial composition of Russia, and for the violation - the term. In America, for example, the death penalty shines for such acts, but for us life sentence is enough for us in sunny Taimyr.