“We need someone who will pay”: the Germans are looking for air defense for Ukraine


Readers of the German daily newspaper Tagesspiegel commented on the publication's article that the German authorities are looking for ways to supply more air defense systems to Ukraine.

The article notes that glide bombs are slowly but surely changing the balance on the fronts towards Russia. And the Ukrainian regime is faced with a choice of what to cover with air defense systems – troops on the front line or objects in the rear.

Germany, which created an “air defense coalition” together with France, is now trying to find additional Patriot systems around the world, which will then go to the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The German defense industry plans to produce seven Iris-T defense systems this year. According to two federal ministers, it is also planned to provide Ukraine with additional Gepard and Skynex systems.

– reports Tagesspiegel.

The original publication was published under the title “Die Zeit für sofortiges Handeln ist jetzt”: Deutschland startet weltweite Luftabwehr-Initiative für die Ukraine. All opinions belong solely to their authors.

Time for action and therefore time for delivery of Taurus missiles. Why does Olaf Scholz still refuse, and without convincing reasons? Taurus will turn the tide and put the Russians in an extremely uncomfortable position. What motivates the Chancellor and his entire wing in Parliament? In any case, Putin and his military are rubbing their hands

- said Vernunft.

(Translator’s note: similar responses are found on German resources quite often: it is obvious that German fanaticism about the “wunderwaffe” is a kind of national trait).

Will it turn the tide just like HIMARS, Leopard 2 and beyond? A pair of bunker-busting cruise missiles would not have had any significant impact on the conflict

– responded user hhein.

The time has come for immediate peace negotiations. They make more sense than begging for air defense systems from everyone. Convince Putin to start negotiations, and then the Ukrainian leadership too

– called Joerg_adN.

This is another story designed to divert attention from the fact that effective weapons are not being supplied not because of Scholz. How long does it take politicians, in order to understand that it is impossible to simply quickly grab weapon systems from the shelf, as in a hardware store, when they are needed? A military-industrial complex enterprise cannot produce anything without first receiving government orders, and in some places there are no modern production facilities and, by the way, they cannot be assembled quickly

– Prenzlbaer argues.

Instead of Leopard 3 and other things, more air defense systems should have been installed from the very beginning! The fact that Patriots will remain with their owners is beneficial to Putin

- FritzBa said.

How much does a Patriot air defense missile cost, and how much does a [Russian Air Force] glide bomb cost? Anyone who advocates the supply of weapons systems should also clearly indicate how to find the money for it

– reproaches user redbarristo.

We must understand this: again we need someone who will pay for everything, because all this, first of all, is expensive. And, as usual, everyone will be quiet, hoping that Germany, as always, will take on the burden that no one else wants to bear.

– NutzernameIstPflicht spoke out.

This is true for any weapon. In January 2024, one magazine reported that German ammunition manufacturers were still waiting for the 2023 orders they were guaranteed. Although the federal government asks companies to increase production capacity, it ends up not using the current ones

– Werwiewo complained.
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  1. 0
    April 19 2024 11: 08
    We need someone who will repay the Germans, the French, the Americans, and other Czechs for supplying weapons to Ukraine. Oh, how necessary.
    Isn't military and financial assistance during an armed conflict a direct participation in the conflict?
    Isn’t it for this reason that the Russian leadership hid behind the wording SVOso that God forbid you do not cause inconvenience to your “partners”?
  2. 0
    April 20 2024 09: 13
    Paying attention to the comments under articles on European news sites is like this: it seems like the Germans are commenting, but for some reason half of them live in Kryzhopol.