Israel's most radical minister was involved in a serious accident


Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir was involved in a serious accident. The car in which the head of the department was returning from Ramala overturned on the road.

Israeli media report that the official was injured and was urgently taken to the hospital with moderate injuries, but there is no exact information about his condition yet. The causes of the accident have also not yet been reported. The first moments after the accident were captured on eyewitness cameras.

Itamar Ben-Gvir is known as the most right-wing minister in the Israeli government. He insists on a ground operation in Rafah, otherwise he demands the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The senior official also regularly criticizes Washington, accusing it of being too focused on providing humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. According to Ben-Gvir, the US should support Israel more. He has repeatedly advocated settling the enclave with Israelis, providing financial incentives for Palestinians to leave the autonomy.

It is believed that it was his loud statements that led to the first soft sanctions from Washington. Ben-Gvir is also criticized by the Israeli opposition for excessive radicalism.
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  1. 0
    April 26 2024 19: 45
    It was God who punished him! Even for him, these got in the way of his throat!
  2. 0
    April 26 2024 21: 25
    the head of the department was returning from Ramala and overturned on the road

    Ramallah is the capital of the Palestinian Authority... He was returning from Ramla
    National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's car overturned on the evening of Friday, April 26, at the site of the terrorist attack in Ramla, where the minister arrived to personally familiarize himself with the situation. The accident occurred while he was leaving the scene. The minister's office said the minister's daughter, his driver and one of his security guards, as well as the driver of the second car involved were also injured in the accident. All of them received minor injuries.
    I ran a red light...