A fitness tracker you'll never forget at home

It seems that the symbiosis of man and high-tech devices is gradually ceasing to be perceived as a fantastic genre and inevitably takes its place in our everyday life. No, this is not about terrible cyborg killers from popular films. By no means, scientists from the University of California invented a gadget that can monitor your health status every second.

The device is nothing more than a kind of fitness tracker called IOTA Biosciences, which is able to "monitor" your pressure, heart rate and other vital indicators. However, unlike the usual bracelet, you will not forget this innovation at home or in the gym. The device has the size of rice grain and is implanted directly into the body of its owner.

And you should not worry about the fact that it is dangerous or painful. No major surgical procedures are required to install the device. Thanks to its miniature size, the gadget is attached to the nerve fiber through a laparoscopic incision and, if desired, can be removed at any time.

The information collected by the device is transmitted through ultrasonic waves, allowing you to use the innovation remotely. But most importantly, IOTA Biosciences is not another startup. This invention belongs to scientists - highly skilled specialists in their field, and will soon be able to successfully apply it in medical practice.