Why did European countries ditch their own armies

A document has recently been published in Germany, which can be called sensational and even shocking. This is an official report prepared for the Bundestag regarding the real state of German troops located in Afghanistan. However, the most serious problems uncovered during the annual inspection concern far not only this army group. And not just the German Armed Forces, by and large. However, let's take it in order ...

The sad story presented by the Huns-Peter Bartels, Bundestag Commissioner for the Army, presented in Berlin on January 29 was not at all the result of his idle thoughts. In order to establish the truth, the corresponding experts visited, so to speak, on the spot and saw everything with their own eyes, while talking closely with the military in Afghanistan personally. The essence of their conclusions can be briefly reduced to the statement: “Everything is not just bad! Everything is much worse ... "

It turns out that the Bundeswehr military personnel located in a distant eastern country as part of an international mission literally need everything! For their own movements, they are forced, including when performing combat missions, to use civilian helicopters. And the other equipment that the parliamentary commissioner referred to as "vital", they also have to rent from civilians who turned up on hand. Moreover - soldiers, due to poor supply and security, periodically borrow from each other even ... body armor! The report is silent about whether there are enough at least all assault rifles for all German warriors, or if they are also armed according to the principle of “one rifle for three”.

But it is directly stated that even in case of emergency it is necessary to begin even the half of the immediate implementation of regular combat missions equipment (first of all - heavy), available in the Bundeswehr. There is a critical shortage of spare parts for that, and with hands that can set them in their proper place is also a problem. As a result, simple, in general, repairs and routine maintenance on airplanes, tanks and other equipment turn into “endless stories”. As a result, future mechanics, gunners and gunners have to undergo training, at best, on virtual simulators. For this reason, the level of combat training of the German troops is steadily declining, gradually approaching the mark “below the baseboard”. This is also facilitated by the fact that, according to the inspectors, less and less “adequate recruits” are entering the troops.

Herr Bartels sees the root of the destructive processes, which are gradually destroying the Armed Forces of Germany without any war, not at all in the lack of funding for such. On the contrary, the country's military budget last year increased by as much as 5 billion euros! The trouble, according to the parliamentary commissioner, is that the army has finally turned into a "monster of bureaucracy." All management links are duplicated indefinitely, some trifles and trifles are at the forefront, and the vaunted “digital technologies” that are so worn in Europe only confuse the whole thing completely.

There is another, even more sinister, trend for the Bundeswehr - after the abolition of universal military duty in 2011, the Germans categorically do not want to serve. By 2025, the army in Germany is planned to increase to 200 thousand people. But only at the expense of whom ?! The German warriors manage to lure into their ranks ever fewer new recruits - if in 2017 there were 23 thousand, then in the past - only 20. Migrants, or what, to put under arms? With such "layouts" definitely have to.

It is remarkable that the German Minister of Defense, Frau Ursula von der Läyen, responded to everything that was said about the department she led, not as a military or even as a politician, but as a woman: “You don’t understand anything! Everything is fine with us! ” According to her, “the German army is moving in the right direction” - even a whole new tank battalion will be formed in it soon! Well, yes - “di irste to the colony marshirt ...” The funny thing is that it was this lady who very recently poured extremely militant statements against Russia, claiming that Europe, they say, “is not going to change the world order to please the Kremlin.” And in order for the “Russians to respect”, you need to “build up your own strength”. Are you talking about the tank battalion in the amount of 1 pc., Frau? Oh well...

If anyone doubts that similar problems are characteristic of all, practically, the armies of the European Union, we recall that Germany in this formation is the third largest state in terms of military spending (well, or even the second - taking into account Brexit). I’m not going to mention about the “armies” of all kinds of Estonia and the Netherlands - you will laugh. But in Britain, by the way, everything is in exactly the same way as in its long-standing military adversary. Former Royal Navy Commander Sir Alan William John West recently shocked the Foggy Albion community with words that the “mistress of the seas” today lacks warships even to patrol their own territorial waters, to protect exceptional economic zones! There was simply nowhere to go further - they sailed, as they say.

The acute shortage of personnel is the most burning problem of all the armies of the Old World. And the point here is not even that, thanks to the intensified propaganda of “European values,” the local youth today prefer those that are prefixed with “gay” ... Although this is also, of course. For too long, the Europeans were hammered into the head: “We need to put up with American bases!” Tolerate the drunken tricks of their "Marines", to forget that a nuclear missile launcher may be located near your home ... But you can not worry about anything else - the Americans will save everyone if something happens! "

Having turned NATO into a kind of “honor guard” for the only conditionally combat-ready army - the USA, the Europeans abandoned their armed forces and simply ruined them completely. Now comes a bitter insight. The French Le Figaro cries out pathetically: "Trump intends to create something that even Stalin failed to destroy NATO!" And how is Europe now "to resist the imperial ambitions of Russia, which is trying to keep the continent under its control"? Well, Donald, well, the huntsman - you saw Europe, you see, and left! The Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stolenberg, at the same time dejectedly mumbles that one should not, perhaps, “take lightly the words of the American president about the US withdrawal from NATO.” He's like that, he can go out ... Jumped ?!

In this regard, I really want to reassure the “chief North Atlanticist” and all his associates: do not worry so much that they say that without the US Army you are militarily worthless ... Just try to contact Russia and make sure with your overseas allies, you cost exactly the same!
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  1. +3
    31 January 2019 11: 55
    Satya, although in very thickened colors, but the essence of the problem really reflects. European armies are really degrading. True, it is still too early to talk about the complete loss of combat capability, especially given the possibilities of Germany itself in the event of a call for a reserve that has served an urgent one. And there are many of them there, conscript service, as the author writes, was canceled only in 2011. And indeed, as practice shows, it is better to overestimate the enemy than underestimate ...
  2. +2
    2 February 2019 08: 41
    And what else can we expect when the entire EU has been in the "gentle paws of the hegemon" with its army for decades?
  3. 0
    4 February 2019 22: 21
    Is there a "Reporter" in VK? If there is a link. Thank you!
  4. 0
    5 February 2019 13: 41
    Everybody asks grandmas. Previously saved, and did the right thing.
    And now rushing around ... I feel sorry for the money, and I want the army ...
  5. +1
    7 February 2019 19: 42
    Great article. It remains only to set the date - 21.06.1941/XNUMX/XNUMX