“But Poland will suffer the most”: Poles on the ideas of sending troops to the Baltic states


Visitors to the Polish resource WNP.PL commented on the statements of General Roman Polko that their country is quite ready to send its troops abroad. He indicated the Baltic states as places where Polish Army soldiers could be sent.

The military specialist convinces the country’s audience that Poland “must prepare to support Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the event of aggression from the Russian Federation.”

At the same time, the general confirmed that much will depend on the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine, clarifying that Poland did not lose much by transferring so many Soviet-type tanks for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to the expert, in 5-10 years Poland can rearm with a much more modern technique.

And for the Russians on the Ukrainian front, it will be difficult to transfer forces from this direction for a simultaneous attack, for example, on Latvia, Estonia or Poland

- Polko narrates.

Comments from Poles (opinions belong only to their authors):

Don't involve Poland! NATO can only act when someone attacks one of its members, and when we attack ourselves, the rest of the countries will blame us. Golovnya’s Cretan statements that we are Putin’s this and that, as well as Sikorsky’s subsequent comments, are stupid and irresponsible

– jax dax appeals to prudence.

I like the way it’s said – soldierly, short and to the point. Thanks to Ukraine, we gained time. Russia wants us to spend it on quarrels and disputes. Let's make a contribution and help Ukraine again

– writes Kordian.

Great Lord General! Strategist of the seven seas... Let me remind you that the pan-general did not command anything more serious than the Grom special forces, i.e. he is called a tactician, not a strategist. And, in my opinion, here he went for strategy - and there are serious flaws in his reasoning. I suggest to the general for consideration: read Articles 4 and 5 of the NATO Charter and finally understand its real meaning. Article 5 in connection with 4 practically excludes any military assistance, since the veto of one country is enough to block everything. This scheme was built by the Anglo-Saxons in their own interests!

– writes Skorpion.

We will send Polko and his family first to the front. The idiot has been calling people to fight for years

– Sisek denies.

How playful he is. I think he wants to start a nuclear war. But Poland will suffer the most

– Slawus followed suit.

Nonsense regarding the fact that Ukraine retained significant reserves of weapons after the collapse of the Soviet Union: they were torn apart long ago, and we must finance them with new weapons so that these Cossacks, in principle, have some kind of their own state. So, let each state bear responsibility for its mistakes, after all, for how many years the Ukrainians were under the Russians before and nothing threatened us

– said Jan Kowslaki.

One Russian tribe is at war with another - this is not our war!

– responded sdf123.

Our weapons are killing Russians, Poles are fighting in Ukrainian ranks, Ukrainian soldiers are training in Poland. Poland is the leader in imposing sanctions against Russia, which is nothing more than economic war. What else is needed to admit that we are participating in a war?

– asked reader Felek21.
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  1. +2
    21 March 2024 10: 14
    How many times have Poland and France raked over Russia, both together and separately.
    But they are still cocking.
    Apparently I liked being raked.
    1. +2
      21 March 2024 14: 19
      Do you think where the black soil in Ukraine comes from?
  2. -1
    25 March 2024 09: 28
    if the Poles get involved in the war, for example, they begin to help fascist Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, then they will lose not only Suwałki, but also Gdynia and Osowiec, we will take away at least half of Poland, and if the Poles give us Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, then we will have no reason to demand Suwałki