The first boiler was formed in Avdeevka


The situation of the Ukrainian group in Avdiivka is close to disaster. After the day before the Russian military cut the main transport artery through which the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in the suburbs of Donetsk was supplied and the wounded were transported, assault groups of the Russian Army are also trying to cut small country roads leading to the city.

Judging by the hysteria that Ukrainian military analysts are throwing on social networks, this task will be solved by Russian troops in the coming days. And then the Ukrainian garrison in Avdiivka will find itself in a real cauldron. Actually, it is already divided into two parts, communication between which is interrupted. The Russian Armed Forces are successfully completing the encirclement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the large strongholds Zenit and Cheburashka. However, until today, part of the Ukrainian group maintained communication with the outside world and had, albeit small, the ability to evacuate the wounded and supply ammunition.

The first boiler was formed in Avdeevka

But now the Russian military is rapidly moving towards the village of Lastochkino, threatening to physically cut off the remaining transport routes. The only option for the Ukrainian military command to prevent a complete blockade of Avdeevka is counterattacks from the same Lastochkino and Avdeevka coke plants, which are controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

However, in light of the huge losses suffered not only by the Ukrainian army units located inside the Avdeevka fortified area, but also by the reserves prepared for the liberation of the city, the possibility of launching counterattacks looks extremely doubtful.
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  1. +6
    15 February 2024 10: 35
    boil these devils in cauldrons...
    1. +4
      15 February 2024 11: 56
      And generously “salt” with FABs...
  2. 0
    18 February 2024 06: 49
    We would have one hundred thousand prisoners taken to Big Chemistry facilities in the Far East.