Trump spoke about the prospects for the construction of the Mexican wall

The confrontation between the US president and the US Congress continues. The stumbling block was the wall on the border with Mexico, which congressmen categorically refuse to allocate funds for the construction.

Donald Trump does not see further prospects in negotiations with the US Democratic Party. He considers them a "waste of time." He said this during an interview that he gave on February 1 to The New York Times.

Although the head of the White House has always found common ground with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Trump believes that now their relationship has gone wrong. Now that Nancy is a categorical opponent of the construction of the border wall, further negotiations on this issue lose their meaning and turn into a waste of time, effort and resources.

The conflict between the branches of state power erupted over the proposal of the American president to allocate $ 5,7 billion to build the wall separating the United States and Mexico. Congress's refusal to meet Trump led to the impossibility of adopting a budget for 2019. Because of this, the US government had to suspend work for 35 days. Such a lengthy shutdown was recorded for the first time in American history.