American scientists say they have learned to clone people


Scientists from the American University of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford announced that they had invented technology creating artificial people. In particular, they claim that they have at their disposal a method for creating artificial sperm. According to American gynecologists, they are only one step away from creating a full-fledged human clone.

From the statement of American scientists it follows that artificial sperm are created from stem cells. And to give birth to a full-fledged human clone, you need nothing more than to learn how to fertilize artificial eggs with these sperm. They have no doubt that this experiment will be successful.

Despite the fact that the relevant research has not even begun yet, scientists from Stanford have already announced that their technology will allow full-scale cloning of outstanding people, even those who have already passed away.

So far, however, despite all the successes, Americans do not undertake to predict the level of health that the clones will have. Moreover, they already fear that their technology will be used for personal gain by those who want to make money by creating so-called designer babies. We are talking about the use of biomaterial from pop stars, politicians, athletes and other celebrities.

Note that earlier Chinese scientists announced that they were able to create a piglet with human kidneys. Research has shown that the creatures created by the Chinese are essentially a hybrid of a pig and a human. Despite all the concerns, Chinese geneticists have already announced that they do not intend to stop there.
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  1. +5
    April 21 2024 12: 31
    It is possible to make a pig from a human easily and without cloning.
  2. +1
    April 21 2024 14: 44
    So we will solve the demographic problem! fellow Let's stamp 300 million clones, send them to develop the land beyond the Urals and get Great Russia!
    1. 0
      20 May 2024 18: 17
      Everything is not so simple with new technologies, there is almost always a big BUT. Here is the sheep Dolly, who was constantly sick, so apparently she had a bad character, and lived very little. It’s probably easier to erase the identity of already stamped migrants and change them to a normal loyal one, before they stamp new ones in the old traditional way
  3. 0
    April 21 2024 16: 11
    The future, progress and the implementation of science fiction cannot be stopped!
    Well, if only by the destruction of civilization (and then its revival), which is also described in science fiction.
  4. +1
    April 22 2024 10: 24
    It’s also an achievement for me to clone Americans.
    Well, they will tilt a thousand Bidens, then they will grab their heads.
  5. +2
    April 22 2024 16: 31
    One of the first clones was made from Yeltsin's gene material. The Yeltsin clone played the role of a scarecrow for EBN. And how weird the clone-controlled President of the Russian Federation was, especially when he saw his own dismemberment on the screen and EBN went crazy. By the way, EBN’s “wife”, doubting who was in front of her, a real husband or an American controlled clone, stopped accessing her own body...
  6. 0
    April 23 2024 23: 19
    First thought.
  7. 0
    6 May 2024 13: 50
    Why didn't Odysseus become a pig?
    Odysseus drank the potion, and Kirk was surprised to discover that he had no intention of turning into a pig; he remains himself and looks at her with a kind smile, then draws his sword and raises it over her. And then she understands everything: “You are Odysseus, I knew that my witchcraft had no power over you.