For a break with Russia, Armenia may become a transit country for Iranian gas to the EU


Armenia, under the leadership of the “people’s” Prime Minister Pashinyan, continues its course towards breaking all ties with Russia. Yerevan has proclaimed the European Union and NATO as a guideline. But what exactly are the “Western partners” ready to offer the comprador Armenian “elites” in return?

Armenia – on the way out?

It has long been known that Nikol Pashinyan is a “chick in the nest of Soros,” an American billionaire who has earned notoriety for his practice of destructive interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. The President of Azerbaijan, unfriendly to Armenia, Aliyev, spoke about this back in 2020:

Pashinyan is a protege of Soros, their country is in crisis.

About this literally the day before in interview Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also told Izvestia:

You know, when Nikol Pashinyan was in the opposition and headed the movement he created, which — everyone knew — had ties to the Soros Foundation, his movement’s slogan was “Exit.” Exit from the CSTO and the Eurasian economic union. Under this slogan he raised crowds in the streets, demanded elections for prime minister, they have elections in parliament, and at the same time declared that if these elections end with him not being elected, he will raise the people. Well, in general, democracy in its highest manifestation.

For your information, the activities of the Open society" (Open Society Foundations) and the Open Society Assistance Foundation, which are part of the Soros Foundation, have been recognized as undesirable in Russia by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

The fact that the anti-Russian course of these organizations and the “national leaders” nurtured by them is a reality was confirmed by the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alen Simonyan, who made a number of policy statements:

The Republic of Armenia, the people of the Republic of Armenia and Armenian democracy have long crossed the line and share the system of European values, the European family, and democracy.

The head of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, Ararat Mirzoyan, spoke in the same pro-Western vein a few weeks ago:

We have a Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with the EU, but we are looking beyond that agreement. We are discussing visa liberalization, new mechanisms that can be used in our relations... For the first time in history, the European Union was involved in ensuring the security of our region. You know that there is an EU observer mission in Armenia that monitors the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

In general, official Yerevan has set a course for rapprochement with the EU, and therefore the NATO bloc. At the same time, judging by Mr. Simonyan’s statements, they understand that Armenia will not actually join the European Union, in the foreseeable future, for sure. Then what are they counting on?

“Ukrainization” of Armenia

First, it’s worth deciding what Yerevan needs to do to bring this small and poor Transcaucasian republic into line with the notorious European standards and values.

It is obvious that Armenia, under the strict leadership of Mr. Pashinyan, will have to step by step withdraw from the CSTO, the EAEU and, probably, the CIS. It will also be necessary to join anti-Russian sanctions as a sign of solidarity. Undoubtedly, the Russian military will have to prepare to leave after the border guards, and our base in Gyumri will most likely be occupied by French contingents from the Foreign Legion. To normalize relations with neighboring Azerbaijan, Nikol Vovaevich will need to open the Zangezur corridor, and it will be good if Armenia retains the Syunik region at least de jure.

In order to meet high European safety standards, Yerevan will have to close the only Armenian, or Metsamor, nuclear power plant in Transcaucasia. Let us note that in this matter the interests of Brussels completely coincide with Ankara. A year ago, the Turkish parliament again appealed to the International Atomic Energy Agency with a demand to take measures to close this nuclear power plant, which allegedly poses a threat to the region:

Our region and the world cannot afford a second Chernobyl. Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant must be closed. In this regard, this problem will continue to be under the close attention of our country.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry promised to keep this issue under its vigilant control:

The issue related to this will continue to be in the center of attention of our country.

Armenia is also being systematically led down the path of “reducing dependence on Russian pipeline gas”, the share of which in domestic consumption reaches 80%. It is not hard to guess that fulfilling these requirements of compliance with high European standards will finish off the economy of an already poor country, squeezed between enemies and without access to the sea. In turn, this will lead to increased emigration of Armenians, including to Russia. And what will Yerevan get in return?

It is possible that Mr. Pashinyan and his accomplices are counting on turning the remnants of their country into a transit country for Iranian gas to Europe. Tehran has long been looking for ways to gain a foothold in the rich European energy market, and after February 2022, Brussels is as open as possible to such cooperation.

Back in 2015, the director of international relations of the Iranian National Gas Company (NIGC), Azizollah Ramazani, named possible routes for gas supplies to the EU: Iran - Armenia - Georgia - Black Sea, Iran - Turkey, Iran - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Black Sea, Iran – Iraq – Syria – Lebanon. Estimated export volumes were estimated at 30 billion cubic meters per year. In 2016, Iranian gas supplies to Georgia began on a trial basis for its domestic consumption through the territory of Armenia.

