The most slandered quotes of Stalin

The legacy of Joseph Stalin, undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in our history, consists not only of an impressive list of victories and achievements - military, economic, social and others. Stalin is also a huge number of written works, which, when published, made up a multivolume collection, and, of course, many bright sayings and aphorisms on a variety of topics. Here is just one "but" ... On closer examination, it turns out that many of Stalin's "quotes" (and, in particular, those that our liberals love to incline so much) do not belong to him at all!

But it is precisely on the basis of such “revelations” of the Leader that our “democratic public” is trying to draw far-reaching conclusions regarding his position on certain issues. First of all - the relationship to people and the country at the head of which he stood. Yes, and then he tries to impose these "conclusions" on everyone else, posing as the ultimate truth, based allegedly on "documentary evidence." However, the truth in such attempts is not a penny. Just juggling with other people's words, juggling and juggling. This is exactly what we will prove now - on very specific examples.

“Stalin considered people nothing more than“ cogs ”! A familiar statement, isn't it !? What are its roots? The story with the “cogs” stretches from the toast, which in 1945 the Generalissimo delivered in the Kremlin at a gala reception that gathered at the festive table the elite of the command of the Red Army, its best commanders, military leaders who saved the country from the Nazi invasion, liberated Europe, defeated the strongest army in the world and its many allies. Yes, Stalin used the word "cogs." But ... First, it was about the "cogs of the state machine", which, like any other, by definition, cannot consist of, say, a single engine. And, secondly, the Supreme in the face of the brilliant generals and marshals of Victory directly said that they all (and he himself - including!) Without these “cogs” are worth absolutely nothing! Feel the difference, as they say. The one who, on the basis of this statement, is trying to bring nonsense about Stalin's "indifferent" or "arrogant" attitude towards people - either, excuse me, is a complete fool, or an impudent liar.

However, with this quote we have not the worst option yet. "Cogs", indeed, sounded - here just an attempt to mercilessly ripping words out of context. But much more often, for the "true sayings" of Joseph Vissarionovich, they try to "sell" things to us that he never said at all! "Stalin: there are no prisoners of war in the Red Army, but there are only traitors and traitors to the Motherland!" Do you want to know where the "fireballs" come from? Only I humbly ask - do not look for the primary source in the complete collected works of Joseph Vissarionovich or newspaper archives. You are tormented, and to no avail. Since the above quote is nothing more than ... the title of one of the sections of the materials of the Commission for the Rehabilitation of “Victims political repressions in the USSR ". Only the signature of the executive secretary, a certain Mr. Naumov, appears under this opus. Did he personally decide that the Supreme Commander had sealed all the captured Red Army men with such terrible words, with a sentence, in fact? Or are they fabrications of someone else from the Commission members, or even the fruit of their collective "creativity"? This science, alas, is unknown.

So, did Stalin not speak out at all about those who were captured by Hitler? Well, how - of course he could not keep silent on this tragic topic. That's just what they said was something completely different. The Commander-in-Chief in his words glorified the “Russian soldier,” who “always stands to his death.” A consciously chosen prisoner on the battlefield, according to Stalin, was simply “expelled from the Russian community”! The leader in this case operated on moral and ethical categories, even, rather, spiritual ones. And it’s not at all purely legal formulations: “treason” and “betrayal”, regarding which at that time there were corresponding (and very unpleasant) articles in the Criminal Code. Which, of course, fundamentally changes the matter and completely knocks the soil from under the feet of those who to this day continue to prove with foam at the mouth that "Stalin doomed millions of prisoners of war to the agony of the Gulag with one phrase." This was not ...

The situation is similar in approximately the same way with another “quote”, on the basis of which our liberals wage their endless drive for “a war won at an exorbitant price”, repeating their famous: “they filled up with corpses. The point, of course, is that the tragedy is the death of one person, and the death of millions is already turning into statistics. Do you really think this is a Stalinist quote ?! We read the classics, gentlemen! This phrase belongs to none other than Erich Maria Remarque and it sounds in his novel dedicated to the horrors of the First World War - “The Black Obelisk”. Those interested can easily find it in the text. Stalin did not say anything like this ever. However, why bother searching for real sources for the gentlemen of the "democrats"? It’s much simpler and more profitable for them to continue stubbornly trying to prove that it was precisely because of this unsubdued attitude towards soldiers and officers that Stalin and Zhukov with vampire cruelty and cynicism “drove” all five military regiments, divisions and entire armies to the slaughter years.

