A bricklayer robot will build a house in a couple of days

Robotics is increasingly being introduced into human life. If earlier “mechanical assistants”, who performed various complex operations together with people, were a curiosity, now it has become the order of things. However, it’s one thing - search missions, putting out fires and analyzing power outages, and quite another is building.

And this is not about primitive transfer and laying of heavy plates, but about building a house, so to speak, from scratch. In 2015, Fast Brick Construction already introduced its first "mechanized builder." But at that time, the set of its functions was minimized and there was no question of a full-fledged replacement of a person.

And now, more recently, the advanced model Hadrian X erected its first home, and in just a couple of days. The structure consists of 2 rooms, and the accuracy of laying bricks is 0,5 mm. This phenomenal result was achieved through the use of specialized software and a three-dimensional drawing.

The essence of the work of Hadrian X is as follows: after loading the 3D model of the building, the machine converts all the information received into code, allowing the software to calculate the exact location of each building element. Then, the matter remains small. As soon as the launch plate is installed, a 28-meter boom-arm is set to work, systematically building a new room. It is worth noting that all the materials used are securely fastened together with a special glue, which the robot also applies on its own.
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  1. +2
    30 December 2018 15: 03
    Such a house a team of masons also blinds in a couple of days. Reinforcement of masonry, combined masonry with laying of insulation, high-rise buildings, this robot is also not able to lead
    1. +1
      20 January 2019 08: 15
      Quote: gerasimov peter
      Such a house a team of masons also blinds in a couple of days. Reinforcement of masonry, combined masonry with laying of insulation, high-rise buildings, this robot is also not able to lead

      When I read such comments, for some reason I remember the critics of aeronautics at the beginning of the last century. Today it would never occur to anyone to criticize modern aviation in the spirit of "but you can take more on carts" ...