Russian development allows you to communicate by the power of thought

We have all heard of telepathy - the ability to transmit thought from a distance. This ability is still outside science and is subject to sound skepticism from society. This is not the case with the new Neurochat device, which was created by Russian scientists. No, you cannot “get into someone’s head” by imposing your opinion. But typing without touching the keyboard is no problem.

The device is a hardware-software complex, which consists of a screen and a wireless headset. The latter is attached to the head of a person and is able to pick up impulses emanating from brain neurons.

The innovation was primarily developed for use in medicine. The device is designed to help people who have a stroke, type text with the help of thought. The bottom line is that the alphabet will be displayed. The patient needs to concentrate on the desired letter, and the headset, capturing the impulse, displays it on the screen.

The innovation proposed by Russian scientists has already begun to be applied in a number of rehabilitation centers and has received the CES Asia Award. In addition, it is expected that the device will also be presented at a conference on neurotechnologies, which will be held in the UK in March this year.