In general, arguing with the liberal public about Stalin is like trying to play cards with a gang of professional cheaters, and even their speckled deck. Well, who should be to say: “The elections in the USSR have always been dishonest, since Stalin believed that it doesn’t matter how the people vote - it is important who and how they vote” Didn't Joseph Vissarionovich say this? That's just the point, that said! With only one "small" addition: "This is what happens in bourgeois countries." And, most interestingly, the Generalissimo in this case just took advantage of the quote. For the first time in the world this frivolous "electoral formula" was derived and voiced by Napoleon III, Emperor of France, speaking out about the next plebiscite held in this country, which always boasted of its democracy.

That’s how it was created in approximately the same way - at first under the scoundrel Khrushchev, and, later, in the bad “perestroika” years, the myth of Stalin sewn with white thread: a near and bloodthirsty executioner and tyrant, who had nothing human in his soul, and indeed, probably devoid of the soul itself. Tearing words out of context, distorting the meaning and essence that Joseph Vissarionovich put into them to the exact opposite, ascribing other people's thoughts to him - these are vile devices of the “anti-Stalinists”. Well, even when they do not help, the last resort remains - simply come up with a “quote”! Yes, not exchanging trifles at the same time, but putting something really chilling in the mouth of the hated Leader, which definitely turns him into the embodiment of Evil.

The time has come to deal with one of the main "black myths" - the "Stalinist" principle: "No man - no problem." There was no such principle. And Stalin never said such words. In this case, we are dealing with completely one hundred percent falsification, moreover, having a very specific author who proudly admitted his own lies. We are talking about the writer Anatoly Rybakov - the creator of one of the most anti-Stalinist literary works of the time of the "perestroika", the pseudo-historical libel "Children of the Arbat". This fake, published in 1987, without exaggeration, has become one of the cornerstones of the vile campaign to denigrate the past of the Soviet Union, which directly worked for its final destruction. It is enough to mention that Gorbachev personally “pushed” the manuscript into the press, and the most laudatory comments about this “masterpiece” belong to US President Ronald Reagan. By the way, another "venerable dissident" from literature, Joseph Brodsky publicly called Rybakov’s cooking "waste paper" ...

So - there are written memoirs of one of the “perestroika publicists”, Valery Lebedev, about how, ten years after the novel was published, Rybakov, who by that time appeared to be a resident of New York Manhattan, boasted to him that he had simply invented, or as he himself claimed, he “composed” this truly cannibalistic wording by putting it into Stalin’s mouth in his own “literary” mishap. Moreover, he terribly lamented that “no one knows, no one remembers” about this. But the phrase, according to Rybakov and others like him, “unusually accurately conveyed the spirit of that era and the Stalinist approach to people”! He, you know, was proud that he "guessed the psychology of Stalin better than any Freud." A complete clinic, in my opinion ...

Stalin actually owns a huge number of sayings that have become truly winged. Witty, deep, sometimes shocking descendants with their rigidity and utter candor of the word of a great man who ruled a great country in a truly great time. Concluding the conversation about this part of Stalin’s legacy, it remains only to recall his real quote - prophetic words about a pile of garbage that will be put on his grave. And about the wind of time by which this garbage will be mercilessly swept away ...
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  1. +13
    7 January 2019 10: 31
    The more they pour mud on IV Stalin, the more RESPECT him!
    1. -15
      7 January 2019 12: 07
      Story about committed inhuman crimes - pouring mud?
      1. Alf
        8 January 2019 14: 02
        Quote: Arkharov
        Story about committed inhuman crimes - pouring mud?

        And can you elaborate on a hundred million innocently tortured?
        1. +2
          8 January 2019 18: 49
          What a hundred million! Do you want a FIVE MILLION innocent kill?
        2. -2
          8 January 2019 19: 36
          Do you consider the crime of atrocity only 100000000 or more people?
      2. +3
        8 January 2019 21: 36
        Quote: Arkharov
        Story about committed inhuman crimes - pouring mud?

