Where it will fly from: Where can the US deploy its nuclear missiles?

Russia and the United States have begun the process of withdrawing from the international treaty, which since 1987 has provided nuclear safety in the European part of the continent. The USSR destroyed the R-12, R-1, and Pioneers missiles, while the United States simply withdrew its Pershing. Now the Pentagon will be able to re-deploy its nuclear arsenal in Europe, as well as begin to develop more modern weapons of death. Given the ambiguous attitude of the European public towards the prospect of falling under the sights of Russian nuclear warheads, where can the US really create a threat to our country?

First of all, you need to understand that Washington’s actions are directed not only against the Russian Federation. Today, China is the main global rival for the United States of America. While the Americans are trying to throw a leash on Beijing economic measures, but it’s always good to have a nuclear club at hand. As you know, the PRSMD has not signed the PRC, and its hands are not bound by any obligations. It is with this factor that the choice of places for the deployment of American medium and shorter range missiles can be related.


After the collapse of the USSR, the potential positions for deploying the US nuclear arsenal significantly approached the western border of our country. Most likely, it will be Romania and probably Poland. In Romania, there are already elements of the US missile defense system, MK-41 missiles, which can easily be equipped with Tomahawk-type missiles instead of anti-missiles. Similar installations can appear in Poland if Warsaw gives the go-ahead.


The United States has the right to deploy medium-range missiles in its own northernmost state. Alexei Leonkov, a well-known military expert, notes:

In Alaska, the Americans have a missile defense position area, in which not only missile defense can be.

Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas

Another Russian military expert, Igor Murakhovsky, believes that the United States has absolutely no need to rely on ground-based systems. The fact is that the Pentagon has the most powerful navy in the world, on board ships and submarines of which about 5-6 thousand units of cruise missiles are simultaneously located:

There is a permanent operational connection in the Atlantic, the 6th US fleet, which is present in the Mediterranean Sea. They surpass all other states in the world combined in cruise missiles.

Obviously, the regular visits of US Sixth Fleet warships to the Black Sea increase the threat to our country from the south-west.

Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, South Korea

By deploying rockets there, the Americans are already taking their sights on China. It is not customary for us to focus on this, but it is precisely taking the PRC under the hood today that may interest the United States even more than Russia.

Our country will have to respond to new threats with the advent of a nuclear arsenal on the western and eastern borders, which will block Europe and most of the United States with their radius of action.
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  1. 0
    6 February 2019 21: 46
    If Putin were the real leader of the country, like John F. Kennedy at one time, he could already have declared to the whole world that Russia would deliver a preemptive strike to those places in Europe where the riot police will try to deploy their own RSDs.