The US is trying to prevent a global catastrophe

Walmart, a US hypermarket chain, has patented technology production of bee robots, the main purpose of which will be pollination of plants. In the patent, robotic insects are called “pollinating bees”. Thus, the company plans to solve the problem of annually declining populations of these extremely beneficial insects.

According to experts, if in the coming years the trend does not change, then within 20 years the bees will die out completely. Without natural pollinators, many plant species expect inevitable death, and this will entail the extinction of entire ecosystems.

Robo-bees will have to save the situation. They will be equipped with a whole arsenal of sensors, cameras, sensors and a navigation system that helps them in orientation in space. Bee landing will be planted in a specific area, pollinators will be engaged in their direct duties, flying outside it, and assistant robots, which are also part of the patent, will be engaged in the extermination of parasites and pests in the territory entrusted to them.

The problem of depletion and death of ecosystems is widely covered by many fantastic works and anti-utopias, but such an extraordinary approach to the problem definitely deserves attention. It remains to be hoped that the robots will only become a temporary solution and they will not have to replace completely extinct natural prototypes. In the end, they do not know how to produce honey.
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  1. +2
    18 March 2018 09: 47
    Some kind of utopia ...
    1. 0
      19 March 2018 12: 08
      Is that anti.
  2. +1
    18 March 2018 11: 35
    Maybe not such a utopia, each bee has 1 gram of explosives, and now a huge territory is cleared of the greediest part of the ecosystem.
  3. +2
    18 March 2018 12: 47
    Walmart, a US hypermarket chain, patented bee robot technology

    I do not believe!!! © The Russian chain of hypermarkets Pyaterochka has patented the technology of production of ant robots for the delivery of goods to the population.
  4. +1
    18 March 2018 13: 27
    In the charter of a CA serviceman, there is a sacred phrase in the duties of a sentry.
    "The duty of a sentry DICTES his rights."

    The worst thing for a person is the emergence of artificial intelligence.
    As soon as the AI ​​receives responsibilities, and this is his direct task, then he will TAKE his own rights. And he will make a person an insect if he wants to save it.

    The creation of AI is not controlled. TNCs spit on the laws. They are their own laws. And in a competitive environment, survival will release gin from the bottle.
    1. +1
      18 March 2018 16: 36
      Rise of the Machines? Come on, what's so terrible about that? Why haven't you seen The Terminator? And this AI will not work in Russia either. Our brains get up in a cancer pose, and then there is some kind of iron.
  5. +1
    18 March 2018 16: 31
    I propose to send amers Luzhkov. He knows how to breed bees. He’s generally a kid of arms. In the old days, Moscow was bred, but here are some bugs lol And if one is not enough then it will pull up the lads. Those markets will be set up if they take control of the bees.

    Robo-bees will have to save the situation. They will be equipped with a whole arsenal of sensors, cameras, sensors and a navigation system that helps them in orientation in space.

    But this is interesting, is it that I have lagged behind life and is it possible to shove everything into a small bug? belay
  6. +1
    18 March 2018 22: 26
    With the advent of rent and parasitic profit, the human branch set foot on the path of degradation, destroying along this path the nature that generated it. I would like to make a mistake
  7. +2
    19 March 2018 00: 01
    The words "prevent catastrophe" do not fit with the word "patented" in the first paragraph. Technologies are patented so that no one else can sell them, which means that the headline is more suitable for the article: "Wall-mart wants to cash in on a global catastrophe" - then everything falls into place ...
    1. +1
      19 March 2018 12: 09
      Under capitalism, everything is done to, oh horror, make money. What a twist!
  8. +2
    19 March 2018 12: 15
    And they don’t want to name the reason for the mass reduction of bees? And it turns out as with obesity, instead of improving the quality of food, they offer fitness classes. Only business, nothing personal ....
  9. 0
    20 March 2018 08: 27
    Where the world is heading. winked