        Grigory Arkharov inhumanly tortured 1000 people, there is evidence for this, but we will not present them to you - this is secret. negative
        Any questions, Gregory? bully
        1. -2
          10 January 2019 16: 52
          There is evidence beyond measure.
        2. -1
          10 January 2019 17: 38
          Go to Butovo training ground, locksmith. There is at least a memorial, and throughout the country the same burial and oblivion.
          Aps, it seems there was nothing! There is no grave, there was nothing.
          1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +10
    7 January 2019 10: 55
    How many scum has messed up our history, for the sake of its selfish mania to establish itself at least somehow. And almost in the forefront was the most embarrassing Khrushchev, a trembling person in the presence of Stalin. No one denies that Stalin was not a good child, but one shouldn’t just distort everything and everything in such a way as to win the attention of Americans, like the same scoundrel Rybakov. Why, then, the French are not erecting their history into something terrible, although there were more horrors there than in the history of Russia. Why do the French still honor Marseillaise, Napoleon and do not dirty any of their kings? To our renegades Rybakov, just let the Soviet leaders be rude to their people. Under the leadership of these leaders, the USSR defeated fascism and liberated all of Europe.
    1. +7
      7 January 2019 12: 14
      Why do the French still honor Marseillaise, Napoleon and do not dirty any of their kings, let our Rybakov renegades give a shit to their people and Soviet leaders

      Because their system was not always the same. And the people lived separately from the elite. And here we have the unwanted children of the finished liberals (in the 37th year) raised their heads when the USSR began to fall apart and these children began to receive financial support from behind the hill, and here it started ...
      PS Now again it would not hurt to start cleaning as in the 37th. War is on the nose.
      1. -1
        9 January 2019 21: 35
        ksv36, laughing laughing here you have touched on the topic! Now the liberda howl will also raise about 37 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be better not to say ... laughing laughing
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      8 January 2019 18: 51
      The capture of the Bastille from the French GOS.HOLIDAY! And Marat, Danton, Robespierre do not pour mud!
  3. -4
    7 January 2019 11: 06
    Read about him the novel "Correction" It contains not only Joseph Vissarionovich himself, but also his entire inner circle.
    1. +4
      8 January 2019 11: 01
      This is science fiction dear! It is necessary to read Nikolai Starikov. He writes on the basis of archival documents and memoirs of figures of that time !!! And on the basis of these archives, I.V. Stalin is seen as a real business executive and a powerful organizer who knew how to put cogs into a mechanism that worked like a clock. And every penny of state money worked for the state. The economic miracle of the Soviet Union under I.V. Stalin!
      1. +5
        8 January 2019 18: 32
        It can be argued that neither Starikov, nor Mukhin, nor Prudnikova, nor Martirosyan are contemporaries and cannot know what was there and how it was.
        It is better to read the memoirs of people who worked directly with Stalin - Grabin, Golovanov, etc.
        Then everything becomes clear what kind of person the leader of the USSR was and how and why he was guided in his actions.
      2. -4
        8 January 2019 19: 40
        And how did other countries achieve not worse results without practically unmotivated destruction of part of their own population?
        1. +6
          8 January 2019 21: 26
          If it’s rude, well, very rude, Stalin drank a whole generation of chaos who participated in the Civil War, which, as a rule, has no heroes.
          And the rest - he, of course, was far from an angel, you justly condemn him, but, on the other hand, who wrote 4 million denunciations? (c)
    2. 0
      9 January 2019 21: 45
      Gr. Ishchenko ... And why are you advertising your books ... especially fiction?
      If this is really your photo and your name ...
  4. +8
    7 January 2019 11: 44
    Anyway. But the very presence of I.V.S. on the political Olympus, it gives us the opportunity to still call ourselves Russia. If not for him (and looking at the modern political elite), then no one. He was salvation. Yes, there were distortions. But they still exist, but with the opposite vector. It is not difficult for a normal, thinking person to conduct his own investigation. There are enough sources. But someone will listen to Solzhenitsyn (aka Wind), and there are experienced historians, for example, Martirosyan, who quite adequately describes that era. And generally speaking. What is the grafted complex? No other country has such a "sweet" tradition of courting its past.
  5. -10
    7 January 2019 14: 11
    They would pour the same drink
    In their innocently slanderous mouth
    To these lovely torture lovers
    Connoisseurs in the production of orphans ...

