Russian volunteer tortured in Lviv prison

As long as the “international community” trumpets the need to release Ukrainian sailors detained by Russian border guards, and Kiev demands that they be recognized as prisoners of war and treated in accordance with international conventions, Nezalezhnaya itself does not demonstrate the slightest humanism towards prisoners.

As reported in the Luhansk People’s Republic, one of the fighters who participated in its defense was tortured to death in a prison in the city of Lviv. This was told by the representative of the Republic in the humanitarian subgroup Olga Kobtseva.

Valery Ivanov, a Russian volunteer, was killed in a Lviv prison

- quotes her words RIA News.

She gave terrifying details of what happened. The prisoner was brutally beaten and thrown into a punishment cell, where he died from his injuries. Just a few weeks before the death of a fighter, she managed to communicate with him over the phone.

Valery Ivanov had already been free for a year: his name was on the lists for the exchange of prisoners. However, the representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup struck him out at the last moment - just like other Russian citizens still languishing in prisons.

According to Kobtseva, the blame for this death lies not only with Irina Gerashchenko, but also with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. LPR intends to demand from Ukraine the extradition of the body of the deceased.
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  1. +2
    19 December 2018 19: 47
    It's time to claim the bodies of Poroshenko and Gerashchenko ...