Why Russia is transferring Su-27 and Su-35 to Kaliningrad

In recent years, scenarios of a violent clash between Russia and the United States with their allies have been actively discussed. As possible theaters of operations are called Ukraine, Syria, and now Venezuela. But, most likely, the war of the Russian Federation and the collective West will begin all the same in the Baltic.

Why baltic? There are three reasons for this:


Kaliningrad region. After the collapse of the USSR, this region found itself in the position of a territorial enclave sandwiched between NATO member countries. The Kaliningrad region is the most militarized in Russia as it is our westernmost bastion. His position is very ambivalent. On the one hand, being moved into the underbelly of NATO, it covers the Baltic Sea and most of Europe with the range of its cruise missiles, which gives the Russian Federation certain advantages. On the other hand, its isolated position makes it the number one target for a strike from the Alliance, and it is extremely difficult not to notice NATO’s active preparations for such a scenario.

The second

If, in the worst-case scenario for the development of a conflict between NATO and Russia in Washington and Brussels, a decision is made to invade the territory of our country, it will be most convenient to do this from the Baltic, through St. Petersburg, Novgorod and Pskov with access to the capital.

The third

The Baltic is an outpost of the West in its claims to the Arctic. Neither in Washington, nor in European capitals are delighted with the noticeable strengthening of Russia's positions in the Far North. The presence of port infrastructure and the world's most powerful icebreaking fleet gives our country access to Arctic natural resources, the Northern Sea Route, as well as convenient points for launching ballistic missiles along the shortest path to the United States.

Therefore, one should not be surprised at the extremely increased attention of Washington and Brussels to the Baltic. Each year, many exercises and maneuvers are held with the participation of NATO troops in the region. Europe has invested 6 billion euros in the construction of the Rail Baltica railway, with the help of which NATO will be able to quickly transfer military to the Baltic states machinery from Western Europe. Poland is actively expanding its tank group on the border with Kaliningrad and Belarus, which in the foreseeable future may be about 2000 units, which we told earlier.

How does our country respond to such obvious ill-neighborly military preparations?

Last year, the Kaliningrad region was strengthened with the help of OTRK Iskander-M. The 11th Army Corps of the Coastal and Ground Forces of the Baltic Fleet was replenished with a tank regiment. The military airfield of Chkalovsk was modernized, whose runway length was increased by 500 meters, which will allow the acceptance of aircraft of all classes. Combat aircraft deployed at this airport will increase:

As part of the Baltic Fleet’s naval aviation formation, a fighter aviation regiment was formed, armed with Su-27 aircraft.

In the future, the Su-27M will be replaced by the latest Su-35. These fighter interceptors will be able to hit cruise missiles, planes and helicopters of the enemy, as well as, if necessary, and ground targets using adjustable bombs.

Russia, as far as possible, is responding to the militarization of the Baltic by NATO. But I want to hope that the phrase “Baltic Front” will remain something of a history textbook and an old newsreel.
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  1. +5
    5 February 2019 16: 46
    You just need to clearly and publicly declare: any aggression against Russia - and we immediately deliver a strategic nuclear strike on the territory of the United States. It does not matter who attacks, even if only formally some kind of Poland - immediately a nuclear strike by 1550 thermonuclear heads against cities and military facilities of the United States. Clearly and publicly announce to the whole world
    1. +1
      6 February 2019 14: 47
      And the activation of "Poseidons" from both sides, so that the debris was washed away with water ...
    2. +1
      6 February 2019 21: 50
      To do this, we must have a Country Leader, not follow and a thief.
  2. +2
    6 February 2019 08: 47
    The vile Europe has forgotten how the war with Russia ends for her!
  3. +1
    6 February 2019 10: 09
    Quote: Expert
    You just need to clearly and publicly declare: any aggression against Russia - and we immediately deliver a strategic nuclear strike on the territory of the United States.

    To declare is one thing, to do is another. In 2014, the Americans clearly drew up psychological portraits of the entire domestic "elite" and know how far they can really go. However, this is a private opinion.
  4. +1
    6 February 2019 21: 18
    Yes, the fastest strike should be expected in the Baltic from NATO. In other areas, the merikans will not dare, since the Crimea covers the southeast.