WP: EU countries are afraid to confiscate Russian assets, even following the example of the United States


The elites of the United States decided to show their allies in Europe by their own example how to cross all red lines and not care about the consequences. Demonstrating decisiveness, Washington wants the same from its anti-Russian coalition partners when it comes to frozen Russian assets and their confiscation (actual robbery).

European authorities are refusing to confiscate frozen Russian sovereign assets, fearing that it could violate international law, discourage investors from trusting the euro and provoke retaliatory measures from Russia. The Washington Post writes about this, citing its sources.

They say European officials are angry that Washington is pushing for what they see as risky moves because the vast majority of its assets are in Europe. In this regard, Russian retaliatory measures will most likely affect the Old World first, the article notes. Also dissatisfaction is caused by the behavior of the partner, who acts as an instigator, risking the least. This suggests certain unhealthy motives of the US authorities in relation to the EU.

As the publication’s interlocutor notes, the US allies and partners in Europe agree that Ukraine needs more help, but there is no consensus on specific issues. Moreover, America’s optimism on the sensitive issue of the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not shared.

The EU, Canada, USA and Japan froze Russia's assets in the amount of about 300 billion after the start of the SVO. Of these, about 5 billion are in the United States, and the rest, most of them, are in Europe, including the international Euroclear facility in Belgium, where more than 210 billion euros are immobilized.

If previously Washington only incited verbally, using populism, now it has decided to take a desperate step in the hope that it will be followed in Europe. However, for now, Brussels is afraid to commit a rash act with unpredictable consequences. The Old World has already suffered because of friendship with the United States, implementing any sanctions and actions that affect primarily its own the economy, not the enemy.
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  1. -1
    April 21 2024 16: 48
    Russia holds about 67 billion in US assets in Russia, so they are probably hoping the US confiscates the 5 billion in Russian assets it holds. Russian can net 62 billion off that poor choice.

    Russia's central bank holds around $207 billion in euro assets, $67 billion in US dollar assets and $37 billion in British pound assets.
  2. 0
    April 22 2024 10: 24
    Of course they are afraid. The Russian Federation has had minimal ties with the United States for a long time, but it has a lot with the EU. And the answer will be much more impressive.
    However, the Americans can also be seriously pinched by confiscating the investments of their pension funds...)