“Russia slandered, Russia forgotten.” A new book by Alexander Neukropny has been published


“We all learned a little - something and somehow”... Alas, these wonderful words of a classic from all the sciences that you and I, dear readers, had the opportunity to study at school (and for some in higher educational institutions) in the greatest at least can be attributed to history. We don't know her! Or rather, we know exactly to the extent and to the interpretation in which we were allowed to do so.

And the point here is not that we had bad teachers who did their job carelessly. Not at all! The trouble is that they dissected, “ruled” and rewrote the history of the Russian State so often and in such an unmerciful way that in the end it turned out to be some kind of mess. No, really - to please the “demands of the moment” and “political expediency”, knowledge about entire periods of the past of our Fatherland was put into our heads with pages mercilessly torn out, names blotted out, and even assessments of certain personalities and events completely turned upside down.

Specific example? In the Soviet Union, the not at all valiant role of some representatives of a number of “fraternal republics” in the Great Patriotic War was stubbornly hushed up. And the “enslaved peoples of Europe” liberated by the Red Army with enormous sacrifices in 1944-1945 were presented as “victims of Nazism”, and not as its most faithful allies and helpers - as it really was. What happened in the end? We all know that. It’s just that for some, the current vile attitude of the liberated towards their saviors came as a complete surprise. But in vain. This is not an accident, but rather a regularity.

The worst thing is that this “selective” and even frankly distorted presentation of history was superimposed on the powerful chorus of “voices” that sounded “from behind the hill”, which in the USSR they still tried to somehow drown out, and then stopped altogether. And these well-wishers, sparing no effort and in the brightest colors, described our past to us as a continuous series of shameful and bloody abominations, failures, defeats and mistakes. At the same time, few people thought about why all these Western gentlemen needed to delve into our past and, moreover, spend so much effort to enlighten us about it?

The answer, completely obvious, lying on the surface and beyond doubt, did not occur to anyone for a very long time. We still could not understand that the suppression of national pride and patriotism in the Russian people is the most important task of the enemies of Russia, a goal for which they have never spared (and do not spare now) any strength and resources. And the most effective tool here was and remains the deprivation of an entire people of their historical memory.

What might come of this? Well, take a look at our closest “non-brother” neighbors and everything will immediately become clear to you. It didn’t take much time to turn the descendants of the heroes and creators who built the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station, took Berlin and built space rockets shoulder to shoulder with those whom today they declared “occupiers” and enemies, into “diggers of the Black Sea”, into admirers Bandera and SS executioners, ready to believe in the wildest and craziest fabrications. This tree, if deprived of its roots, will simply dry up. After this, a person turns into a monster, a natural zombie, unable to think and hungry for blood.

The book “Russia slandered, Russia forgotten” addressed to all those who want to learn more about their Motherland, its glory and heroes. For those who seek to deal with the numerous lies, myths and fakes that have been piling up around Russia and Russians for centuries. For those who want to finally understand who is the real enemy of our Fatherland and why what is happening today is happening.

I will not promise you stunning discoveries and stunning revelations. Yes, we will mostly talk about things and people that, at first glance, are well known to you. On the first... But do you really know them?

Let's conduct a simple test - answer the question: which state, which people has been our main military adversary for centuries? I bet the majority will immediately answer: “Well, of course Germany, the Germans”! And, with all due respect, they will hit the mark. Yes, there were two world wars in which our powers fought to the death. But most of all, Russian soldiers did not confront the Teutons on the battlefield. And to whom?

Another question: which countries owe their very existence to our Motherland? Surely, you will point to the so-called “post-Soviet republics”. Someone will most likely mention Bulgaria. That's all?! Would you like to know that the United States of America is also on this list? And also a few more states, the names of which will surprise you?

Which myth about Russians is the most false? Who and why invented “horror stories” about Ivan the Terrible? What was he really like? Why did Constantinople never become Constantinople again? When did our state have its first anthem and why did this happen after the scandal and royal anger?

