Why Europe is so contorted by Russian national pride

In a friendly and angry response to the disgusting attack of the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on the occasion of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad, our public for some reason did not pay attention to the fact that another leading European media noted exactly the same degree of vileness to this event - France-Presse Agency (AFP). But you see, this allows you to talk about what is happening at a completely different level - as an informational anti-Russian attack coordinated at the pan-European level. So what shakes Europe from each of our parades so well that it tears it to shreds, is it worth the Russians once again recalling their victories ?! There are reasons - and we will announce them.

The French version of the presentation of this topic came out, at least, no less scumbag than the German. In the AFP libel, the celebrations were called an “outrageous carnival”, claiming that they “provoke anger in St. Petersburg”, while references were made to a certain “historian” and “resident of the city who survived the blockade,” obviously, as follows from the above quotations, liberal dissident bottling. The general tone of the report repeats the Süddeutsche Zeitung daub, almost one-to-one, developing the same rotten “thesis” that Russians sacrifice “compassion and memory” in favor of their “national pride”. So what's the deal? Well, not in small zig-zig-bigals and their personal initiative - that's for sure. Not just a negative, but directly violently hateful perception that Russia honors the memory of the Great Patriotic War and is proud of victory in it, have reasons that, for simplicity, we will reduce to three “C.”

The first is Shame. Moreover, in Germany the number of those who are ashamed is divided into about 50 \ 50. Half of the Germans (who still have something human) are terrified and painful to recall Auschwitz, the Holocaust and what their ancestors did on our land. It is this shame that makes them ... hate us - as the bearers of this burning memory. The second half of the descendants of the "Aryan superhuman" is tormented by the mention of completely different things - Stalingrad, the Kursk Bulge and Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. They curse Hitler and his strategists not because they started the war. For losing! For what reason does this half hate us, I think it’s not worth explaining?

When a libel-minded lascivious libel calls the blockade of Leningrad "a Wehrmacht monstrous crime," it breaks - as in everything else. In Germany, a long time ago they were trying to reduce everything to the Fuhrer, the SS and the Wehrmacht - they were supposedly to blame! Do you think we forgot that Hitler, with his satanic NSDAP, did not organize any revolutions or military coups to come to power? He was elected - by the most, no matter what, by a democratic and popular vote! The Third Reich, as well as all its terrifying consequences, is a well-informed choice of the entire German people. We remember that ...

The same story is about the French. Only there is still more shameful. France was our ally in the anti-Hitler coalition? Fought Nazism ?! Okay, darlings! The British and Americans, in 1945, quite seriously offering to rank France as allies of the Third Reich and, on this basis, “occupy a little”, had every reason to do so. Stalin defended - but in vain, in my opinion! Having “fought” in sight with the Wehrmacht after the start of real hostilities for as much as a month and a half, the French army shamefully capitulated in terms of strength and armament. France then “heroically fought with the invaders” - in various positions. From a famous Indian treatise ...

The “resistance movement”, widely spread and completely covered with absolutely undeserved fame, in France causes a pitiful laugh at the very first comparison not even with our partisan detachments, but at least with those that existed in Yugoslavia. Do you want to know the names of the most famous groups of popular avengers who fought on French soil? Kindly: Sevastopol, Donbass, Kotovsky, Chapaev. There was also a detachment "Rodina" - completely and completely female ... Not any French names? Well, that's about it!

Of the supposedly 20–25 thousand participants in the French “resistance” (many historians also believe these figures are godlessly inflated), at least 3 thousand were Soviet prisoners of war who had broken free. The same, at least, number of fighters was given by white emigres living in the country - Russians, naturally. The anthem of the anti-Nazi movement - “Partisan Song” was written by Russian noblewoman Anna Smirnova-Marley! In general, the analysis of the national composition of this very “resistance” is a damn entertaining thing. Who was not there! Jews, Armenians, Spaniards ... Even Germans - in quantity, again 3 thousand! With a thoughtful analysis, you begin to wonder: did the French even exist there ?!

