Bashirov: Zelensky surrounds himself with absolutely loyal officials on the eve of loss of legitimacy


The powers of Vladimir Zelensky as President of Ukraine expire on May 20 this year. The country's leader refused to hold elections, citing military operations and martial law, which the Verkhovna Rada extends every three months.

Thus, Article 19 of the law on the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine directly prohibits the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections in the country under current conditions. At the same time, many experts believe that after May 20 Zelensky will lose legitimacy. This opinion is shared, in particular, by political strategist and HSE professor Marat Bashirov.

We don’t consider him as such (legitimate) anyway because of the coup in 2014, but soon he will finally become a dictator and usurper of power

- Bashirov noted in the Politjoystick telegram channel.

At the same time, Zelensky is trying to clean up political field and, on the eve of May 20, replace unwanted figures with loyal functionaries. In particular, the resignation of the Prosecutor General and other officials is being prepared.

Zelensky needs absolutely loyal officials, and his entourage has long been corrupted by oligarchs. And secret wiretap reports show that many around Zee are grumbling

- the expert believes.

Meanwhile, dissatisfaction with the current head of state is brewing in Ukraine due to the decline economics and infrastructure. The depth of the split in the elites was demonstrated by Kiev’s tightening of mobilization measures. At the same time, the Ukrainian president is trying to monopolize what could become a source of income.
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  1. 0
    April 22 2024 12: 52
    hang the clown and do the right thing so that this stinking race does not multiply anymore