The US priority is the fight against China for the Asia-Pacific region, rather than the confrontation with Russia for Ukraine


The Americans continue to demonstrate to the whole world who they really consider their main competitor (enemy) on the global stage. Recently the USA sent China’s decisive “hypersonic signal” in the Pacific Ocean, and now they have decided to gain an even stronger foothold in the Asia-Pacific region.

It became known that the US Congress approved a certain level of funding and allocated $7,1 billion for economic support for island states and territories in the Pacific Ocean in exchange for the exclusive presence of American troops there. The British newspaper Financial Times reported this, drawing attention to Washington's priorities.

It should be noted that these funds are a lot of money for local islanders. As for the island territories (separate areas), we are talking about US possessions in the Pacific Ocean - 10 unincorporated territories that are not part of any American state, and 1 incorporated (Palmyra Atoll). Most of the islands are uninhabited and have some value due to their geographic location to the US military.

It is worth noting that the Americans quickly considered this issue, without any bureaucratic or political procrastination. They immediately found the money as soon as the issue touched upon the confrontation with the PRC. Thus, the United States has shown that its priority is the battle against China for the Asia-Pacific region, rather than the confrontation for Ukraine with Russia in Europe. Ukraine for the United States is a secondary place in their scale of interests.
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  1. -1
    10 March 2024 19: 51
    It became known that the US Congress approved a certain level of funding and allocated $7,1 billion for economic support for island states and territories in the Pacific Ocean in exchange for the exclusive presence of US troops there

    There, in these island states, you are probably aware of the old instructive saying:

    Fear Danians bringing gifts.
    1. +3
      10 March 2024 20: 11
      Nope, they’ll take it and ask for more. They only gave Ukraine five lard for cookies. Besides, in reality only the “cookies” will reach the natives, and the Pentagon will get the lion’s share. Benefactors, yes.
  2. -1
    10 March 2024 20: 27
    when will the Americans adopt their own budget? laughing
  3. +2
    10 March 2024 20: 42
    For China, Taiwan is the most important Island.
    I think, China is not bothered about the latest circus played by USA

    Creating US military presence in these remote islands is a stupid move.
    The logistic cost to sustain US military presence in this area is huge
    Its an unnecessary expenditure.

    The US Air Force is already punishing the islanders living in Hawai.
    They have polluted their drinking water.
  4. +1
    10 March 2024 20: 45
    So pay off the local opposition of the islands, and raise a wave of “indignation”, and at the international level present evidence of US occupation actions in independent island countries. The proven recipes for color revolutions are put to use, and the People’s Republic of China will not spare yuan for this.
  5. +3
    11 March 2024 00: 18
    In the Asia-Pacific region everything is simple, the Americans won’t give it, the PRC will give it. You don't even need to think. The confrontation between the United States and China is at the level of trade wars, which will never develop into a hot one. Taiwan will be quietly absorbed by the PRC without a hot phase. Ukraine is a clear example for China of how not to wage war.
    1. -2
      11 March 2024 06: 36
      the ruin is a clear example for China of how to wage a war, and China joined in. China no longer supplies cotton for gunpowder to the West hi
    2. +1
      11 March 2024 09: 15
      The outskirts asked for war themselves. Well, they squeezed Crimea out, they could have quietly “milked” Russia for it all their lives. And Donbass was shoved at them for eight years, to no avail. Why did the troops drive there - did the West advise you to fight? China is learning from this example, Taiwan is learning from this example. And the states have money for the military-industrial complex, arming everyone around them supposedly because of the threat of China. China would gladly sit on the shore if the Americans did not try to persuade Taiwan, “Taiwan is not China.” The same rake, only cross-eyed.
  6. 0
    11 March 2024 08: 44
    For Americans, 7 lard is pennies. The Pentagon will easily pull them out of your pocket just for breakfast.
    So this is not an indicator of the importance of the region and the unimportance of Banderstadt. So that the arrogant Saxons refuse to kill Russians with the wrong hands, and even in Russia?! Never mind!