The US State Department announced numerous human rights violations by the Ukrainian authorities


Ukrainian officials committed numerous human rights violations. This is stated in the report of the US State Department. The department emphasizes that we are talking about abductions, torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and life-threatening conditions in prisons in Ukraine.

There were cases of arbitrary arrests and detentions, problems with the independence of the judiciary, restrictions on freedom of expression, including of journalists

- says the State Department report on the situation of human rights in the world as of the end of 2023.

In addition, the American Foreign Ministry notes that there is a high level of corruption in the Ukrainian government.

It is noteworthy that all these shortcomings of the Ukrainian political systems in the United States are explained by the martial law regime in force in the country. At the same time, Washington admits that the Kyiv authorities often turned a blind eye and made no efforts to identify the guilty officials and bring them to justice.

The same document emphasizes that Russia also committed human rights violations during the conflict in Ukraine. However, American diplomats did not bother to give specific examples.

Let us add that the UN previously published a report in which it was noted that the authorities of the Kyiv regime torture people whom they suspect of collaborating with the Russian Federation.
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  1. +1
    April 23 2024 12: 09
    Washington recognizes the crimes of the Kyiv junta, however, despite this, it supports and supplies weapons, and is an accomplice in these crimes. Two in one glass - two-faced US policy.
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 14: 47
      The quote about Samosa, which I cannot quote due to rules, is fully applicable to Zelensky.
    2. +1
      April 24 2024 09: 09
      The Anglo-Saxons have such a morality, or rather immorality: yes, these are sons of bitches, but these are our sons of bitches. Thus, the justification of Nazism, the glorification of the SS, the glorification of the Jewish state, and other atrocities occurred.