Kazakhstan sold Soviet-made aircraft to the United States through offshore companies


Kazakhstan sold 81 Soviet-made military aircraft to the United States. Among the aircraft transferred under offshore schemes are the MiG-27, MiG-29 and Su-24. It is reported that technique has expired and cannot be used for its intended purpose.

It cannot be ruled out that the aircraft will subsequently be transferred to Ukraine. Specialists from the Armed Forces of Ukraine can disassemble it, using parts on aircraft available to the Air Force. Also, the hulls of obsolete aircraft can be used as decoys at airfields.

Thus, the West is buying up Soviet military equipment all over the world in any condition to transfer it to Ukraine. At the same time, Astana continues to be drawn into the sphere of Western influence in Central Asia in an attempt to tear away from Russia one of the most important military and strategic allies in the post-Soviet space.

In this regard, visits to Kazakhstan have become more frequent politicians from countries unfriendly to the Russian Federation.

Thus, on April 24, the head of the British diplomatic department, David Cameron, visited Astana. During the visit, agreements were concluded in the areas of trade, education, environment and mineral supplies. Cameron mentioned that Kazakhstan is surrounded by difficult neighbors - Russia, China, Afghanistan and Iran. In this regard, it is important for London to have a presence in this difficult region.
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  1. +20
    April 26 2024 17: 14
    So, how are the neighbors? Eat for Russian money, get gasoline, electricity. Why not introduce a visa regime for them? I'm tired of these dependents.
    1. RUR
      April 26 2024 19: 18
      They - the Kazakhs - have enough of their own oil and gas, their standard of living is comparable to Russia's - everything is at their own expense, so don't get too excited...
      1. +3
        April 26 2024 20: 36
        The average is comparable, but they have many times more poor people. But Russia also needs Kazakhstan, as a consumer of uranium ore and many minerals, as well as a safe neighbor, a transit state.
        1. RUR
          April 26 2024 20: 48
          At the end of 2023, more than 1 million Kazakhstanis survived on incomes below the subsistence level*, which is 5,2% of the total population. Compared to 2022, their number increased by 0,3%, reports the Bureau of National Statistics.


          In the Russian Federation in 2023 - 9.3% of the total population
      2. +6
        April 26 2024 22: 10
        Why then buy Russian gasoline and gas? The deposits in Kazakhstan should not be confused with the deposits of the Kazakhs, these are two big differences. There, most of the resources do not belong to the Kazakhs, but go to the host countries.
        1. RUR
          April 26 2024 22: 20
          Dima, I would not divide so sharply, because many properties are joint and, in extreme cases, nationalization is carried out...
          They may be buying for the purpose of speculation - the Russian Federation and sanctions have provided such an opportunity
          1. +3
            April 26 2024 23: 06
            Someone will allow them to carry out nationalization. Unfortunately, the Anglo-Saxons hold the local lords behind Faberge in such a way that you can’t rock the boat. This is clearly visible from the throwing of Kazakhstan between the 3rd poles of power during the Northern Military District. So the Kazakhs have to, sitting on a huge resource base, buy them in Russia. Nothing new, in Russia until 2022 there was a similar situation, until now most of the big businesses are affiliated with the West.
            1. RUR
              April 26 2024 23: 08
              Perhaps you are right, but now, like, everyone buys cheap raw materials from the Russian Federation for resale
              1. 0
                April 27 2024 17: 53
                We do not live in the years of the USSR, when we gave our last to our friends. The Kazakhs will buy and they will have a headache about where and how to supply the raw materials, especially since they are not that cheap.
                1. RUR
                  April 27 2024 19: 52
                  Well, why are you stuck on trifles, in fact... Kazakhstan took the first step along the Ukrainian path... together with fraternal Britain...

                  they will have a headache

                  I foresee a headache for the Russian Federation too...
                  1. 0
                    April 30 2024 11: 18
                    +1, everyone here understands how the independence of nomadic democracy will end
        2. +2
          April 27 2024 04: 04
          There, most of the resources do not belong to the Kazakhs, but go to the host countries.

