Bild reports that the new drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will reach the Urals and the Arctic


Ukraine will soon use long-range drones that will be able to attack the Urals and the Arctic, Bild reports, citing sources. According to them, already in 2024, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will launch drones with a range of up to 2 thousand kilometers or more.

The publication recalls that on April 2, Kyiv for the first time attacked targets in Tatarstan, which were located 1,3 thousand kilometers from the Ukrainian border. For one of the attacks, a Ukrainian UJ-22 UAV was used. Previously, it was believed that its range was 800 kilometers. Probably, the new modification with additional fuel tanks flies much further. For the second attack, a drone was used, created on the basis of the Ukrainian Aeroprakt A-22 Flying Fox ultralight aircraft.

According to the publication, new drones can make up for the shortage of medium- and long-range missiles for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Rockets are a thing of the past. UAV is the future

– Bild quotes its source.

He claims that by the end of this year, ten manufacturers will supply the Ukrainian Armed Forces with drones with a range of up to 2,5 thousand kilometers. At the same time, the Kiev design bureau "Luch" developed the Sokol-3000 drone, capable of flying up to 3,3 thousand kilometers. The publication’s calculations showed that the new Ukrainian weapon will be able to attack targets, for example, in the Murmansk region. There are about 80 military bases there, including the Olenya airfield, where strategic bombers are based.
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  1. +2
    April 5 2024 13: 05
    And this design bureau "Luch" still exists? Together with the staff, secretaries and chief designer?!
    1. +1
      April 5 2024 15: 54
      Quote: goncharov.62
      And this design bureau "Luch" still exists?

      What will happen to him? And not only this “ray”. Their military-industrial complex still works. Electricity, gas, fuel and lubricants are all there. Armored vehicles are being restored, mines, ammunition, UAVs, and unmanned sea boats are being produced. The West supplies money, materials, components, weapons and everything they need in abundance. Until we start massive bombing of everything and everyone in Ukraine and destroy all the infrastructure there to zero, everything will continue like this and there will be no end to it. War does not tolerate half measures, just like everything else. If you are already going to fight, then you must do it according to all its canons and use all available means and weapons to defeat the enemy and win. We must start an all-out war with the Banderaites, go through their hornets' nests, especially in their western regions, completely cutting off supplies from the west. It’s time, after what these fascists have done and are doing, to stop “pulling the cat by the tail”, to discard all sorts of chimeras about what is possible and what is not, here we are fighting, but there we are not. We cannot drag out this war, hoping that the Nazis will agree to some kind of agreement with us, like the one in Istanbul. You cannot negotiate or compromise with them. Only unconditional victory and the inclusion of Ukrainian territories into Russia. To do this, we must break the enemy, leading him into awe and horror, leaving him no choice. With our half measures, we only strengthen the enemy’s desire to continue to fight with us and cause us damage and losses, and to inspire his patrons to continue to provide him with all possible help and support.
      1. +1
        April 6 2024 11: 01
        Nice! The Abramovichs have their eye on everything; they don’t need what was destroyed.
  2. +2
    April 5 2024 13: 24
    Avdeevka was liberated this year, and the plan for the year was fulfilled. Now we will sit on strategic defense and prepare for next year. As for the Ukrainian drones, we will sit and wait until they run out of them. They've run out of shells.
    1. +1
      April 5 2024 13: 47
      Something like that.
      Why do we need a refinery?
  3. +1
    April 5 2024 13: 45
    Have you heard the following phrase - Siberia is the lungs of Europe, what will happen to Siberia in the summer on the hottest and windiest day, when Siberia itself becomes the target (for cover)?