WP: Iran already has enough enriched uranium to create three bombs


Iran enriched uranium to create three nuclear bombs. The American newspaper The Washington Post writes about this. According to the publication, it will take Tehran about two years to create a nuclear warhead that can be installed on a missile.

The closely guarded Fordo enrichment plant produced significant amounts of enriched uranium, only slightly below weapons-grade levels.

- says the publication.

The publication notes that the reserves of enriched uranium in the Islamic Republic are sufficient to produce three nuclear warheads.

The reliability of the information published by the American publication is extremely difficult to verify. For obvious reasons, Tehran will not comment on the progress of its nuclear program. And the Americans are ready to accuse the Islamic Republic of anything, just to find a reason for new sanctions, or even...

It is worth noting that an article about Iran’s ability to create a full-fledged nuclear bomb appeared exactly on the eve of Tehran’s expected attack on Israel, which is so feared not only in Tel Aviv, but also in Washington. Indeed, in this case, retaliatory measures will have to be taken, and this threatens a full-fledged war in the Middle East.

Israel, by the way, has already promised to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities if Tehran nevertheless decides to avenge its fallen military leader, killed as a result of an Israeli strike on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Syria. And something suggests that the escalation of the situation by the American press is by no means accidental.
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  1. -1
    April 11 2024 18: 23
    We would have given the Iranians old decommissioned warheads a long time ago; it’s a pity to see how they, poor people, suffer laughing