    Anna Akhmatova "Defenders of Stalin"
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      8 January 2019 18: 37
      Let's have something else from Solzhenitsyn to enhance the effect
    3. +2
      8 January 2019 19: 03
      And what, is this rhyming authority?!? She is from ,, offended ,, by the Soviet authorities!
      1. +3
        8 January 2019 21: 28
        This woman is sick
        This woman is alone
        Husband in the grave
        Son in prison
        Pray for me
        1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        12 January 2019 15: 59
        For stupid rhyming, for smart authority. And smart people are always offended by the authorities, because what about stupid people?
  6. -7
    7 January 2019 15: 17
    Khrushchev always stands with the exposure of the cult of Stalin, although one field of berries! Solving all problems by force is the mistake of all tyrants! And as a rule, they will make so many mistakes and dirt that it takes a whole century to correct the stories! If not for Khrushchev, then someone from the environment of power structures would have done this "job"! Otherwise, there would have been a riot, during the war our soldiers opened their eyes a little, seeing how they live in the West! And discontent grew about how that leadership led the country: it was mediocre, rude and it brought positive results, only by the merciless exploitation of the entire Soviet people, sparing no one, neither peasants, nor workers, nor scientists, nor generals, nor soldiers! As soon as the relief came, that system crashed and got to what we have now. And this process has not stopped yet! So the "cogs" are still firmly in power and in the brains of many! And the liberals have nothing to do with it, they just raised this flag and use it to their advantage! If nothing happened, then why would Khrushchev raise this issue! Turn on your brains sometimes!
  7. +4
    7 January 2019 17: 22
    Quote: Valery Ryumin
    If there was nothing, then why should Khrushchev raise this question! Turn on your brains sometimes!

    it was, of course, but in the days of the same Khrushchev it was, and now is. absolutely "unblemished power" is not and never will be. Any state is violence against the people. only in those days violence was against 30% of the population, but this is very, very bad, and no one wants a repetition. but in modern Russia, in relation to 80% of the population, there is essentially "violence" (no work, no normal salary, etc.), with the exception of Moscow, St. Petersburg and a few other large cities. it would be fine if the country would develop economically, otherwise growth is only in the reports of officials. corruption has flourished and is not going to fade. this would never have happened during Stalin's time.
    but about Khrushchev, I’ll say only one thing, he raised this question only because otherwise his age in power would have been even shorter.
  8. +1
    7 January 2019 17: 22
    The topic is important, which requires space, but it is limited, so I will continue on the page.
    Practical activity is always preceded by theoretical activity, for the physical labor of Man is preceded by mental labor, which is an axiom. But this is not enough: theoretical and, consequently, mental work is preceded by spiritual activity aimed at a critical analysis of the plan, research, correlation and evaluation from the point of view of morality.
    And this is understandable: morality is the basis of checks and balances in any activity that allows, in any situation, in any conditions, under any adverse influences, to find and use tools and methods to solve problems with minimal expenditure of material resources and human forces to achieve a positive result. And since we are talking about people, a person, regardless of the natural - gender and age, or social - class-class, professional, etc. criteria, then the basis of morality must be universal human moral values. And if it was these values ​​that became the guiding star on the evolutionary path of man’s exits from the darkness of the animal state, then they should become the basis for mankind’s exit from the darkness of opposites, contradictions and conflicts of the class-class state.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. 0
    8 January 2019 02: 07
    And, modern authorities and experts will twist everything. For the sake of myself.
  11. +5
    8 January 2019 14: 29
    Stalin was not one of the most, but the only great ruler of both the USSR and the Russian Empire, the second after Lenin, just like Stalin was slandered.
  12. +3
    8 January 2019 15: 26
    Great article. This and two other articles by Alexander Neukropny, offered for reading, help us who were born and have lived most of our lives in the USSR to finally collect our thoughts, which were completely disheveled during the period of publicity and at present. Thanks to the authors of these articles.
    1. -1
      8 January 2019 19: 53
      I'm afraid not everyone is given the idea to put together, all the holidays and holidays ... Thoughts are disheveled ....
  13. +3
    8 January 2019 19: 00
    Let there be excesses and blood, but in order to survive the USSR, after two wars, industrialization and an iron hand were necessary!

    He took the country with a plow, left with an atomic bomb!
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. -4
    9 January 2019 09: 02
    :) smiled - the defenders of Stalinism are likely to fall into those 70% of those who escaped repression :))) (see comments), but quite the contrary - the turkey does not think it will fall into the soup. And then tears and snot and letters and lamentations and assurances of Comrade's exceptional loyalty. To Stalin, and that this is a mistake, etc., etc. Such fans will lay and sell not only mom and dad, and not only children on the altar, don’t understand what they’ll put (here already wrote a scribbler, if we regret my son, we The USSR will not be turned back :)) Perhaps it is simply from a lack of mind and its inherent abilities to think, receive knowledge, analyze and draw conclusions.
    And the lamentations — why now is not the way we would like — are baseless, for we have come to the present day, for thinking that Stalin is a benefactor, for the utopian idea is everything, a person of the type nothing.
    Do you dislike liberalism? Are you alien to human rights? - Well, get it, sign it and don’t rock out.
    For what you sow, you will reap, and it was not I who invented it.
    1. +1
      9 January 2019 22: 03
      Of course not you ... You can’t think of anything but lie. So, where is the evidence that I am being paid (as well as "Former Optimist", Georgy Davydov, Ivan Nikolsky) for comments on this site? You tried so hard to convince everyone of this! Here is your comment:

      Quote: Oleg9999
      And you are sitting here, paid commentators, and under different nicknames create the appearance of discussion a la representatives of different groups and sectors of society. But in the end, like Schwartz: you are a wonderful person, Your Majesty, you lead your subjects on the right path, I am an old soldier, I have no need to lie.

