Why Putin's godfather advocated an autonomous Donbass

Famous Ukrainian political activist, chairman of the political council of the Opposition Platform - For Life, and part-time godfather of Vladimir Putin, Viktor Medvedchuk voiced his position on the settlement of the conflict in the Donbass. It was set out in his article published on the official website of the public organization Ukrainian Choice.

Despite the fact that the politician did not run for president, he conducts active propaganda work, promoting and defending his views.

How to return Donetsk and Lugansk?

Medvedchuk believes that the primary task of the Ukrainian authorities is to end the war in the Donbass. If this does not happen, no other problems can be solved. Without this there will be no rise economicsnor reduce social tensions.

The political force led by Medvedchuk, unlike the others, offers steps not to return the territories lost by Ukraine, but to return the people living in Donetsk and Lugansk. He believes that it is not Donbass that should return to Ukraine, but Ukraine should become its own for the inhabitants of Donbass. Of course, all the evil that they see from Ukraine, every day everything alienates the Donbass from it.

Ultimatums, blackmail and threats do not contribute to rapprochement. According to the politician, only security guarantees and a sense of confidence in the future of these people, who should become full-fledged citizens of Ukraine, will help to return the Donbass.

Opinion polls show that the majority of the country's population adheres to this point of view. They spoke out in favor of granting autonomy to Donbass if it would again become part of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Choice adheres to these principles. They are formulated in a document called the “Plan-concept for resolving the crisis in the South-East of Ukraine”. Medvedchuk emphasizes that his plan is fully consistent with the letter and spirit of both the Minsk agreements and the current legislation of Ukraine.

Autonomous Donbass in unitary Ukraine?

The politician believes that Kiev needs to agree, there are no other options. Moreover, the Ukrainian authorities should sit at the negotiating table not only with Moscow, but also with Donetsk and Lugansk. He considers the negotiation format “Kiev – Moscow – Donetsk – Lugansk” to be ideal.

According to Medvedchuk, Donetsk and Lugansk can be returned to the fold of Ukraine only under conditions of broad autonomy. This entity may be called the Autonomous Region of Donbass. He must have his own parliament, government, law enforcement agencies. To do this, you need to make appropriate changes to the constitution of Ukraine. And such a step does not contradict the principles of the existence of Ukraine as a unitary state, because the autonomy of Donbass does not turn the country into a federation. If a country wants to maintain integrity, there is no other way.

Medvedchuk believes the implementation of his plan is quite feasible:

When President Poroshenko says that the key to peace is in the Kremlin, he is right. But, unlike him and others who are eager for power and telling legends about the supposedly world they are ready to create, we do not just know where this key is, we know where the door is with the keyhole, from which this key is.

Does Medvedchuk's Plan Have Chances?

You can often hear how Medvedchuk is called a pro-Russian politician. Ukrainian radicals even call him “an agent of the Kremlin” and “Putin’s godfather”. But, apparently, he has deeply pro-Ukrainian views. He is a patriot of Ukraine, striving for peace and prosperity to come to this country. Just a politician sees the path to this goal in ending the fratricidal war and normalizing relations with Russia.

This constructive position is worthy of respect and support, but, alas, his plan is outdated. Now, five years after the Maidan, the gulf between the Donbass and Ukraine is so deep that in the coming decades they will not be able to exist in one state.

On the other hand, the coming to power of adequate leadership can accelerate rapprochement, but even if this happens, the process will be slow and cautious.

The population of Donetsk and Lugansk refers to the Kiev authorities with distrust and wariness. In addition, today the Donbass is quite successfully building its statehood, raising its economy, and establishing economic ties from scratch. Although there are enough social and economic problems, the population of this region no longer connects its future with Ukraine.
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  1. +1
    2 February 2019 10: 51
    Medvedchuk has a large share of his business tied up in Donbass, and it is not profitable for him to give it to Russia, this is the whole point.Like in Mariupol, when the militias were ordered not to enter the already capitulated city, and after all, Mariupol, with its industry already I would have been a member of the DPR for a long time, but Putin took pity on his godfather Medvedchuk, and now it is "mayo sho maye" ...... How low, disgusting, to neglect people's lives for the sake of his junk!
  2. +1
    2 February 2019 12: 25
    Medvedchuk believes that the primary task of the Ukrainian authorities is to end the war in the Donbass.

    And along with this, there should be a cardinal purge from the Nazis, banderlogs and just gangsters. Both in power and ordinary. Moreover, the cleaning is tough, even tougher, as after 1945. Otherwise, they will not succeed - no one will have the will to side with normal people with the fascist scum. And there’s no one to clean. And not at all. T.ch. nothing will work out.
    1. +1
      2 February 2019 15: 36
      That's right, no purge from Natsik in Ukraine is foreseen. But in the Donbass, if by stupidity he suddenly believes Kiev and returns, cleaning is not just possible, but inevitable. But in the Republics, neither the authorities nor the inhabitants have long believed in fairy tales.