But they were definitely in the 638 Wehrmacht infantry regiment, who managed to find themselves in the Borodino field in the winter of 1941 - with the same result as the great-grandfathers. The SS Charlemagne Division and many more units and subunits of the Wehrmacht and the SS consisted of them. At the end of World War II alone, more than 23 Frenchmen were found in Soviet captivity. And it was captured French tanks that hit the Brest Fortress, and guns made in the same country fired on besieged Leningrad. We have not forgotten ...

It is precisely this memory of ours that awakens the second “C” in Europeans - Fear. In the ceremonial march of the ceremonial columns of the Russian army, in the thunder of our holiday salutes, in the songs of that War that sound in our Fatherland, the West hears the formidable: “We can repeat it!” We can ... Think about it: in Europe, in practice, there is not a single capital where a Russian or Soviet soldier would not enter with glory - carrying either liberation or just retribution! In general, they took Berlin three times - in 1760, 1813 and 1945. Well, what can you do: the Russians have such a national tradition - take Berlin once a century. The new century, by the way, has already begun ...

As long as the proud and bitter memory of the Great Patriotic War lives in the Russian people, about the Victory in it, the West cannot break us and make us slaves. Now, if instead of admiring our ancestors who defeated Nazism, we, according to the recipes of "enlightened Europe," we only start to cry and mourn the victims and "repent" is unclear what - then the end will come. The Russians who have not lost their national pride are invincible. In particular, in comparison with what Europe itself has become.

The third “C”, on which the West’s rejection of our spirit and memory is based, we will designate as Death. In view of the death of European civilization, as such, in fact, has already come. Our liberals can drool at any rate about the quality of the "local" roads and other attributes of paradise, supposedly living in a "free Europe", but this well-fed and calm life has already ended. Now we are witnessing her last moments - if we speak on a historical scale. In Germany, which once gave rise to the multimillion-strong Wehrmacht, which occupied dozens of countries, today there is simply no one to serve in the Bundeswehr - incommensurably smaller in number! Berlin firefills sends applications to all EU countries in search of recruits. And what did you want from a country where the “third sex” has already been officially recognized, and the president publicly repents for the persecution in the Third Reich of not Jews, but ... perverts ?! In a country where men do not want to protect their compatriots from harassment and are forced to subsequently apologize to rapists?

The "yellow vests" of France the farther, the more they turn into a meaningless and merciless "rebellion against everything." The same fierce and, in fact, not having a clear goal protests cover more and more EU countries. Well, and, of course, the problem of what Europe is starting to turn into. The resolution adopted by PACE the other day looks extremely significant, expressing concern that the Shariah Councils, which are already very active in England today, the number of which is already close to a hundred, may soon form a "parallel justice system" there. "Great Britain!" “An empire in which the sun never sets ....” This is the end, sirs. Having turned the Europeans into a thoughtless herd of consumers, without faith, pride and dignity, they quietly led not to paradise, but to the edge of a bottomless abyss. Now it has opened in front of the whole Old World quite visibly and realistically.

Europe is in a furious rage, seeing in front of itself a country and people who, despite the colossal efforts made to destroy them, have not broken, not bent, have not dissolved in a faceless globalized world. Unlike those who for centuries have allowed themselves to look down on our country, boasting banal household comfort and other “achievements of civilization”, as it turned out now, absolutely worthless, the Russians remained Russian - this is their national pride, their strength, so unbearable for the West. In each of our families there are those who can and should be remembered as victims - but we still consider ourselves descendants of the winners. So long as it is - Russia is indestructible ...
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  1. +11
    28 January 2019 12: 18
    Big PLUS to the author for the article! There is no limit to the cynicism of Western "partners"
  2. +8
    28 January 2019 15: 00
    And then there’s nothing to be proud of! They quickly fell under Hitler and did not take Berlin! Therefore, it craps scoundrels!
    1. +7
      28 January 2019 19: 07
      All those who are contaminated by our parades can and should be called traitors and even worse. Equating Stalinism with fascism, apparently they thought that now our country will obediently accept this and will behave accordingly. And all the former CMEA member countries, also the Baltic parasites, began to provide false accusations.
  3. +3
    29 January 2019 10: 20
    Everything is clear about the attitude of Western partners. For example, I am more interested in the attitude to the events in Leningrad of our “native” ruling class and its servants in the form of the media and cinema. First of all, the victory in the Second World War and the lifting of the blockade are the merit and victory of the Soviet people. And not only the peoples of Russia. As the author of the article is trying to present. And here we can repeat these, etc.? This is what these patriotic cries are for! To whom to repeat and who will repeat? In the established picture of the capitalist world, the role of the financial center is assigned to the United States of America and partially Western Europe - the financial wealth of the world is concentrated there. Russia is assigned the role of a raw material semi-colony, the looting of its natural resources and the exploitation of its working people — that is the goal of the capitalists in this country.