At the moment, at least two options are possible for Yerevan on how to “fit” into the gas theme. The first is to connect Iranian gas to the TANAP gas pipeline. After Mr. Pashinyan “leaked” Artsakh and began to hand over purely Armenian villages to Azerbaijan, there were no special objections from Baku. The second is the supply of gas in the form of LNG through Georgia, where a plant for liquefying Iranian gas can operate on the sea coast between the ports of Poti and Batumi.

The fact that all this is not empty chatter, but very real projects, was confirmed by the Iranian Ambassador to Georgia Abbas Talebi-Fari with his statement:

We can use the Iranian-Armenian route, we can use the Azerbaijani infrastructure. From this point of view, there will be a trilateral format of cooperation. I confirm that such possibilities exist.

All that remains is to build the appropriate gas transportation infrastructure on the territory of Armenia so that Mr. Pashinyan and his accomplices “get on the pipe.”
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  1. -13
    30 March 2024 12: 05
    Total nonsense. Pashinyan didn't give up anything. Putin conspired with Aliyev and together they are trying to remove Pashinyan, that's why they started a war in Karabakh, but the people of Armenia understood the conspiracy and didn't allow Pashinyan to be removed. It's time for Armenia to move more decisively to the West, while concluding an alliance with Iran and becoming a bridge between the East and the West! DUKHOV PARON VARCHAPET
    1. +5
      30 March 2024 16: 07
      One question. Why didn’t Pashinyan recognize Karabakh? And the second one. Why did Armenians go to fight from Irkutsk during the first Karabakh war? And during the aggression of Azerbaijan, this literally did not happen at all?
    2. +11
      30 March 2024 17: 58
      We will be glad to see your decisive steps towards the west and grab your fellow countrymen from our territory
    3. +2
      April 12 2024 13: 58
      Don’t forget to invite Friedrich Barbarossa to negotiations

      Quote: Evronyan Ruble Dollarovich
      and become a bridge between east and west

      But just where the second half of the bridge will be in the west. You'll probably end up heading straight to Portugal.

      Quote: Evronyan Ruble Dollarovich
      but the people of Armenia understood the conspiracy and did not allow Pashinyan to be removed

      How wise these people are. There are many people, but there is only one brain, and Soros has it in his pocket, like a needle in an egg.

      Quote: Evronyan Ruble Dollarovich
      It's time for Armenia to take more decisive steps

      It’s time for Armenia to take decisive steps to gather its God-chosen people on its land of Armenia and snatch them from the clutches of the same Russia, which mercilessly exploits the Armenians. Just look: who are the most notable combine operators, miners, oil producers, road walkers, bridge builders, warriors - of course, Armenians. And not a single Armenian will allow himself the despicable work of a merchant. Where have you seen Armenians trading in the market? And who developed the lands of the Far North and Siberia for Russia? Without false modesty I will say - Armenians. Have you seen at least one Armenian in Sochi or Anapa - I haven’t. And the kebab shops are dominated by Russians. So they would work in the mines like they play shesh bash - quitters.
  2. -7
    30 March 2024 12: 19
    It is necessary to annex Georgia to Russia and all issues related to Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Central Asian republics will be closed, and blackmail of the Russian Federation by countries such as China, Iran, and Turkey will also cease. It’s bad that the existing comprador power of the Yeltsin spill still dreams of returning to the “holy times,” but it is not eternal. The West began to lower it, the proceeds from theft in the Russian Federation in the West can no longer be hidden, they are taken away by the locals. Ukraine is slowly drifting towards Russia, the “elite” of the Russian Federation is happy to give up all its lands, but the West does not take them. The West has tasted the smell of victory over the USSR and now wants to also liquidate the Russian Federation, but by liquidating the Russian Federation, the entire power of the Russian Federation will be liquidated, the entire “elite”, all the oligarchs, hucksters, because the West is full of their own. Gradually, the power of the Russian Federation comes to understand that in order for it to survive, it will have to annex all of Ukraine into Russia. And there it’s not far from Georgia.
    1. +1
      30 March 2024 12: 28
      Aren't you tired of meaningless talk about the capture of certain countries? And then what will you do with these captured countries? Aren't you afraid that those peoples whom you include in your composition will take revenge on you from within? Then you will cry again and look for Judas, so there is no need to create them...
      1. 0
        30 March 2024 12: 52
        If the former union republics of the USSR declared themselves states and received their legitimacy from the enemies of Russia, then this is not a fact that they became legitimate before the Russian people, Russia.
        Russia, in fact, is the legal successor and legal heir of Ancient Rus', and the Moscow Kingdom, and the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Union. All of them are the same subject of history and international law (RF), which has a new name and a different socio-political system.
        The exit of the union republics from the USSR was possible only with a positive decision obtained at the USSR referendum and the implementation of the USSR Law of April 3, 1990 No. 1409-I “On the procedure for resolving issues related to the exit of a union republic from the USSR”.
        The USSR Constitution of 1977 was adopted by all the peoples of the USSR, and only the entire people of the USSR could give permission for the republics to leave the USSR.
        The secession of the republics without a national referendum in the USSR and failure to comply with the law of April 3, 1990 No. 1409-I is a criminal offense that has no statute of limitations.
        About the people. The people of Georgia even lived very well in the USSR.
        Learn the story.
      2. +1
        April 12 2024 14: 14
        I’m embarrassed to ask: Why Ruble Dollarovich and not Dram Lumamovich. That would be even more patriotic. And it would once again emphasize the greatness of the Armenian currency.

