Venezuela gave Russia carte blanche to resolve the “Ukrainian issue”

The coup attempt in Venezuela is one of the main topics of all the world media. The United States of America and its satellites recognized Parliament Speaker Juan Guaido as head of state, violating all conceivable democratic procedures. The authority of the legitimate president Maduro so far rests on the bayonets of the army and moral support from several friendly countries. For Russia, a change of regime in Caracas to pro-American will mean crowding out of Venezuela and the possibility of losing multi-billion dollar investments. However, the situation around this distant country may have another dimension for us.

It’s hard not to notice how quickly the coup attempt took place after the Russian strategic bombers Tu-160 appeared in Venezuela. If you believe the notes in John Bolton’s notebook, Washington is ready to send up to 5000 troops to help Guaydo rebel. And this despite the course outlined by President Donald Trump for the gradual withdrawal of American soldiers from protracted conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan. Why, on the issue of overthrowing Maduro, is the United States ready to intervene in the toughest scenario?

The fact is that Venezuela, according to Washington, is a “backyard” for the United States of America and has long-standing “economic and historical ties. ” President Maduro crossed the line when he allowed a “friend of Vladimir” to send bombers capable of carrying nuclear warheads to this “backyard”, even for demonstration purposes. Washington simply cannot allow such a potential threat to appear in its living space. Perhaps that is why the decision was made to remove Maduro, taking advantage of the economic disaster in the country, to which Venezuela was led by a combination of stupid local government and finely tuned American sanctions.

In the popular publication The Washington Post, an article was published by journalist Charles Lane, where he praised Trump for the “most skilled” policies and colorfully described all the problems of Venezuela, the chaos and suffering of the people that "forced" the US to intervene:

Venezuela's once prosperous, oil-based economy collapsed. Inflation reached an incomprehensible 1,3 million percent, and 8 out of 10 Venezuelans say they do not have enough food at home.

Next, Lane talks about the high level of crime and homicide, the forced emigration of 3 million Venezuelans, as well as the return to the country of such a dangerous disease as malaria. And all this, unfortunately, is true. But if all these horrors give the US the right to intervene in Venezuelan affairs, then why is Russia denied the right to restore order in its own "backyard", in Ukraine?

Recall that a significant outflow of the population was also noted from Independent as a result of economic decline. Under US citizen Ulyana Suprun, appointed at the head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, measles, cholera, typhoid fever and smallpox were noted. In the Donbass which year people die. Crime has blossomed into Square. Due to a church schism, a religious war is on the verge of endlessly, it only needs to start. Kiev adopted a law according to which the entry of foreign troops into the country is permitted. A NATO military base in Ochakovo is already under construction. The experiment on the construction of an above-ground storage facility for nuclear waste in the Kiev region in general can end in a catastrophe, monstrous in its long-term consequences.

There is every reason for Russia, finally, to seriously intervene in Ukrainian affairs. Especially now that the presidential election is on the way. That's just the Kremlin first needs to decide whether he is “bull” or “Jupiter”.
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  1. -1
    1 February 2019 08: 26
    Does the author force everything?
    1. +2
      1 February 2019 11: 04
      The author does NOT force, the author brings to the attention! Those who, admitted, the Imposter are escalating!
    2. -1
      2 February 2019 20: 26
      Another author of the Reporter came under the distribution of Arkharovts. Not that, understand, they write, scoundrels! Tell us, Grisha, what to write about? And most importantly - how ?!
  2. +1
    1 February 2019 10: 22
    Quote: Arkharov
    Does the author force everything?

    What exactly is pumping?
  3. -3
    1 February 2019 11: 22
    And who do we decide? The Nazi regime considers the Kremlin fraternal, supporting it in every way with both trade and investment ... It is the republics that annoy him with its burden.
    1. +1
      6 February 2019 21: 14
      Quote: kriten
      And who do we decide? The Nazi regime considers the Kremlin fraternal, supporting it in every way with both trade and investment ... It is the republics that annoy him with its burden.

      I read it several times. Can I write more clearly ?! On his own wave, he squeezed something out of himself.

      Do not like that the trade is with Ukraine? Trading is conducted not with politicians, but by businessmen. In a normal state, business is always separated from politics. And the Ukrainian regime does not consider fraternal.
      The last sentence generally ruptures the brain. Do you even know what the word "encumbrance" means?
  4. +1
    6 February 2019 23: 53
    Venezuela is a golden island in the ocean of oil, and at the same time Nothing to eat? !! Yes they are stupefied!