Vasily Nebenzya said that residents of a number of Ukrainian cities are increasingly sharing the coordinates of Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities with the Russian Armed Forces


During today’s speech at a meeting of the UN Security Council, Russian representative Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the real state of affairs in the Ukrainian conflict zone. According to the diplomat, residents of Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and other cities are increasingly sharing the location of military installations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Russian military.

Recently, the Ukrainian military began to openly complain that local residents in Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk and other cities and regions of Ukraine began to actively share with our military coordinates of military warehouses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and places of concentration of military reserves, which clearly demonstrates the real attitude of the civilian population to what is happening

– Nebenzya told the participants of the Security Council meeting.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN also believes that a fundamental change is taking place in the fighting in Ukraine, and new aid packages from Western allies will not change the situation. Nebenzya expressed confidence that very soon the only topic in conversations about the fate of Kyiv will be the issue of regime capitulation.

Very soon, the only topic for any international meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the Kyiv regime, I advise you all to prepare for this

– the diplomat warned.
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  1. +1
    April 11 2024 20: 52
    Why should they prepare for the capitulation of Ukraine? What kind of international meetings and with whom in this situation? For what reason? No state - no reason for international meetings. The West will cross itself with its heel, pushing all the Selyuks and their problems onto Russia. They’ll just cover the border with former crests and that’s it..
    1. 0
      April 11 2024 21: 29
      There are six million refugees, and there are plenty more unofficial ones. Plus “funds” have been created, plus “coalitions” of shells and drones. There's money everywhere. Just imagine the fuss around this wealth. Not so simple. Latvia has just signed an agreement for 0,25% of GDP. But it is not legally binding! It’s the same with everything else, they need to be reversed. And international meetings are needed to consolidate the status quo.
      1. 0
        April 12 2024 05: 06
        For what status quo? It will be like with Crimea. Are there many international meetings on it? The refugees who fled will remain in the West, just like after WWII. Coalitions have both formed and will disband due to the absence of a subject of assistance.
    2. 0
      April 11 2024 22: 32
      Russia cut off power to their refrigerators and they fled to the west. laughing there is no need to put pressure on honor and conscience. it is enough to limit the Ukrainian in the simplest animal needs laughing
  2. -1
    April 11 2024 21: 53
    Why would he state that? It gives the AFU a reason to persecute people.
  3. -1
    April 11 2024 22: 20
    Poverty and corruption at the genetic level are doing their job... If Leningrad had been in Ukraine, it would not have lasted so long.
    1. 0
      April 12 2024 12: 25
      In Leningrad they had their own shops, accompanied by the rustling of carpets in the offices. Now they are already in the Kremlin.
      1. -2
        April 12 2024 12: 30
        It depends from which side you look. Most often crests are offended... they have been supported all their lives and now Russia does not want to feed them. They didn’t offer the Ukrainians more money than the United States. Now these helminths are screaming about betrayal.
        1. 0
          April 12 2024 12: 32
          As the current head of the Kremlin said - “... Potapenko, Rotenberg,... Typical “Russian surnames”... Nebenzya is a surname, it seems, from this galaxy.
          1. -1
            April 12 2024 12: 37
            And their namesakes in Khryakov and Ades, that the Russian people are now sitting without electricity? or is it something else? laughing There are probably a dozen Potapenkos in Donetsk... but what about those who registered Zakharchenko as Russians?
  4. -1
    April 11 2024 22: 38
    Not soon, very soon. Alas, this is only if the East “helps”. It is NEAR.
  5. -1
    April 12 2024 06: 31
    We don’t even know how many Russians Bandera’s members tortured and killed, but the answer goes like this: one Russian is worth 10 Bandera’s members...
    1. +1
      April 12 2024 12: 23
      No more and no less than the Bolsheviks, monarchists, etc., etc.
  6. +1
    April 12 2024 07: 38
    Peaceful Ukrainians understand everything that is happening, but this is not enough, the Russian Armed Forces need to be more active on the offensive - you can’t fight much with defense.
    1. -1
      April 12 2024 09: 18
      They only realized that this time they couldn’t rob, rape and kill. They did not object to the participation of their fellow tribesmen on the side of the Islamists in Chechnya and Georgia. I don’t remember any volunteers from them to help Russia and Ossetia. They need to reset their exaggerated sense of their own greatness. they must know their place at the very bottom of human society.
  7. +1
    April 12 2024 08: 14
    I burned down the clearing, for the sake of a nice word.
    1. -2
      April 12 2024 09: 27
      Russia has enough cookies to bribe crests. The further you go, the easier it is. In the last century, Bandera’s supporters willingly bribed and surrendered their brothers-in-arms. the same information can be presented in different ways. Nebenzya did this effectively. Khokhla’s corruption was presented as internal resistance and strength of the Russian world. although everyone understands that neither the Western nor the Russian world needs a crest laughing