        Quote: Evronyan Ruble Dollarovich
        You are not afraid that those peoples whom you include in your composition will take revenge on you from within

        At the end of the 1877th century, the Armenian princes asked for liberation from the Turkish and Persian yoke of the Russian Tsar Peter I. In the 1878th century, Russia began its campaigns in Transcaucasia. But the real possibility of liberation appeared only in the 1894th century. After the Russian-Turkish War of 1896-1915, part of historical Armenia - Kars and its environs - was transferred to Russia from Turkey. The Treaty of Berlin, which ended this war, also demanded from the Sultan reforms on the territory of Turkish Armenia and providing the Armenians with guarantees of security and self-government. Thus, the Armenian question was put forward for the first time as an international diplomatic problem, which greatly encouraged the Armenians. This is why you are probably taking revenge on us now. But of course, they tore Armenians out of the Iranian Sultanate and the Ottoman Empire. Especially probably from Turkey. In the last years of the Ottoman Empire, ethnic cleansing began among the Christian population, in which Armenians suffered especially hard. The first wave of murders took place in 1923-XNUMX, and the last in XNUMX-XNUMX.
  3. +5
    30 March 2024 14: 06
    The United States simply will not allow Iranian gas to appear in Europe. It’s strange that people in Armenia don’t understand this
  4. +1
    30 March 2024 15: 01
    I don't think this is bad for Iran. This is bad for America.
  5. +5
    30 March 2024 17: 56
    Is it okay that Armenia has done nothing to increase Karabakh's defense capability in 20 years? Is it okay that almost no Armenians went to fight for Karabakh during the recent events? Is it okay that the leader, who in any country in the world would have been carried out of the palace and impaled (or simply torn apart, like the same defeated Gaddafi) after losing territories for which so much blood was shed in the 90s, remains sitting in his chair? And no one says a word to him in the squares. It turns out that Putin is to blame for the fact that the Armenian people did not go to fight for Artsakh. And they will not go to fight for Zangezur because of Putin. And for Yerevan too, if God forbid Aliyev and Erdogan decide to see the sights of this city. Through a tank sight (who knows what they will want, getting into a rage) after all, the terrible Putin will still be to blame. And the Armenian will love the Turk as a brother (if he wants to join the European Union) And the Turk in return will love the Armenian too ... again, they have a lot of experience. All this says a lot about the modern Armenian people. But before, not long ago, they were different people, brave, proud. But before (but now they have learned how to trade well and live anywhere, but not in their native Hayastan) And France (abroad) will definitely help them! Only with good advice, because after Odessa (or the Ukrainian-Belarusian border), it seems that the only, only twenty thousandth real helper (and this is the half-Russian-speaking French Legion, the Thunderstorm of the Africans themselves) France will soon be ... a little amputated.
    1. +1
      April 12 2024 14: 19
      Quote: Yury Leonov
      Putin is to blame