          14.08.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX RIA Novosti. Rosatom acquired the Budenovskoye uranium deposit in Kazakhstan and became the second largest reserve of this strategic metal in the world.
      3. 0
        17 June 2024 15: 34
        There is no need to become a star. The fuel is Russian, there is no electricity, oil is pumped through Russian pipelines. Currently, Gazprom supplies gas to the southern regions of Kazakhstan via the Bukhara-Ural gas pipeline. And if we cut off the oxygen, they will start heating with dung again and will again feed sheep into the fields.
  2. +4
    April 26 2024 17: 27
    The main thing is that Tokayev always talks about general security. I'm starting to cry. And I myself understand what kind of brothers these are, how everything is nothing personal, business....
  3. +1
    April 26 2024 17: 46
    Instead of writing it off and sending it to “long-term storage,” sell it. Capitalism, that's what it is...
    1. +6
      April 26 2024 21: 05
      Actually, they could sell it to us too, if it’s capitalism, but here it’s a matter of serving and groveling before the West. And most importantly, the desire to annoy the Russians!
      1. -1
        April 27 2024 04: 06
        Actually, they could sell it to us too

        Someone else would buy from us. You would be the first to be indignant that you bought such metal in Kazakhstan.
        1. 0
          April 27 2024 09: 39
          What nonsense, and don’t come up with my reaction for me.
  4. +8
    April 26 2024 17: 52
    the nationalists of the former union republics will continue to spoil the Russian Federation, this is a form of self-affirmation
  5. +5
    April 26 2024 18: 06
    The Kazakh ruling elite has always been corrupt. Their own pocket and the pocket of their relatives and brothers-in-law have always been above all else for them.
    If you didn’t know what a state was, where would statesmen come from?
    There should be no trust with such two-faced people.
    1. +5
      April 27 2024 04: 09
      The Kazakh ruling elite has always been corrupt.

      In which countries is it not for sale?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +3
    April 26 2024 18: 52
    All former Soviet republics, except Belarus, will betray and betray Russia, the one that pulled them out of the Middle Ages for a little money. If only they offered something. And the Eastern European “brother Slavs” are not lagging behind them. Bulgaria's supplies of ammunition to the Ukrovermacht alone are worth billions of dollars. Or the Czech Republic and Slovakia. But at the same time they will tenderly swear love and friendship.


    Do not do good - you will not receive evil in return. If they hadn’t pulled the barmalei out of the Middle Ages, they would have been able to calmly graze their rams and sheep, and they would have had much less opportunity to spoil Russia.

    Moral 2.

    Russia has only two reliable allies - its Army and Navy!
    1. +4
      April 26 2024 21: 46
      Have you forgotten how Luka supplied fuel and equipment to Ukraine? Until the Zmagars almost destroyed his country, then he got scared and decided not to be friends with the West anymore!!
      1. +2
        April 27 2024 04: 32
        decided not to be friends with the West anymore!!

        So what, he has already recognized Crimea as Russian?
      2. 0
        April 27 2024 10: 13
        Yeah, otherwise Russia didn’t supply it, and at reduced prices.
    2. +4
      April 26 2024 21: 49
      Moral 3: the best remedy for “non-brothers” and “preventive vaccination”
      for the “brotherly” peoples it is the genocide of Bandera’s followers in Ukraine. And the sooner
      it will be applied, the better it will be for everyone.
    3. +2
      April 27 2024 04: 14
      All former Soviet republics, except Belarus, will betray and betray Russia

      This is childish reasoning. If the opposition came to power in Belarus (the official name of the republic), then you yourself understand what this would lead to.
    4. +1
      April 27 2024 09: 30
      Russia has only two reliable allies - its Army and Navy!

      About the current fleet, we can quickly recall another saying:

      With such allies there is no need for enemies.
  7. +6
    April 26 2024 18: 52
    If you have “difficult neighbors” around you, it’s not a bad idea to think about what’s wrong with yourself, especially when you have very distant “well-wishers” who suddenly turn out to be the owners of the most valuable thing you have. And for some reason they stubbornly break into your house, despite the “difficult neighbors.” These Central Asian buyers will sell everything, and even at a low price. And the people will be left with nothing.
    1. RUR
      April 26 2024 19: 32
      the establishment of strategic relations between Britain and Kazakhstan took place - the British head on the short-legged Kazakh body will soon raise its head near the borders of the Russian Federation - watch how it gets up from its knees...
    2. The comment was deleted.
  8. +6
    April 26 2024 20: 08
    Kazakhstan is a country where the elites and leadership have turned into cannibals and have been devouring their own people for more than 10 years. It is enough to close the border and not rush to provide assistance next time to solve this problem.
    1. 0
      17 June 2024 15: 38
      If they hadn’t been pulled out of the villages in the last century, they would still be herding sheep. Look at their villages. Even those that the Germans left behind turned into scum.
  9. +2
    April 26 2024 20: 46
    Here are the Kazakhs! Without us, they wouldn’t have existed at all, and what would have happened would have been written while sitting (men)!
  10. +3
    April 26 2024 20: 51
    Kazakhstan is not yet under China only thanks to Russia; if the question arises, then two large neighbors will tear this country apart, and no one will say a word. And the British can think a lot of things, the local Nazis can beat themselves in the chest with their fists, but the Russian Federation and China will block Kazakhstan and that’s all. Although I don’t think that Tokayev is such a scumbag that he sold it to the United States without agreeing with Russia. Most likely he offered us this rubbish, but our people refused. And it will suit Ukrainians
  11. +4
    April 26 2024 20: 56
    Grandfather Lenin gave them statehood in vain; under the tsar it was just a tribe.
    1. +3
      April 27 2024 10: 15
      Yeltsin gave them statehood, a bunch of the same creatures.
  12. 0
    April 26 2024 21: 03
    Quote: RUR
    They - the Kazakhs - have enough of their own oil and gas, their standard of living is comparable to Russia's - everything is at their own expense, so don't get too excited...

    Especially. Let them live themselves if they “can”. You still need to extract and process your own.
    1. RUR
      April 26 2024 22: 16
      I also wrote

      the establishment of strategic relations between Britain and Kazakhstan took place - the British head on the short-legged Kazakh body will soon raise its head near the borders of the Russian Federation - watch how it gets up from its knees...

      the British head is already helping to extract and process... and owns a lot of valuable things there
  13. 0
    April 26 2024 22: 04
    The Soviet Union has been gone for 33 years already. And that old stuff will not bring any benefit to the Kazakhs or their counterparties. I myself am a collector of everything “Soviet”, but, by and large, all my “riches” are much easier and more useful to “paint and throw away”. That time is irrevocably gone. The carriers of technologies and industrial secrets born in the USSR can be counted on one hand. I will say more, even the antediluvian Soviet technologies cannot be restored. They are irretrievably lost, and reinventing them is simply pointless.
  14. +4
    April 27 2024 04: 31
    Isn’t this our faithful ally in the CSTO, whom we help suppress military coups?
  15. +5
    April 27 2024 09: 11
    These are normal “friends” of Putin, most importantly they are reliable, they will never put a knife in the back, one can only hope that this is such a very HCP
  16. +4
    April 27 2024 09: 18
    The British lackey at the head of Kazakhstan is helping Ukraine fight against Russia. And then he runs - give him something free. This is an enemy and an enemy that tomorrow will be much worse than Ukraine, turning the republic into a mixture of fascism and Islamic terrorism.
  17. +2
    April 27 2024 09: 28
    we didn't expect anything else from them
  18. +1
    April 27 2024 09: 58
    in an attempt to tear away from Russia one of the most important military and strategic allies in the post-Soviet space.

    Is this the same important ally from whom TV personalities regularly threaten to take away the northern territories?
  19. +1
    April 27 2024 11: 30
    Quote: kot711
    Yeltsin gave them statehood, along with a bunch of the same creatures.
  20. +2
    April 27 2024 13: 15
    The visits of politicians from countries unfriendly to us to Kazakhstan have become more frequent....... Well, don’t make me laugh, I can’t laugh, as if the Kazakhs are a friendly people to us.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  21. +1
    April 27 2024 13: 49
    And we also supply Kazakh oil through our pipes to Germany... Why do we need such a CSTO where countries “close” to us constantly do nasty things...
  22. +1
    April 27 2024 13: 59
    Kazakhstan, Armenia, Moldova, before them Ukraine, they behave this way because of the weak government in Russia, there is no one to knock with their fist and warn them as they should, we are all coddling... They don’t understand in a good way, they immediately see this as a weakness, in In principle, like the West, you need to be tough with them, then they will be respected and obeyed. And when they see even the slightest weakness, they immediately try to sit on your neck, and then they struggle some more.
  23. 0
    April 27 2024 15: 39
    Friends, they don’t have enough money, damn it!
  24. 0
    April 28 2024 17: 11
    In 2007, Kazakhstan entered into a contract to repair its MiG-27 and MiG-23UB in Ukraine. At least 12 MiG-27s are known to have been restored at the Lviv Aircraft Repair Plant.