    The surplus value created by the labor of Russian workers is not only forcibly taken away by the ruling class of capitalists, but also taken out of the country, significantly worsening the social and economic situation of the working people.

    And most importantly, why? How do these shouts differ from shouts in the USA and Europe about the worst evil in the form of Russia or China?

    The Second World War was a defensive survival war against the forces of reactionary capital represented by the fascist part of Europe. The war of the socialist Soviet Union and capitalist reactionary Europe. And then the war in 1760, 1813? All in a bunch. Do not do like this.

    “Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist elements of financial capital ... Fascism is not superclass power and not the power of the petty bourgeoisie or the lumpen proletariat over financial capital. Fascism is the power of finance capital itself. This is an organization of terrorist reprisals against the working class and the revolutionary part of the peasantry and intelligentsia. “Fascism in foreign policy is chauvinism in its most rude form, cultivating zoological hatred against other peoples.” G. Dimitrov.

    As for the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad. The inhabitants of besieged Leningrad survived not because they were better than others, but because they were collectivists rallying around a communist worldview. They defended their Socialist Homeland, which actually belonged to them, and not to a handful of greedy capitalists.

    Today at the celebrations you will not hear anything like it. No one will talk about socialism, about the merits of the Communists, no one will remember Stalin. Nor will they say what fascism is and where it came from. Instead, they will tell how the “people” defended their “country” with the help of “fortitude” in the struggle between “good and evil”. The people won because they are such a great people - this is the modern message that they introduce into the head of the layman.

    Celebrations are decorated with as many tricolors of bourgeois Russia as possible, and they will try to use Soviet symbols as little as possible. The orchestra will play the anthem of bourgeois Russia, which in this confrontation would rather be on the side of the Nazis than on the side of the Soviet Union. In general, capitalists exploit the achievements of a socialist country in their favor. The task is simple - to pretend that we are as united as before. But there can be no unity between reaction and progress, between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, between the well-fed and the hungry.

    No matter how the capitalists try, they will never be able to approach the people like the Communists. For example, Pesochnikov Kuzma Yakovlevich - a communist, died of starvation in 1942 in besieged Leningrad, being the head of the food warehouse.

    The bourgeoisie with its liberal ideology of individualism simply does not imagine what self-sacrifice is for the sake of others, in the name of others. Businessmen would be the first to surrender their own country and people. The capitalist will always sell and betray, because the main and only value for him is money.

    Speaking of the “national idea”, of the Russian people or of the Russian nation, the capitalists are blatantly lying. Any worker for the capitalist is a slave unworthy of nothing more than a beggarly existence in a slum. And in this regard, all capitalists are international - you will find such an attitude to the proletariat regardless of country and nation.

    Any worker in Russia has more in common with any worker in the USA, Europe or Africa than with the Russian oligarch, even despite the common language and place of residence. There can be no unity of workers and capitalists. Under no circumstances.