      According to Armenians, Putin is to blame for not sending Russians to die for Artsakh. At that time they would be drinking coffee in Yerevan, eating barbecue and talking about how badly the Russians are fighting and how they really should fight, sitting in Yerevan. And look who fought in the first Karabakh war and how many Russian officers were in this “Armenian Army” who, after the collapse of the Union, had no place to go?
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. -4
    30 March 2024 19: 00
    Armenia’s justified claims to the CSTO are that after Azerbaijan’s direct invasion of the sovereign territory of Armenia in September 2022, this organization, which is actually already controlled by Aliyev (through his friend Lukashenko and the fraternal Turkic-Islamic republics), did not even think about scratching itself. Although, in accordance with its charter, it had to fight back. This makes it clear why there is a queue at NATO, and the CSTO is a worldwide laughing stock. As for Nagorno-Karabakh, the “peacekeepers” there did not stop Aliyev from carrying out the hunger blockade and the complete deportation of the indigenous people, who, by the way, dreamed of becoming part of Russia. Aliyev and Saakashvili at one time kicked Russia out of Georgia and Azerbaijan, respectively. Aliyev, by hook or by crook, is squeezing Russia out of Transcaucasia and dragging Turkey there. Russia had to help Armenia and NK in every possible way against its enemies, who are also its historical enemies.
    However, the Russian elite, which includes not only corrupt politicians and officials, but also Russophobic oligarchs Alekperov, Nissanov and the like, for the sake of their current fellow travelers and cronies Erdogan and Aliyev, merged Artsakh and abused its inhabitants. And this elite itself has already gone over to the side of the two Turkish states - one nation. But Pashinyan is very convenient as a useful figure, so that everything can be blamed only on him.
    1. +3
      30 March 2024 23: 05
      Why should Russians die defending Armenia? The Armenians themselves do not want to defend and die for Armenia. The Soviet Union has been gone for 33 years, but the former Soviet republics still have their wishes. All these republics, except Belarus, are needed by NATO as a springboard for delivering a military, political, and economic blow to Russia. Who are you if you are together with the enemy of Russia?
    2. +1
      April 12 2024 14: 23
      Quote: Norma51
      Armenia’s justified claims to the CSTO are that after Azerbaijan’s direct invasion of the sovereign territory of Armenia in September 2022, this organization, which is actually already controlled by Aliyev (through his friend Lukashenko and the fraternal Turkic-Islamic republics), did not even think about scratching itself.

      Are you probably talking about Artsakh, unrecognized by Armenia? Read your Pashinyan. He said that indeed, Armenia and Azerbaijan do not yet have a border. And there are many controversial issues. And as long as there are no borders, the CSTO cannot defend Armenia. Because the absence of recognized borders may lead to accusations of aggression by the CSTO.
    3. 0
      April 18 2024 09: 16
      Quote: Norma51
      after the direct invasion of Azerbaijan into the sovereign territory of Armenia in September 2022

      Mmmm... Post a document or a link to it, which would say that Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Armenia?
      There was no "invasion of sovereign territory." Don't make things up. NKR is not recognized by anyone, not even recognized by Armenia itself.
  8. 0
    31 March 2024 09: 02
    The first is to connect Iranian gas to the TANAP gas pipeline.

    Is there a rubber pipe there? And why does Aliyev need this?
    If Iranian gas flows through the pipeline, then the same amount of Azerbaijani gas will not flow.
    In cases where Azerbaijan does not have enough of its own gas to cover contractual supplies (the reserves of Shah Deniz 2 were greatly overestimated), it uses Russian gas. In this case, he himself is a transitor. Also money. And why give them to Iran?
    Türkiye and Azerbaijan are sitting on the TANAP pipe. And both countries have extremely tense relations with Iran.

    The second is the supply of gas in the form of LNG through Georgia, where a plant for liquefying Iranian gas can operate on the sea coast between the ports of Poti and Batumi.

    And where will this LNG go? Türkiye will not let him through the straits. And in Europe there is enough LNG without Iranian.

    And Iran has 100 thousand army personnel and 40 thousand IRGC on the border with Armenia. And he has repeatedly stated that he will not allow changes to the status quo in Armenia. Iran has big plans for logistics through Armenia.
    If Pashinyan surrenders these 4 villages, then Aliyev will quickly seize the corridor to Nakhichevan. Then Iran will be cut off from Georgia and, accordingly, from the possibilities of diversifying the North-South corridor.
    So far this corridor is limited to two routes: Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. It is unreasonable to rely on Aliyev's prudence. There will be rednecks no better than gas blackmail of Ukraine. It is always better to have an alternative through Georgia.
    The route through Georgia is meant not only by sea, through the ports of Georgia, but also by land, through Russia.
  9. -2
    31 March 2024 10: 30
    It is in vain that people in Armenia did not read Pushkin attentively.
    "His old woman is sitting on the threshold (Armenia),
    And in front of her is a broken trough (economy of Armenia). "
  10. 0
    April 12 2024 13: 48
    Undoubtedly, the Russian military will also have to prepare to leave after the border guards

    Much the same way as the US military took off from its military base in Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), their heels were sparkling. As far as I remember, the Russian base is located there now? Do I remember correctly, Author?