      Well - let's tell? Give us the evidence that you know of!
      Shl ... "Kicking a dead lion is not much courage, but worthy of jackals."
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -2
        9 January 2019 23: 14
        by their deeds you will know them

        and who is Alex, you can recognize by vile deeds? Who neighs over the millions destroyed in the same 37th and dance on their bones? Either blissful or scoundrels, no other is given.
        In which we mark?
        1. 0
          9 January 2019 23: 16
          ... your division ... What are you talking about, flawed? Do you even understand what you're carrying? You actually, for the umpteenth time, are asking a question. Can you answer for a change, at least here? Or will you carry nonsense again?
          1. 0
            10 January 2019 16: 57
            Read what an intelligent person writes, maybe not everything with your inner world is lost yet?
            1. -1
              10 January 2019 19: 24
              Arkharov, it's not for you to judge my inner world, you pay attention to yourself ... And yes - do not meddle in those showdowns that do not concern YOU. Or are you 9999 of the same opinion? Well then, no wonder you have so many "-" for your comments. And so - do not stick your long nose where you should not - pinch! soldier
              1. -1
                10 January 2019 19: 50
                People with a labile psyche, in the absence of arguments, always turn to threats.
                Cons are neither good nor bad. The disadvantages to me are, so to speak, a positive assessment of the comment from "your" group.
                1. -1
                  14 January 2019 19: 56
                  Bad means good! I never read more delirium! laughing laughing laughing
                  That's what it means to live in a fantasy world! I met such, met - unhappy people, mainly from a herd of liberoid husbands (perverted consciousness it is - it does not give rest to its owner!). laughing
              2. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          10 January 2019 19: 21
          9999, laughing laughing laughing I knew that apart from "-" and comments that the site administrators delete, you can NOT do ANYTHING!
  16. +1
    11 January 2019 16: 09
    Once he listened to the recordings of Stalin's speech. In particular, about collective farms, and the involvement of peasants in them. Very sensible and competent. After that, he doubted the veracity of the liberal grief of false historians.
    1. -3
      11 January 2019 19: 02
      Did you listen from the speaker on a speech column? Well, how old should you be? :)
  17. -3
    11 January 2019 17: 37
    You listen to the speeches of the CPSU secretaries general, the president in the message to the Federal Assembly. ..
    Ah, dreams, dreams, dreams ...
    And the words are always wonderful. The dog barks, the wind wears. After all, you also always lie beautifully to your wife: dear, I will give you this star :)
    If your ears tolerate noodles with dignity, this does not mean that it sticks to the ears of smart people, who are still the majority.
    By collectivization, Stalin ditched the peasantry as a class of small-medium-sized proprietors and turned into slaves free labor for the countryside and the city. Without rights, freedoms, property. And on the blackboards they wrote: we are not slaves, we are not slaves.
  18. -1
    11 January 2019 19: 37
    lol lol lol hysteria liberal husbands satisfied!
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      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
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    3. The comment was deleted.
  19. +1
    17 February 2019 14: 01
    I remember my mother told how everyone cried, including she, when Stalin died. Is it possible to imagine something like this in our time? How could you deceive all people, create the image of a great man, the father of nations from a tyrant villain ?! How foolish the youth was bourgeois propaganda! Or does it work the appropriate agents, posted on social networks and on popular sites ?! After all, no one listens to “voices” on the radio - and these voiced were sent to work on the Internet!
  20. +1
    17 February 2019 16: 58
    Naturally, the years of the revolutionary struggle, permanent prisons could not but affect the formation of Stalin's personality. But the rigidity of character does not correlate with internal decency, honor and other positive qualities of a person. Not with the dreams of becoming an oligarch, he went to "fight" ?! (Read a copy of the inventory of I.V. Stalin's personal belongings remaining after his death). If he had become ill, became a sadist, then, I think, he would have died in this struggle before the revolution, because he joined the underground revolutionary movement back in 1895, at the age of 15, in fact, a kid. It takes a little logical thinking to figure it all out. Another thing is that those who are trying to "snap", these "showdowns" ... are contraindicated.