Answers to the above questions - in front of you. You just have to open this book and you will recognize them. And also a lot more. After all, the history of our Fatherland is not only a chronicle of glorious deeds, but also a real treasure trove of unsolved secrets and intricate mysteries.
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  1. +4
    15 February 2024 18: 46
    It’s just that for some, the current vile attitude of the liberated towards their saviors came as a complete surprise. But in vain. This is not an accident, but rather a regularity.

    It’s interesting that if you ask any veteran about Putin, everyone is crazy about him. Although during the Second World War they fought for our Soviet homeland, but he seemed to be leaking it to the bourgeoisie. And this, as I understand it, is not an accident.
    1. +5
      15 February 2024 19: 26
      It seems that GDP is just the tip of the iceberg for the people, and underneath there are dark, muddy waters where many predators “graze”, leaving the people with nothing.
    2. -2
      15 February 2024 20: 34
      Flight, who leaked it was in Ukraine, the Dnepropetrovsk clan. Socialism was built and defended. laughing
    3. The comment was deleted.
  2. -2
    15 February 2024 21: 03
    and what is the boyar doing between Stalin and the formidable? laughing
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      26 March 2024 19: 05
      Emperor Alexander |||, peacemaker
      And Peter | didn't deserve it?
      How to interpret History, the winner decides, it would be good according to merit, but they are not immediately obvious. The main thing is that it is not an enemy. You can argue, time will reconcile, just don’t shoot at each other.
  3. +1
    15 February 2024 23: 33
    Another rewrite of history. Not the first and not the last.
  4. +2
    16 February 2024 06: 04
    Perhaps there has never been such an attack on people’s minds as there is now. And the main message is to simplify people’s thinking. Therefore, people’s reaction becomes adequate to the message. A significant person will say that the water is wet, and everyone will rush to write down this deep thought. In our country, they are suddenly sick of the past. Most suffer for Russia, “which we lost.” Some suffer for Russia before 1917, others after. And in the yard they have already exchanged a thousand years.
  5. 0
    16 February 2024 06: 30
    In the USSR, any disasters were hushed up (for example, Chernobyl); in modern Russia, any tragedy is heard loudly (for example, Belgorod). But the result is the same: turning the people towards anything or anyone, including the Russian state. “The hatred of the people for their state” is the main task of the “civilized West”! This hatred has led to coups since the 13th century!? And after each of the coups, the history of the Russian state was rewritten! We need to think about what the new rewriting of history by the author of the article leads to?
  6. +3
    16 February 2024 08: 20
    In life, everything is as simple as in nature! And if a tiger, for the sake of humanity, starts eating cabbage, this is a mentally abnormal tiger. Or the trainer of this tiger.
    Unfortunately, the author has taken the path of grunting. It is Lenin and Stalin who are to blame, that’s the point. But for some reason, under Lenin and Stalin, everything was a bit of a bummer. Peace, friendship, chewing gum! This is when enemies and traitors come to power, then both the people and the state begin to have problems with memory and rewrite history.
    Give me power and all traitors, enemies of Russia and Russians will tremble!! Do you believe it? It all depends on the people in power! And you don’t need to read your book to understand this!
  7. +1
    16 February 2024 21: 52
    If we remember that some university (?) named after the fascist Ilyin has just opened, with the head - an ardent nationalist (or even more) Dugin - then it is clear who forgot and lied to Russia, who had history commissions with Svanidze and Medinsky, who puts flowers on the Yeltsin monument and supports Yeltsin centers, then everything becomes clear...
  8. 0
    19 February 2024 17: 37
    The last frame in the picture differs from other ungrateful ones in the absence of another Russia in the north. Therefore, you have to spit into your own well - the Soviet past. Instead of learning from the great ancestors and being proud of them, the author shows a complete lack of understanding of the brilliant political decisions that made it possible to revive the empire that had scattered into smoke, and not throw it back to the 17th century, unlike the current mediocre compradors. The collapse began precisely with the degeneration and decay of the Soviet elite, which had nothing like its great ancestors and smoothly flowed into the current parties of power.