BMR-3MA Vepr mine-resistant vehicles began to arrive en masse to Russian troops.


Russian units in the special operation zone began to be actively supplied with new BMR-3MA Vepr mine clearance vehicles, as well as earlier modifications of these units.

"Vepri" are equipped with TMT-S roller mine trawls, which can neutralize not only conventional pressure-type anti-tank mines, but also advanced NATO mines with magnetic fuses that strike the sides and bottoms of military equipment. equipment.

The BMR-3MA also successfully mines mines equipped with radio fuses.

The need for such mechanisms arises from the reality of combat operations, in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces actively use mining of the area, which significantly complicates the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces. Thus, during recent breakthroughs in a number of directions, Russian troops encountered equipment explosions and losses.

However, Ukrainian militants are also experiencing similar problems, trying to make up for the lack of engineering equipment with Western supplies.

Thus, at the end of March, Germany announced a new package of assistance to Kyiv, including, in particular, 9 mine trawls and 6 WISENT 1 demining vehicles. In general, the package is aimed at replenishing engineering equipment lost by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdeevka direction and during an attempt to break into Russian territory in the area Belgorod region.
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  1. +1
    April 16 2024 08: 37
    Roller mine trawls TMT-S are needed en masse at the front in addition to conventional linear tanks!