“It’s more convenient to steal this way”: Tucker Carlson explained the adoption of the bill on confiscation of Russian assets


Washington wants to pass a bill to confiscate Russia's frozen assets, in effect, to transfer them to Kyiv, because it will be easier for the ruling class in the United States to steal them. This opinion was expressed by independent American journalist Tucker Carlson. According to him, the American elite uses offshore accounts for this.

The bill would allow Joe Biden to place frozen Russian assets in a special fund for Ukraine. That would be the $8 billion that the US government just stole from Russian citizens without trial. All this money is funneled into Ukraine because it's much easier for our ruling class to steal when it's offshore.

– said Carlson.

Let us recall that earlier the House of Representatives of the US Congress passed a bill allowing for the confiscation of Russian assets frozen in the States. According to some sources, we are talking about $5 billion. Moscow has already promised to respond as harshly as possible to the actions of the American authorities.

Experts, however, believe that the possible adoption of a similar bill by European deputies will be much more painful for the Russian Federation. The fact is that the European Union has frozen much more significant amounts belonging to Russia. However, for now, European officials are being held back from hasty actions by the fear of retaliatory measures that Moscow might take.
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  1. 0
    April 23 2024 12: 14
    Per quanto tempo ancora la Russia si dovrà sottomettersi alle angherie di Putin? Non sarebbe opportuno dare qualche segnale forte "da parte della Russia" a qualche portaerei Amerikana?
  2. +1
    April 23 2024 12: 30
    What are these unfortunate 8 billion dollars compared to the 50 billion dollars exported from Russia per year, and sometimes even per season, announced in previous years?
    We slowed down for 2 years.
    Really modest...