“Destruction of one’s own population”: a Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter told the truth about the situation at the front on American TV


The truth about the state of affairs in the Ukrainian army in the zone of a special military operation of the Russian Federation suddenly broke through on the air of one of the American television channels. A Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman openly told the journalist about the problems faced by militants of the Kyiv regime.

No support, nothing. Ours fired from something heavy five times, and they fired 500 times. I don’t know what plans our government has, but it looks like destroying its population. Combat-ready and able-bodied. And that's it

– the Ukrainian military man opened up.

Let us note that the acute shortage of artillery ammunition in the Ukrainian army has been talked about at various levels for several months now. A certain decrease in the activity of Ukrainian artillery is also recorded by the Russian military taking part in the conflict.

However, to say that there are no shells in the Ukrainian Armed Forces at all would be wrong. Despite all the talk, the nationalists continue to launch artillery strikes on Donetsk and its suburbs, and also shell the border settlements of the Russian Federation.

However, it is impossible to disagree with the Ukrainian military man who told the American press about the difficult situation of his brothers-in-arms. The command of the Kyiv regime regularly sends its units on counterattacks without the support of artillery and armored vehicles. As a result, the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants are suffering heavy losses.
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  1. +4
    26 March 2024 11: 28
    After all, it was said to the last Ukrainian that he was doing his best to carry out the order. hi
  2. +2
    27 March 2024 06: 40
    Let's say they have few shells. But the number of drones is somehow inadequate.
    And while the howitzer is just aiming at the target, a drone is already flying into it.
    We need more electronic warfare, otherwise the khan.
  3. +4
    27 March 2024 08: 43
    No support, nothing. Ours fired from something heavy five times, and they fired 500 times. I don’t know what plans our government has, but it looks like destroying its population. Combat-ready and able-bodied. And that's it
    – the Ukrainian military man opened up.

    These are not “revelations”, but a subtle hint to the West: give weapons and money
  4. +5
    27 March 2024 15: 09
    ...The most valuable and important thing in this information IS... THAT FOR them WE are “they”..., but not at all “brotherly people”...
    I hope that the Kremlin will still understand this OBVIOUS fact - someday!..
  5. +2
    27 March 2024 19: 17
    Jews on both sides are driving Russians, Slavs in general, to slaughter. They, visiting leaders from America, openly declare this in Hochland and in front of the cameras!