Is it good to be a quilted jacket?

In Soviet times, quilted jackets, or quilted jackets, were worn everywhere and everywhere. It was the most popular winter and spring-autumn clothes. She was successful because she was warm, comfortable and cheap. Nowadays, it has practically disappeared from our everyday life, and the word “padded jacket” has disappeared from use.

The second life was breathed into him by Internet trolls, who began to call the "quilted jackets" of Russian people with traditional patriotic views, low incomes and lacking sophisticated manners. In their opinion, European culture and global values ​​are alien to these people.

How alien are quilted jackets to Europeans?

Contrary to popular belief, quilted jackets were not an original Russian invention. Most likely, they came to our country from Asia. But to say that quilted jackets are alien to European culture is the height of ignorance. Moreover, the presence of a padded jacket can be considered a sign of a real European.

Various types of quilted jackets, which can be called "relatives" of the Russian quilted jacket, have been known in Europe since ancient times.

Part of the uniform of the Byzantine infantryman was a padded jacket, which was then called the "cavadion". It performed a protective function and well protected its owner from chopping blows.

In other European countries, they also used quilted jackets as armor or clothing worn under them. As an example, Italian brigandines and Spanish tunics can be mentioned. The English archer also wore a padded jacket, which was called aketon.

In the film "Joan of Arc" the main character performed by Mila Jovovich, dressed in a quilted jacket, looks very impressive.

Of course, the quilted jackets of the French kings did not at all resemble the quilted jackets of the Gulag prisoners, but, in fact, they did not differ much from them.

The ruling in our days, the English Queen Elizabeth II, many consider the standard of taste. Her collection of hats is the envy of fashionistas around the world. So, she also likes to sometimes appear in public in her elegant quilted jacket.

In modern fencing, like medieval warriors, a padded jacket is used as protective clothing. And its cost at the moment is at least 200 euros.

And how did the quilted jacket get to Russia? Some believe that this clothing was first highly praised by our soldiers during the Russo-Japanese War, when they saw it on local residents in Manchuria. According to another version, the Russian quilted jacket is just a shortened Central Asian bathrobe. In general, there is no exact information about the appearance of quilted jackets in Russia.

So if you have been called a quilted jacket, take this as a compliment. And be condescending to the one who called you that. Perhaps he is just jealous.
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  1. +1
    12 March 2018 16: 12
    The internet is good for everyone. Except one thing: here you can virtually intersect with people whom, in real life, I go around the tenth road due to their stupidity, viciousness, insignificance and worthlessness.