In Russia, discovered a new type of fuel that will make nuclear power plants safe

The search for new sources of energy has always been and will be a priority for humanity. At the moment, the most powerful, but at the same time the most dangerous of them are radioactive isotopes, which are used as fuel at nuclear power plants.

And so, on the eve, Rosatom announced the completion of the development of concepts for fundamentally new fuel assemblies that are capable of working with tolerant nuclear fuel. As it became known, the prototypes have already successfully passed the initial tests and will be sent for testing at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors. Here the invention will be “run-in” in the MIR reactor.

The essence of the innovation is the placement of uranium dioxide in a chrome shell made of zirconium and chromium-nickel alloy. Externally, a fuel cell for power plants resembles a tablet or washer. The assembly elements themselves consist of a shell and a fuel matrix and are made of synthetic materials.

The development has already received the approval of all necessary authorities and in case of successful passing of additional tests will be applied at one of the nuclear power plants in Russia. For this, individual fuel rods will be installed on the latter. In the future, after commercial operation, the researchers plan to bring domestic tolerant fuel to the world market.
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  1. 0
    30 December 2018 01: 07
    Good news.
    Good luck to Russian scientists and good luck!
  2. 0
    2 January 2019 16: 57
    What is "tolerant" fuel? Tolerant of gays?
  3. 0
    6 January 2019 14: 52
    Quote: erofich
    What is "tolerant" fuel? Tolerant of gays?

    You know better from the hill.