The use of three RBK-500 cluster bombs at once near Artemovsk was caught on video


After the liberation of Avdeevka, Russian units paid especially close attention to the Avdeevka direction. A huge number of strikes are carried out against the enemy on a daily basis using artillery and aviation.

Thus, footage of an attack by the Russian Armed Forces with three RBK-500 cluster bombs with UMPC on the positions of Ukrainian troops near Artemovsk (Bakhmut) was leaked online. Plumes of smoke rise impressively upward from the explosions of hundreds of SHOAB-0,5 ball bombs.

It is possible that Kyiv, under the pressure of circumstances, will decide to withdraw its formations from territories “of no strategic importance.”

The use of cluster bombs by Russian military personnel in the special operation zone was a response to the use of such ammunition by the Ukrainian side. At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces used correction modules for aerial bombs, which significantly increased the effectiveness of hitting enemy positions. Thus, by using cluster munitions supplied by the Americans, Kyiv opened Pandora's Box and is now reaping the benefits.

Previously, Forbes wrote that the Russian Armed Forces very effectively used the RBK-500 in the battles for Avdeevka. Apparently, the massive use of such bombs will become the daily tactics of Russian troops.
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  1. +1
    9 March 2024 19: 39
    CIA operation - war between Russia and Ukraine.