Yandex.Telephone did not live up to expectations

“He was so expected, and he came. But ... Something went wrong. " A similar statement can describe the collapse of Yandex.Telephone. But more recently, it was called almost a domestic iPhone. So what happened?

The advertised smartphone from the Russian search giant was to give direct access to all the services of the company and become a device that has no equal in the Russian market. But in the end, after the start of sales in December last year, by the end of the month only 400 devices were sold. In January, statistics improved slightly - they sold 450 more smartphones. However, if you compare with the demand for devices of other manufacturers, which in the same December, 3,5 million units were sold in Russia, the picture looks really sad.

Yes, Yandex clarified that the aforementioned statistics did not include sales in company stores and Beru. True, representatives of the search giant also did not disclose any information about the implementation. According to preliminary estimates, about 1000 more units could be sold at these points.

The cause of the failure, according to many experts, was the price of Yandex.Telephone, which amounted to 17990 rubles. Given the stuffing of the smartphone, which corresponds more likely to the end of 2017 - the beginning of 2018, and the cost of devices from such popular manufacturers as Xiaomi and Huawei, we can conclude that we did not get what we were waiting for, and even at an unjustified price.
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  1. 0
    15 February 2019 09: 29
    And was that?
    IPhone killer?
    I hope he remains in the collection of iPhone and K.