    Victory near Leningrad is the property of the socialist state and people. This is the victory of communism and collectivism over fascism, capitalism and individualism. Bourgeois Russia has nothing to do with this victory. Because the communists and capitalists are irreconcilable enemies.
  4. +5
    29 January 2019 11: 42
    The last comment Alexey draws on a separate hot topic!
    I do not agree with everything ... especially about the unity of the workers. They hoped for the German working class ... and he in the Wehrmacht's overcoats methodically carried out the orders of the Führer. Not only the class struggle can explain everything.
    1. +3
      29 January 2019 15: 56
      It is she who can explain everything. In a defeated, destitute Germany after the First World War, capital in order to maintain its ruling position put forward the idea of ​​fascism (nationalism) as an alternative to socialism and revolution. People got their heads filled with great-power nonsense about a great nation by the ideas of solidarity and corporatism. Stalin clearly pointed out that “we are fighting against fascism, and not against the people of Germany. Hitlers come and go, but the people remain. ” In fact, they are doing the same thing, and this time around the world, including in our country. All around again became great powers, all around enemies, and urgently need to unite on the soil of land, faith and blood with the "native" bourgeoisie. All this is fueled by nationalism. Nationalism is the essence of the bourgeoisie. Capitalism is the basis of nationalism, stupidly because there are no nations without a capitalist Social and Economic Formation. Capitalism = nationalism.

      Bourgeois and bourgeois-democratic nationalism, verbally recognizing the equal rights of nations, in fact defends (often secretly, behind the backs of the people) certain privileges of one of the nations and always strives to achieve great benefits for "its" nation (that is, for the bourgeoisie of its nation ), to the division and delimitation of nations, to the development of national exclusivity, etc. Explaining most of all about "national culture", emphasizing what separates one nation from another, bourgeois nationalism separates the workers of different nations and fools them into "national with my slogans.

      V.I. Lenin, t.24, p. 236

      The essence of nationalism is not in the idea of ​​national unification, but in ideology and politics of inciting distrust, hatred, hostility and hatred between nations; this ideology and politics express the selfish interests of the exploiting classes, striving to ensure their dominance and their class privileges with the help of the old principle of slaveholders: “divide and conquer”. Bourgeois nationalists incite enmity between the working people of different nations and preach the "unity" of the exploiters and the exploited within the nation in order to subjugate the working people to the bourgeoisie and distract them from the class struggle against "their own" national bourgeoisie. Nationalism is rooted in the very nature of the bourgeois system, in the relations of private property and exploitation.

      If private property and capital inevitably separate people, incite ethnic hatred and intensify national oppression, then collective property and labor inevitably bring people together, undermine national discord and destroy national oppression. The existence of capitalism without national oppression is just as unthinkable as the existence of socialism without the liberation of oppressed nations, without national freedom.

      I.V. Stalin, Soch., Vol. 5, p. 19.
      1. +1
        3 February 2019 00: 13
        There is a lot of correctness in your words. But the bourgeoisie = fascism = nationalism = capitalism is a hodgepodge. Capitalism is international, business is indifferent to nationality, its main task is to make a profit. Enmity and hatred are chauvinism, not nationalism. Where did you get the idea that the nation and the bourgeoisie are synonyms? Where is the trace of bourgeoisness in the nation + change, where is the trace of property? Try to find the inconsistency in the following: nationalism is a phenomenon of national, collective characteristics of a people. The interpretations of nationalism in Webster's dictionary, Japanese and British encyclopedias are more logical, since there is no ideological overload and dogmatism (Lenin, Stalin). For the "world government", for globalists, for business, there is no enemy more dangerous than nationalism. Therefore, decide with whom to be - with the people or with the bourgeoisie.
    2. +2
      29 January 2019 19: 40
      Quote: Michael55
      The last comment Alexey draws on a separate hot topic! .....

      I will join these words. In the past days, our family watched TV about the Blockade. They listened more. There were phrases, let's say, as if that country = this. As if socialism, communists, Komsomol members did not exist at all. I’m not quoting anything, I hope to find these programs on the network, and I’ll give you the exact result. The evacuation of production was only under the leadership of the regional committees, district committees, city committees of the Communist Party. Somehow I didn’t hear about it. BUT, maybe she missed ... I have to find out. Just important - regularity, silence? In one of his programs, A. I. Fursov said that it’s easier to erase than to rewrite.
  5. +3
    29 January 2019 19: 06
    Ready to subscribe to every word!
  6. 0
    6 February 2019 11: 10
    Something familiar from Europe about the "bumpiness" is neither a rumor nor a spirit.
    The yellow media rule?
  7. 0
    15 March 2019 13: 47
    Because the "crooked" ones are lower than the whistle and from the other side !!!